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Chapter 288: Distal phalanx thirteen (bottom)

On the top floor of the sentry tower 'Distal Phalanx 13', Ms. Sandora floated on the top of the tower as usual, staring at the boundless darkness in the distance.

"You're looking for me, ma'am?" Angus, the skeleton guard, bowed his head respectfully.

Ms. Sandora is the tower spirit of the sentry tower of 'Distal Phalanx 13', and is also a bound spirit among the ghostly undead. In a sense, this sentry tower is actually her body, and Angus, Bowen, Darren and other undead live in her body.

"There, there is a strange dog." Ms. Sandora pointed her finger into the distance, and said in an ethereal and dull voice. Her translucent spirit body twisted incessantly, and her waist-length hair fluttered gently in the air.

"Dog?" Angus looked out of the tower suspiciously, but saw nothing. Immediately afterwards, the fire of the soul in his skull flourished, and he finally saw the thing that Lady Sandora was referring to.

It was a very ordinary small bone beast, and it was hard to say what species it belonged to before his death. Just like Angus, you can't know where he was when he was alive just by his bones. What's more, his body has been changed many times, and sometimes the bones of this body even come from different individuals.

In his body after his last rebirth, the lengths of his two arms were quite different, which made him very unaccustomed to using them. Fortunately, during an investigation, he was killed by a vicious mummy, and he has this body.

In the distance, the small bone beast kept spinning in circles, happily chasing its bone tail. If no one bothers, its senseless action may continue until the end of the multiverse.

"It's not in any danger to anyone, ma'am." Angus restored the skull fire to its original state, "If you're worried, I'll go out and destroy it."

"No!" Ms. Sandora turned around and stared deep into Angus' eyes with those blank, indifferent eyes. "I want that dog. Go and bring it to me."

"Yes, ma'am," Angus replied. He turned around and went downstairs, preparing to catch the small bone beast that acted on instinct before his death.

In fact, Ms. Sandora was not such a cold, dull character before. In Angus's impression, the lady used to be quite lively and liked to fly back and forth around the tower, and even tried to fly farther, but was always pulled back by an inexplicable force halfway through. No way, that's the way the spirits are.

After that, the great war nearly seven hundred years ago changed her.

In that war, the mages sitting in the central 'Death's Skull' did not know what happened. The vast army of undead was overwhelmed, and they lingered outside the tower for a long time. The mages did not give any further information. instruct.

Angus did nothing in that battle. He only held on for a moment, before being overwhelmed by the tide of his undead kind. Before the fire of the soul was extinguished, he saw a death Titan more than ten meters high, bombarding the sentry tower with a huge hammer in his hand.

Lady Sandora was simply unable to stop the death titan. The lady with no other choice chose to fly into the skull of the death titan, trying to control this powerful enemy with her innate 'spiritual possession'.

Angus didn't see the end, but the failed ending was not hard to guess. 'Spiritual Possession' is to deal with living creatures, he doesn't know how to use it on the same kind.

In short, after the collapsed sentry tower was built again, the reborn Lady Sandora became what she looked like before.

In the lobby at this time, the long game of cards was stuck with Bowen again. After seeing Angus' figure, this tangled poison-claw ghoul quickly covered the card in his hand and barked his teeth at our skeleton guard.

Angus ignored the guy, but pushed open the gate of the sentry tower and walked straight out.

Outside the sentry tower, three skeleton guards like it, three skeleton strikers with double knives, three fat rotten zombies whose bodies explode when they are dying, and Bennett, the raging ghoul, are nearby. Dutiful patrolling.

In this area of ​​the 'Eternal Body', each undead has its own fixed job and position. Bennett's job is to patrol around the tower, while Angus and Bowen's job is to investigate, support, and deal with other unexpected situations.

In addition to a few guys playing cards and Angus himself, their group also had a flaming skeleton Vincent. Vincent will use scorching rays and throw flame balls, causing great damage to their undead counterparts, the most powerful among them.

Angus walked to the boundary of the magical protection of the sentry tower, hung the shield behind him in his hand, and pulled the weapon out of his waist before raising his foot to cross the boundary.

Compared to other planes, the Dark Territory appears quite barren. Except for a few magic materials such as soul stones, there are very few other valuable things. But no matter what, this is the home of their undead. Their mother is selfless and kind, supplying their activities with majestic and vast negative energy.

Several ordinary zombies stood in the way of Angus' progress, wandering aimlessly back and forth. They have no subordination, no consciousness, and only desire to be able to taste the flesh of living creatures.

But this is the realm of darkness, and their wishes are destined to be difficult to achieve. It is better to let themselves fall into eternal sleep.

Angus swung his long sword and split the head of a zombie in front of him in half. This is the best place for you, he thought, and although I can't decide my own destiny, I can at least help you out.

Encountered a dangerous group of zombies and tried to fight back, but Angus killed them all neatly. Although our skeleton guard is not a high-level undead, but it can be selected by the mages to keep the original imprint in the skull of death forever, thus passively achieving immortality, then his own strength must be far more than the small soldiers in front of him. No.

After a short walk, Angus finally saw the small bone beast that was learning from the 'Ouroboros', which was still circling in circles at the same time.

After he slowly approached, the small bone beast stopped its stupid movements and looked up at him.

The next moment, the fire of the soul in Angus' skull suddenly burst into flames. He imagined that he would use the fire of the soul to directly coerce him like those high-level undead.

Although the Skeleton Guard doesn't have such ability at all, he should be able to deal with a small bone beast about the size of a dog with the strength of his soul fire.

It's a pity that the intensity of his soul fire is still a little less meaningful after all. After the small bone beast was coerced, it did not stand by, but turned its head and started to run away.

Angus was slightly annoyed, and then raised his legs to catch up.

The small bone beast fled in a panic, and the speed was quite fast. Angus, who was chasing behind it, thought silently in his heart that if he could not catch up with the 'Void Stone' closest to here, he would go back.

"Obey" is the eternal creed of Angus, and Ms. Sandora's rank is indeed higher than him, and he really needs to obey her orders. However, the lady is not a mage after all, and the task of guarding the sentry tower is still the first.

In the distance, the solid block that was countless times darker than the surrounding darkness gradually revealed its shape, which was the 'Void Stone'. Certain areas of the Negative Energy Plane, UU reading www. will because the intensity of the plane collapse is too great, causing the plane itself to start to fold with a lot of energy. After the fold is stabilized, this suspended absolutely dark matter is formed.

The Void Stone is extremely dangerous, and almost anything that comes in contact with the Void Stone is instantly destroyed. In Angus' memory, he vaguely remembered that there seemed to be similar things in other planes.

All planes will continue to disintegrate, collapse, and destroy in the void, and then begin to reorganize, breed, and grow. This 'void stone' is a kind of self-protection for the complete plane to isolate the irreversible collapse. means.

Getting closer and closer to the void stone, just when Angus was about to give up, the small bone beast in front suddenly stopped.

The whole body of the small bone beast was curled up on the ground, and its tail was retracted into the pelvis. And the next moment, Angus also knew the reason.

A Nightmare Beast covered in green fire quickly appeared in front of him from a distance, and on the back of this Nightmare Beast was sitting a tall death knight.

In the air beside the death knight, a ghost in the shape of a little girl floated. The little ghost flew to the side of the bone beast, squatted down, and touched the latter with his translucent spiritual body.

Then the little ghost turned to the death knight and asked, "Uncle big, can I keep it?"

"No!" the death knight replied, "this thing belongs to someone else!". He rolled over and dismounted and walked towards Angus.

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