Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 293: true form

After a violent impact, Barrett was knocked to the ground by the skeleton griffin from the back of the nightmare beast. I have to say that he is a death knight who is not very skilled in riding...

"Who made you, why don't you even have the most basic abilities? You can't even ride a horse so badly?" The female death knight 'Ais Renee' who taught Barrett rune casting skills, Asked him, "Mage Dominic? Mage Cornell? Or Eugene the Archlich?"

When she said this, it happened that a death knight wearing a full-faced round helmet also came to use the Rune Forge. When the death rider passed by, he patted Ais Renee's ass, and then he was grabbed by the arm of our female death rider, and was thrown out of the house fiercely, "Go away. Go **** your ghouls and stop messing with the old lady!" she roared loudly, her voice echoing in the empty room.

Then there was a burst of cold and low laughter outside, but Barrett was inexplicably nervous.

I didn't touch it, why should I be nervous? He didn't know the reason at the time. (Barrett would never admit that he was a little scared at the time)

After dealing with the colleague who did not forget to wipe her oil after her death, Ace Renee turned her head to look at Barrett calmly, "Don't tell me you were also made by the old alcoholic 'John Dee'." She looked us up and down The upright rookie Death Rider, then shook his head again, "Probably not. That old alcoholic hasn't made traditional undead for a long time. That guy abandoned us and only focused on researching new 'toys'."

After Ais Renee finished speaking, she sneered disdainfully, "Yes, we are all toys in the hands of those **** mages, those guys in robes are like little children, and their mood changes every day. Change. Sometimes they would yell and say, 'Oh! You are my best work, God, look at your icy blue eyes, how charming, if I were two hundred years younger, I would love it Fuck you! I even want to kiss you now!' and staring at times like an idiot, 'by the way, what's your name? Well, it's like this, the room in my magic tower is a little different Enough is enough, you go to the dark realm, there are many of your kind there, you should have a good time.'"

"Then you were kicked out and came to this stupid B's place, with a bunch of ghouls, zombies, bone racks, and those stupid kindreds, except to clean up the undead outside that can never be killed every day, You can only reminisce about the days when you were alive occasionally. What’s even more ridiculous is that you have almost forgotten those days when you were alive, and you can only pretend to remember them in your heart.” The female death rider kicked the rune furnace next to her, and issued made a loud noise. "Happy fart!"

Barrett didn't know why the curly-haired mage specifically told him to come to the female death knight in front of him to study. If possible, he would prefer to find a death knight of the same **** to communicate with, at least not... How can I say it? It won't be so emotional, and the atmosphere shouldn't be so embarrassing.

Barret really didn't know what to say about Ace Renee's complaint.

The number of female knights is very small. After sorting out the entire history of mankind, and removing those female knights of vase nature, the number of female knights who are truly skilled in martial arts and have been on the battlefield is likely to be less than a thousand. Because of their rarity, the life of each of them is almost recorded.

Barrett had never heard of the name 'Ace Renee' before, and she should not have died in the past 100 years. When our new death rider plans to go out in the future, look for opportunities to inquire.

"Hey, big man, don't stand there without saying a word, tell me who made you, a rookie necromancer? Could it be that his transformation circle is wrong, which caused you to even forget about riding? Ace Renee continued the original question, "If the mage didn't tell you his name, you can show me the arcane mark on you. Those guys always like to keep their arcane mark with us." These creatures are as if we were their livestock."

"That, I don't have a mark on me." Barrett kept an awkward smile on his face (he's been doing this a lot lately), "I, that..., I created myself."

"Che, if you were a little calmer when you lied, I might have believed it!" Ais Renee folded her arms around her chest, not seeming to be angry, but a little curiosity on her face, "If you don't want to say it, don't say it. Well, it's not a big deal, but I didn't expect your character to be more arrogant than your size. As we all know, we death knights are not naturally undead, we need creators, but no death knight dares to say Your own maker is yourself."

What are you asking me to say? You won't believe me if I say it, Barrett murmurs in his heart. Fortunately, the little ghost reported their home timidly, and the two women found out that their creator was actually the same mage. Barrett's 'Rune Forge' technique.

Her somewhat inattentive teaching made our rookie death knights always worry that their 'Rune Forge' would be flawed.


Back in the fight.

Barritt rolled to avoid the follow-up attack of the skeleton griffin, and got up from the ground in time, slashing the latter's neck with a sword. "Well, it looks like I'm not born to be a knight." He felt helpless at his poor horse fighting skills.

Another skeleton griffin was entangled with the nightmare beast. The 'Carrot' deftly dodged the opponent's pounce, and continued to use the green flames on his body to corrode the bones of the skeleton griffin.

However, the skull griffin with its head cut off in front of Barrett was not scattered as he had imagined. He continued to attack him with sharp claws and bone wings, as if he was not affected.

It seems that these two skeleton griffins are not real undead, they should only be part of the body of the 'Garden of Bone Burial'. Barrett guessed in his heart.

Frost force haunts the 'Death Knight Swords' (that's the name Barrett gave these two weapons), and the 'Pain' in the left hand and the 'Despair' in the right hand strike the headless griffin like a gust of wind , froze the bones of its body into a brittle lump of ice, and then shattered to the ground.

With high-speed slashing, quite decent frost damage, and the innate 'Devil's Blade' skill, only a few heartbeats... No, Barret has no heartbeat anymore; just a few breaths..., no, no, Feel sorry.

With just a snap of his fingers, the headless skeleton griffin had already shattered into a piece of bone scum, and there was no possibility of putting it back together again.

Yes, Not Bad! Barret nodded inwardly, expressing his satisfaction with the damage he had caused in an instant. Then he ran to support the Nightmare Beast mount and easily eliminated the other Skeleton Griffin.

After that, the constantly approaching 'Garden of Bone Burial' began to vibrate wildly, and all the bones in the garden, no matter how big or small, moved in an instant. Fences, tombstones, the coffins at the bottom of the tombstones, and the dead skeletons buried in the coffins began to gather and pile up frantically towards the church-like building in the center. The skull of the nameless giant beast at the top of the building, arched higher and higher!

Immediately afterwards, the cemetery disappeared, and a super-large snake-shaped skeleton monster appeared in front of Barrett.

The head of the monster is the skull of the nameless giant beast with two horns at the top. Several huge and sharp ribs are arranged on both sides of the front end of the snake-shaped giant beast, and they are swaying fiercely. The tail of the snake-shaped monster is That annoying tower of spirits.

And this is the true form of the super-large undead creature, the Garden of Bone Oh, you really found a big guy for me! "Barritt looked up at the construct raven hovering above the 'Garden of Bone Burial', feeling a little helpless.

The Garden of Bone Burials, which had returned to its true form, swayed back and forth with its tail, and the four heads of different races at the tip of the tail let out a terrifying scream as it swayed.

The scream was like a mind flayer's psionic power, violently stabbing the brain in Barrett's skull. However, he is not a human now, but a template of a death knight, and there is only a cold and vigorous soul fire in his head.

The soul fire of the high undead is quite resistant to this kind of terrifying scream. Barrett was only slightly dazed, and then returned to normal in an instant.

He concentrated his mind and let the fire of his soul shrink and condense, completely resisting the subsequent voices.

Immediately afterwards, the giant beast on the head of the 'Garden of Bone Burial' opened its mouth wide, and it carried its own weight, mercilessly impacted and tore at Barrett.

The dust filled the air, and the corrupt land was knocked out of a deep ravine. The 'Garden of Bone Burial' was munching on the food in his mouth, but he did not taste the extremely wonderful taste of bone marrow.

The 'Garden of Bone Burial' has an uncontrollable thirst for bones, marrow, and vitality, and the taste of corrupt soil in his mouth at this time makes him very angry.

The 'Garden of Bone Burial' raised its head and looked around for traces of its prey. The dust gradually dissipated, and Barrett's figure appeared at the neck of the super-large body of the 'Garden of Bone Burial'.


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