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Chapter 290: Collect Void Stones

Even though he had already collected it once, Barrett was still a little nervous as he approached the strange solid block that was countless times darker than the surrounding darkness.

He has seen with his own eyes how this kind of thing called 'Void Stone' destroys other things that come into contact with it.

It was during the first collection that Barrett controlled a nearby zombie with a missing jaw and drove it towards the Void Stone.

At that time, as the distance between the zombie and the void stone slowly approached, Barrett could clearly feel the zombie's soul fire beginning to struggle faintly. According to common sense, even if he slashed the controlled zombie and devoured its soul fire, this guy would not resist at all, but at that time, Barrett really felt that The mindless zombie seemed extremely reluctant to approach the eerie black solid.

However, in the end, the zombie without the chin still touched the 'Void Stone' under the pressure of Barrett. The picture after that makes people palpitate. Even though the barbarian's heart in the form of the undead has been soundly asleep, he is still frightened by the process of disappearing zombies.

Hey, now is not the time to think about these things. Barrett concentrates, leaving the irrelevant images behind. Fortunately, no matter how nervous he is in the form of the undead, his breathing will not be disturbed, and his palms will not sweat. Every movement of the body driven by the will of the dead is extremely firm, like a construct.

In a sense, constructs and undead have a lot in common.

One step, two steps, Barrett is getting closer and closer to the 'Void Stone'. He felt the tingling of the skin hidden under the armor, as if the nerve tissue that had been sleeping in the deepest dream state jumped up from their sleep and warned him loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the two blue fluorescent spots condensed in the eye sockets also began to disperse slightly, and the death knight Barrett felt his rock-solid will, struggling and swaying like a candle in the wind.

"You know, Mr. Barrett, death is not the end of everything..." Kris's friend named 'Ben Yisu' in the floating city once said to him.

Ben Yisu is a young mage with many flame patterns on his robe and a curly hair on his head. Barrit's sharp eyes impressed him deeply, as if he could penetrate the soul.

Although the left cuff of Ben Yisu's robe is embroidered with only two magic seven-pointed stars, it looks like a low-level mage, but during the conversation, the mage inexplicably gave Barret an omniscient sense Feel.

"In the eternal, nothingness of 'annihilation', even 'death' will disappear." Curly Master explained to him at the time, "Once you touch the 'Void Stone', even if it is only a slight fingernail tip Contact, and irreversible annihilation will follow."

And when Barrett asked if the so-called 'annihilation' was the end of everything, Master Ben Yisu shook his head meaningfully, and then said indifferently, "No, Mr. Barrett, annihilation will only last forever. Eliminate your existence, most of the escape methods such as resurrection, reincarnation, and substitute will be ineffective in front of it, including the 'lich's phylactery'. But it can't eliminate your past, and people's love for it. Your memory and praise. So, Mr. Barrett, 'forgetting', that's where it all ends."

Very good, this is not difficult to do, many of us adventurers have already reached this end. The body paralyzed by alcohol and fear collapsed on a pile of mud or a lovely carcass, roaring, venting, and crying, but still unable to find the value of its own existence. We have always been that way.

Of course, these groaning words above were not what Barrett wanted.

At that time, he only twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and gave an embarrassed but polite smile to Ben Ysu's bizarre and literary answer.


The body tingling warnings continued and got worse. That kind of pain seems to have occurred in the ethereal soul, not in this pale and cold body.

Barret ignored these and continued to move forward, the little ghost and skeleton guard behind him stayed in place and did not move.

When there were still about five steps away from the pitch-black solid block, Barrett took out a hexagonal crystal with many magic runes engraved on its surface from the space ring.

The size of the crystal is not much different from that of a small pumpkin, and the runes on the surface are constantly shining with a special pattern, circle after circle, never stop.

Barrett tightly clasped the lid-like thing on top of the crystal with the fingers of his left hand, but he did not open it for the time being. Instead, he mustered all his will and took a few steps forward again.

Barret stopped when he was only an arm's length away from the 'Void Stone' in front of him. He could feel that his will gradually began to blur, and the image of the solid block was gradually distorted and doubled. However, having had one experience, he already knew this situation.

If he could breathe, Barrett would definitely take a deep breath at this time to stabilize his mind. Now that he can't, he won't waste too much time.

Our wild-born death knight suddenly used his left hand, and with a slight 'click', he opened the lid on the top of the crystal, which turned out to be a strange jar.

Barrett quickly pocketed the crystal jar engraved with runes from the bottom up to the 'Void Stone' and put it in the whole thing. However, he was very careful not to let the void stone touch any part of the crystal jar, but just let it stay in the center of the jar in the Barrett held the crystal jar in his right hand, motionless, and his left hand was slow. Close the lid slowly. Then, he glanced at a silver ring on the little finger of his left hand.

The surface of the ring was inlaid with a pupilless eye made of purple gemstone, and this gemstone eye would blink up and down from time to time, looking rather strange.

When Barrett turned his head to look at the ring, the purple eyes on the ring face immediately looked back at him.

"It's up to you." Barrett said softly to the ring. Immediately afterwards, he pointed the face of the ring at the crystal box, and the purple eyes began to accumulate light.

The light became brighter and brighter, and after three seconds, a purple light curtain shot out from the eyes and shone on the hexagonal crystal box. In the next moment, the crystal box suddenly disappeared, and the same fate happened to the 'Void Stone'. In the center of the purple eyes on the surface of the ring, there was a hexagonal pupil at this time.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding darkness surged happily towards the place where the void stone disappeared, wiping away the last trace of the thing like a tide.

"Very good, the second piece is also collected!" Barrett removed the ring on his little finger, and took out a rectangular box of mithril from the space ring.

He gently opened the box, which contained four other purple eye rings. Several jewel eyes kept twisting, but they looked at Barrett at the same time.

"You, go in." Barrett put the ring with pupils in his hand into the fixed position in the box, "you, come out." He took out a new pupilless ring from the third position, and put it on again. on his little finger.


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