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Chapter 287: Distal phalanx Thirteen (Part 1)

It is the realm of the dead, the darkest heart of loneliness, the land of emptiness and endless greed. It always wants to **** all life in the multiverse - good and evil - into its stomach. And, even if it does achieve such a goal, it is still hungry for more.

Dark Realm (Negative Energy Plane), in a frontier tower of the Magic Association.

This sentry tower is called 'Distal Phalanx 13'. As the name suggests, it is a very inconspicuous one of the outermost defensive facilities arranged by the Magic Association in the dark realm.

There are many other defense facilities similar to the 'Distal Phalanx 13' sentry tower. Their greatest function is to let the central 'Death Skull' know the certain situation of the invaders when they are destroyed.

'Angus' is an ordinary skeleton guard in the sentry tower. At this time, he is holding a pointed rib in his hand and carefully wiping it with a piece of rotten leather.

Angus wiped the rib and held it up in front of him again. The orange-yellow soul fire was churning in his eyes, and he said softly to the rib, "Silla, you are very beautiful today!"

After finishing speaking, Angus put the rib into his chest, then adjusted it left and right, and then broke the other one, "Corosa, it's your turn..."

After wiping all the ribs in the chest cavity, Angus nodded with satisfaction, put on the bright steel armor, put on the shield, tied the scabbard, and walked out of his house.

In the hall on the bottom floor of the sentry tower, three guys, Poison Claw Ghoul Bowen, Skeleton Archer Bud, and Frozen Zombie Darren, were still playing cards quietly. In Angus' impression, they have been playing this game for nearly thirty years. Still, it's not their longest record.

The longest poker game these guys played for ninety-eight years was almost a hundred years old, which was a pity.

What was the last time they stopped playing poker? Angus recalled. Oh, it's the very powerful winter corpse, leading dozens of corpse vassals and a large group of ordinary skeletons, wanting to pay attention to the 'distal phalanx 13'.

It was a rather tragic battle. The winter corpse was a little underestimated in the final stage of the battle, and was precisely shot into the eye socket by Bude with a special arrow against the undead, causing the fire of the soul in the skull to be greatly damaged. If this is not the case, then all the guards in their tower will probably have to be killed by the powerful enemy covered with a thick ice shell.

But what if they were all wiped out? Those who successfully invaded would eventually be killed by other colleagues.

In Angus' limited memory, this sentry tower where he has lived for more than a thousand years has been occupied by the enemy seven times, completely leveled once, and he himself has been resurrected because of battles again and again. Twenty times.

The number of times like this is not very high. Bowen, the ghoul with poison claw, always likes to rush to the front in battle, and he does not like to wear heavy armor, nor does Darren's corrupt and strong physique, so Bowen has been resurrected more than three hundred times.

But that's still nothing. As long as the central ‘Death’s Skull’ exists, these undead guards will never truly die.

Unlike the undead in the boundless darkness outside, after the fire of their guarded souls is extinguished, they will not weaken even a single point, nor will they be resurrected in place, but will return to the vast 'Death Skull' inside, Re-awaken there, and obtain a new body according to the information left by the 'primitive mark'.

It is precisely because of this that these undeads can basically maintain their original consciousness in the resurrection again and again.

Actually, Angus really wanted to be a ghoul. At least ghouls can taste food, even if it's just some rotting corpse.

For more than a thousand years, Angus has been a bone frame in armor, and he is a little tired of it.

Unfortunately, Angus does not have the right to choose. The 'primitive mark' he left in the 'Death's Skull' was a skeleton guard with a shield and sword, so he couldn't be any other kind of undead.

Although it is not entirely impossible to want to change the "role", it is very unlikely. Those necromancers who are "busy" in the central area don't care what a small skeleton guard can think.

Angus knows that in this field called "Eternal Body", there are countless "characters" like him, and as many as they want, they will be created. Angus didn't dare to touch Master Mage's bad head just because he didn't have any meaningless little wishes.

On the card table at this time, Bowen used his green sharp claws to pick up an obsidian-carved stone card in his palm, but he didn't move for a long time. The ghoul's ugly and ferocious face frowned, as if he was struggling with whether or not to play this card.

Angus is a little envious of this, but he can't make any expression on his own bone face. He can only use the opening and closing of his mandible to make a crisp tapping sound, which is his favorite activity when he is bored on duty.

The percussion will also be accompanied by a song in memory, rhythmically sounding. The ballad was the only memory fragment left when he was alive. As for other impressions of his life, he had long since forgotten it, and he himself didn't care about that past.

Alas, how wonderful life would be if one could be a ghoul one day! The fire of the soul in Angus' eye sockets churned indistinctly.

He stood at the card table and waited for most of the day, but the card between Bowen's claws still hadn't been played. Angus reckons that this enviable ghoul is likely to struggle with this card for days, weeks or even months. Bowen's character is like that.

If there is really any benefit to being an undead, then almost unlimited time" must be the biggest benefit, so they can splurge unscrupulously.

However, such benefits do not really belong to them, because undead guards like Angus have no right to decide whether they should fall into eternal sleep.

"Excuse me, Angos." Darren raised his head, exhaled a breath of mist, and said to him vaguely, "Ms. Sandora is looking for you."

"Fuck you fat man!" The fire of the skull guard's soul boiled, and the skeleton archer Budd next to him also agreed, expressing his dissatisfaction with this dead fat man who was covered in freezing fog in the true sense.

Darren let out a deep laugh, paying no heed to Angus' curse.

In fact, the undead can communicate through the fire of the soul, but Darren always likes to use his corrupted voice to speak some vague common language. He's showing off that he still has a voice, as this guy has always been for thousands of years.

"When did Ms. Sandora find me?" Angus asked casually. Since the lady didn't go directly into the room to find herself, it shouldn't be a big deal.

"Three days ago," Darren replied. Then the frozen zombie let out a loud fart, and the icy blue mist was almost the same as what he exhaled from his mouth.

Angus's soul fire flashed, indicating that he already knew. He tucked back the card between Bowen's claws, drew another, and threw it on the table.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and climbed the spiraling stairs to the top of the sentry tower.


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