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Chapter 285: meet by chance

Sending his friend Barret away through the teleportation circle, Chris continued to patrol the city of mind flayers, or "hanging out" as it was called. .

Today is..., the little mage thought hard, then took out a pocket watch-like thing from the space ring, and looked down.

On October 20, 687, he shook his head and smiled. If you count it by date, yesterday should be your birthday, but it is not the birthday in this world, but on another blue planet.

Chris found that it had been nearly 5 years since he came to this fantastic world, and the memory of the past gradually began to blur.

Forget it, these things don’t have much meaning now. It’s the most important thing to enjoy the current magnificent and colorful life.

Chris hummed a song whose lyrics he couldn't remember, and walked towards a group of cavemen slaves nearby. At this time, the group of slaves were eating lunch, and the little mage grabbed the food from the nearest caveman—roasted mushrooms, and then extended his hand to the largest individual in the group of cavemen.

The big caveman held a large air-dried toad pierced by a wooden sign in his hand. It raised its head and looked at Kris pitifully, but under the silent and continuous persecution of the little mage, he helplessly raised his hand. handed over the dried toads in.

The little mage held the roasted mushroom in one hand and the dried toad in the other, and continued to stroll through the city while eating.

Not far ahead is a large ring building. Because the drow is an extremely arrogant, highly ambitious, and extremely cruel race, there is always this special building in their city - the 'Blood Arena'.

Powerful monsters captured by the drow, skilled alien slaves, and even the drow's own warriors will all fight in this blood-soaked arena. If any slave or warrior is lucky enough to be favored by the female nobles in the drow, his status will be drastically changed.

Chris bit the dry toad and walked into the arena. At this time, there was no one in the arena, but he could still smell a rather pungent **** smell. The little wizard walked halfway around the arena, and found a leather neck bag on one of the seats.

Drow nobles will use this necklace to carry their family's crest, while commoners will use it to carry a black metal plaque of the drow family they serve.

The neck pocket now holds a round silver crest with a green spider surrounded by a snake's head whip on the front (most drow crests are spiders of different forms) and the back is this The family's initials "M"...

This drow city, formerly known as 'Sasti Ruiya', is very large. Kris vaguely heard that there were nearly twenty drow families in the city at the beginning, and he didn't know where this family was ranked. Did anyone escape alive during the battle and pass on their family.

The little mage put away the bag and family crest, threw the eaten wooden sign on the ground, turned around and walked out of the arena.

Near the arena is a deep pit surrounded by iron fences, surrounded by four tauren guards in half-armor and armed with two axes, all guarded and alert.

This deep pit is a 'spider transformation abyss', and those losers who did not pass the test of the spider goddess, the spider elves, linger in this abyss.

From time to time, the drow will throw prisoners who have offended the spider goddess, slaves who have made mistakes, and the dead in the arena into the pit, and reward the spider elves as food.

The deep pit seems to be connected to many caves and tunnels around the city, and the unfortunate monster, a hybrid of spider elves, crawled back and forth in it, serving as the outer defense of the city.

In that tragic siege battle, most of the spider elves had been wiped out by the mind flayers, but there were still a few remaining in the pit and its connecting tunnels. Even now, they have not been completely wiped out, and occasionally an angry hissing from the depths of the darkness can be heard.

Going around the spider-like abyss full of corpses and pain, a large area ahead is a civilian area.

The building complex of the whole city is like a huge cobweb that has been woven, the center of which is the prayer tower of the spider goddess. Next to it are the worship hall and the priest school.

The higher-ranked drow clans will leap away from the central wishing tower, while the commoners will live on the outer edge of the spider web for a while.

Kris likes to look around in this ruined city and appreciate the cultural customs of these drows.

There are towering mushroom groups and huge stalactite columns in the aristocratic area. The top of the stone columns is embedded with bright purple crystals. Whether it is outdoor carvings or indoor furnishings and utensils, they are quite exquisite, and they are quite similar to their cousins ​​on the ground.

The civilian area is relatively simple, and the drow civilians living here all need to work non-stop, such as farming, making handicrafts, or entering the army.

At this time, the houses in this area are almost empty. The number of mind flayers in the city is not too large (the little mages have always controlled their numbers), even the noble districts are generally not full, and their huge slave army lives in the barracks on the other side of the city, and the city walls , towers and other defense facilities, to facilitate unified management.

Turning a corner, Chriss encountered an army of slaves patrolling the nearby area. It consists of three stone-blind barbarian vassals armed with stone axes and spears, and two gray dwarves with warhammers on their shoulders.

After these guys saw Chris, they quickly put their weapons on the ground and stood on the side of the street. After the little mage passed, they picked up their weapons and continued to patrol.

When Chris passed by the half-closed door of a building, he inadvertently heard a small sound of "crashing, clucking" coming from the inside.

The little mage stopped curiously, turned and walked towards the building that made the strange sound.

Reaching out his hand and pushing open the half-closed door, it was dark inside. However, Kris, who cast the 'Dark Vision' spell, can easily see things in the dark like those underground natives.

The door creaked against the wall, and the strange noise inside the building became louder. It seems that something is running away in panic, and the clear running sound of footsteps is obviously not something that creatures such as mice can Could it be that there are still drow remnants here? Chris was puzzled in his heart.

To be on the safe side, although a series of protective spells such as 'Mage Armor' and 'Deflection Field' are constantly on his soul and mage robe, the little mage still casts a few more spells on himself.

The brilliance of magic power continued to shine around him, 'protective arrows', 'reverse effect spirit armor', 'stone skin technique', 'elemental shield', 'reverse electric kill', 'magic flame protection' and so on... …

After the Magic Empire, new mages can use magic unscrupulously as long as they have enough magic power, and there is no restriction on magic net spell slots.

After adding, Chris followed the footsteps he heard before and walked slowly into the house.

The kitchen-style room was quite messy, and many cutlery and cloth bags for food were scattered on the ground. Chris didn't know if it was the slave army who rummaged through the food when they were collecting food, or the thing that ran away in panic.

The little mage walked past the kitchen and continued forward.

The sound of footsteps sounded like entering the room on the left in front, and the door of this room was still shaking slightly at this time, obviously the thing was inside.

Chris prepared an attack spell and a control spell at the same time with his dual-casting talent, walked over slowly, and gently pushed the door open.

In the corner of this bedroom-like room, a drow is curled up. To be precise, it was an albino drow child who was completely naked (harmoniously) naked, with a morbidly pale complexion.


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