Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 292: Funeral Garden

Bypassing the 'negative energy monster' wandering aimlessly (this thing will explode after being killed, and Barrett doesn't want to provoke it), our death knight stalked forward for a short distance, and saw the object. The situation reported by the body raven.

It was indeed a large number of bones, and the raven 'corn' was not wrong, and the number was indeed quite large. Strictly speaking, the pile of yellowed bones should be a cemetery composed of large and small skeletons.

Inside the fence formed by the bone spurs in the cemetery, there are many bone tombstones densely placed. All the tombstones are arranged in a scattered pattern, guarding the central church-style building. Huge ribs formed the walls of the building, and the roof and entrance of the building were the skulls of a nameless giant beast with two horns on its head.

In front of the Bone Church, there are two statues of skeleton griffins. The griffins spread their jagged wings, and there is no rider on the saddle made of finger bones.

On the right side of the church building is a small conjuration tower more than three meters high. The tower body of the Soul Conjuration Tower is built from the thigh bones of humanoid creatures, and at the top of the tower are four eerie white skulls.

Barrett simply walked around the cemetery, and based on the shapes of the facial bones and teeth of the four heads at the top of the soul tower, he vaguely judged that they should belong to humans, elves, orcs, and trolls.

"It's so scary here, big uncle!" The little ghost leaned towards Barret timidly, and hugged his cold little arms to his colder arms.

"Then you still want to raise that little bone beast?" Barrett replied casually, rubbing Eve's little head.

"This is different!" Little Ghost said with his head raised, "That little bone beast is very cute, and these big bones are really scary." Following her words, the pattern on Little Ghost's dress changed again. One sticking out her tongue and wrinkling her nose, a grimace she made herself.

Barrett remembered that when he entered the Unnamed Plane last time, little Eve still did not know how to change his spiritual body. The control of his ghost body has been further deepened.

Turning his mind back, he carefully looked at the whole bone cemetery in front of him. It seems that this cemetery is just some kind of strange facility unique to the dark realm, and no enemies have been found yet. If the crow 'corn' did not lead him here, he should not have come to visit.

"Is this the enemy you speak of?" he asked the raven. "What is it?"

"Garden of Bone Burial!" The raven jumped on the back of the Nightmare Beast and lightly pecked at Barrett's iron glove holding the reins, "Garden of Bone Burial, Garden of Bone Burial!"

Helpless, Barrett took out another handful of corn and fed it to the Construct Raven one by one, and muttered to himself, "Garden of Bone Burials? Could the bones in this still move? "He stared at the skeleton griffin, and glanced at the four heads on the top of the tower, and found nothing unusual for the time being.

"Huh, huh? It seems to be moving!" Little Ghost said uncertainly. Immediately afterwards, she exclaimed loudly, "Uncle big, it really moved!"

Barrett glanced again at the skeleton griffin statue, the skull of the nameless beast, and the tower of spirits, only to find that they were still the same. But the next moment, he also discovered what the little ghost said.

It was not the movement of a certain root or a certain bone, but the whole cemetery was slowly moving towards him.

Death Knight Barrett was not too surprised. This situation is normal. In the dark realm, a pile of movable bones is simply a very common thing.

This is the 'Garden of Bone Burial', and it seems that it itself is a super-large undead creature! Barrett was somewhat aware. Then, he took out two rune swords from the space ring, and poured the power of frost into the swords.

Because the negative energy overflowing in the dark realm will slowly corrode the metal, so no matter how high-quality ordinary weapons are, as long as they do not have the ability to resist negative energy, they will be slowly corroded and disintegrated, and finally their quality will be reduced or even become scum all over the place. .

Weapons after rune casting can completely offset this corrosion, but rune weapons are not for living people, and the casting process is irreversible, so Barrett is not willing to convert those handles that are quite easy to use. Weapons, after all, unlike other death knights, Barrett is essentially a living person.

In addition, only rune weapons can fully carry the power of death knights, and every death knight must create his own rune weapons, and Barrett is no exception.

After he arrived in the dark realm, he came to a death knight barracks called 'Fengya Fortress' in 'Eternal Body', and spent two days learning the 'rune' from a fellow death knight. Forge' skills. After that, he purchased two high-quality stainless steel longswords from the quartermaster, and used the rune furnace in the fortress to forge these two rune longswords by will create the good rune weapons When holding it in his hand, Barrett immediately felt a very familiar and comfortable feeling, as if the two swords were an extension of his body and will, and he had only felt this feeling on the weapon of the 'Iron Bride' before. Pass.

Death knights are fully familiar with the rune weapons they forge, and each rune weapon can only be used by the death knight who crafted it. As the female death knight who taught Barrett's "Rune Casting" skill said, "There are many similar weapons in the world, and these two belong to you only!"

The huge 'Garden of Bone Burial' moved faster and faster, and the distance from Barrett was getting closer and closer. Eve obediently returned to the jewelry without waiting for Barrett's instructions.

The accessory "Eternal Sleeping Land" can only be activated after the little ghosts enter, and its "Guardian of Eve" attribute can be activated, so that all the undead damage (whether physical or magic) that Barret takes is reduced by 20%.

And Barret, who has this attribute, even has the confidence to challenge the bone dragon, if he can meet it.

The 'Garden of Bone Burial' suspected of being a super-large undead creature, the first wave of attack was the two skeleton griffin statues. The two skeleton griffins first moved their bodies rigidly on the statue base, then flapped the pair of skeleton wings, and with the help of the extremely rich negative energy of the plane, they clumsily glide into the air.

The two skeleton griffins were suspended in the air one by one, and after a few seconds, they swooped down towards Barret like a meteorite.


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