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Chapter 289: Incarnate the undead

If someone asked Barrett, "Hey dude, how does it feel to go from living to undead?" he would touch his chin and tell the person, "Well... well, honestly, not bad."

Yes, not bad.

His figure is still the same, but his skin has become very tough, just like cooked cowhide that has been tanned, but it is a little cold to the touch. This is not a bad thing for adventurers, at least it can make you really "calm down".

As for the heart, it can finally take a long vacation. More importantly, it can still beat vigorously after the long holiday. The blood turned into another extremely viscous, silver-gray liquid like mercury, which prevented the blood from freezing into sharp ice crystals in the blood vessels due to low temperature, and pierced out of the body with movement.

His chest also calmed down, and he lost his habit of rising and falling breathing, so Barrett didn't have to worry about his fresh breath (though he rarely cared about it before).

His eyes turned into two piles of blue fireflies, condensed and burned in the eye sockets, making his vision very special.

Now Barrett can not only easily see through the darkness as thick as ink, but also mark and track at a super long distance - as long as he has looked at each other's soul fire, then no matter how far the other party runs away, as long as he is still here. In the plane, he can clearly see the light of the burning soul of the other party by concentrating his mind.

Not only that, the 'dark realm' that was still roaring at him in the last moment, madly trying to devour him, after he used the transformation skills, he suddenly turned into a gentle and peaceful woman. .

The 'woman' smiled and stretched out her arms to Barrett, who was in a state of undead, wrapped him around his chest, and gently stroked his head, giving our barbarian adventurer a sense of comfort and tranquility.

Barritt never thought that the negative energy plane, which is extremely dangerous to living people, actually has such a warm side. He also specifically asked the little ghost Eve, and the answer given by the little ghost was this:

"Woman?" Eve's expression was puzzled at the time. "I just feel like I'm lying on top of a big strawberry pudding. I can sleep on it because it's really soft and soft. And when I'm hungry, I don't have to. Get up, just open your mouth and you can take a big bite! Hee hee, my mother never came to let me eat in bed before."

Strawberry Pudding and Lady's? It should be the same feeling.

However, after becoming an undead, it is not without any shortcomings. Since Baritt in the form of the undead does not need to eat, and the various foods carried in the space ring are not much different from rotten wood, he always feels inexplicably lacking in that kind of comfort.


"The light fades away, the darkness is proud!" The skeleton guard on the opposite side bowed his head respectfully, "Angus greets you on behalf of the 'Distal Phalanx 13' tower, Lord Death Knight."

This guy is the guardian of the 'Eternal Body', not the undead of the wilderness. When Barrett saw it for the first time, he recognized this from the special fluctuation in the fire of the opponent's soul-all the undead guards of the Eternal Body have such fluctuations.

"The light fades away." Barrett replied simply.

He actually didn't know the meaning of this sentence, and he didn't know why these undead guards, no matter what type, liked to say such an inexplicable sentence when they said hello. But no matter what, as a newcomer, it was inevitable that he would do as the locals do.

"Hello, uncle, is this dog yours?" The little ghost floated over and asked the skeleton guard named 'Angus'.

The fire of the soul in the other party's skull flickered a few times, and it turned to look at Barrett, and then at the little ghost, "It doesn't belong to me, but I'm chasing it, and Ms. Sandora wants to get it. It." The Skeleton Guard replied.

"Oh, that's it." The little ghost pouted slightly, and his face showed disappointment.

Barrett shook his head helplessly, "Hey, you can go in there." He pointed to the jewelry around his neck, "But this guy can't." He pointed to the pile of bones curled up in the ground, "Who will take care of it after we go out? I don't care."

"The dog doesn't need to eat, we can lock it up and bury it in the ground." Little Ghost was a little dissatisfied.

dog? uncertain. Looking at the bones, who knows what this thing was when it was alive, maybe it was a jackal. "Anyway, people saw it first." Barrett was right, then turned to look at the skeleton guard, "Since you came for it, it's yours. Say hello to your Lady Sandora for me. "The barbarian tried his best to make his words and deeds echo his identity.

Almost all death knights were orthodox knights in their lifetime, and they had received good martial arts training. They had read the declaration on the title page of the "Code of Knights". Only in this way can they transform into powerful death knights with a low probability through a special transformation circle after death.

Only Barrett was born in a wild way.

Because the "raw materials" of death knights are relatively scarce, necromancers will concentrate on researching various new types of undead with lower requirements but still powerful. For example, hate.

After hearing Barrett's words, Angus, the skeleton guard, bent down, grabbed the eye socket of the small bone beast with his iron gloves, and picked it up, "Thank you, my lord." It bowed its head respectfully again.

"You're Barrett waved his hand. If it weren't for the armor with the seven-pointed star's emblem shining brightly on his body, maybe the skeleton guard in front of him wouldn't even be able to communicate, and he would have just drawn his sword and slashed over.

"Then..., is this thing in your collection catalog?" Barbarian pointed to a strange solid about the size of a lemon that was suspended in mid-air not far away.

The skeleton guard Angus turned his head and looked, "'Void Stone'?" Its soul fire filled its eyes, "No, my lord, this thing is extremely dangerous, and any normal creature would not want to touch it ."

Well, we all know that the mages in the floating city obviously do not belong to the category of "normal creatures".

"I think so too." Barrett nodded. "No one wants this dangerous thing except those guys." He said to Angus, "Since you don't want it, I'll take it away."

The message from the skeleton guard was full of doubts, "Do you want to get it, my lord? I advise you not to do it. You may not know that anything that comes in contact with it will be destroyed, anything!"

"I know, I know, but those mages sent me here to do this," Barrett shrugged and gave Angus the skeleton guard a helpless look, "At least, those guys gave me some reliable collection tools. ."

After Barrett finished speaking, he looked at the little ghost again, "Remember, like last time, stay here and don't move, understand?" After getting the latter's affirmative answer, he cautiously moved towards the incomparable piece. The dark solid block walked past.


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