Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 294: fierce battle

Barrett jumped high on the back of the super-large undead creature-'Garden of Bone Burial'. After he paused slightly at the top of the air, he stabbed the weapon with both hands upside down. 'Pain' and 'Despair' slammed into the neck of the snake-shaped skeleton behemoth, and the bone **** flew, shattering countless closely arranged bones.

He still remembers the look on the face of the female death knight, Ace Renee, when he heard the name he gave to the pair of rune weapons.

"Are you serious? 'Pain', 'Despair', is this the name you gave your two weapons?" Ace Renee looked at Barrett with disgust at the time, "Wow, I can't Not to mention, it's really special."

Ais Renee was afraid that Barrett couldn't hear the sarcasm in her tone, so when she said the word "special", she also made a special sign of "double quotation marks" with her finger.

"Hey, what's the matter? We are death knights, isn't the name of the weapon in line with our identity?" Barrett defended a little bit at the time, "Come on, my weapon, bring pain and despair to my enemies. !" He pondered these words in a low voice, "Look, this is quite imposing! Anyway, I think these two names are very good."

"Of course, this is your weapon, call them whatever you want. You can also call them 'sad', or 'sad', or 'tears'. If you have other ideas, you can even call them 'sweethearts' ', or 'lover'. Anyway, these two weapons belong to you, they can't choose their own names like me."

"'Bring pain and despair to my enemies'!" Ais Renee used a yin and yang tone to learn from Barrett's words just now, "Wow, hundreds of years have passed, and now various countries and lords are cultivating knights. At that time, is there no requirement for cultural literacy at all?"

Although Ace Renee's eyes were the same as Barrett's, they were two bluish blue light as cold as frost, but Barrett believed that he must have rolled his eyes when he saw this woman, absolutely!

Women, there is no one to be with, even after death. Our new death rider wanted to change his mentor from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. He was afraid that he would not be able to get out of the 'Sharp Fang Fortress'.


The two rune weapons 'Pain' and 'Despair' pierced behind half the sword of the Garden of Bone Burial, and the power they carried was exhausted. Eventually, they got stuck inside the skeleton beast, somewhere in an unknown crevice.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the frost centered on Barrett's double swords spread wantonly to the surroundings. Wherever the cold fog and ice crystals passed, those gray-white, yellowish, and dark-brown bones crackled one by one. 'A sound, all frozen and cracked by the breath of frost.

Barrett's technique of "Frozen Land" was learned from the female death knight Ace Renee, and it was not the same as that used by Viscount Fried who fought against him.

Although his 'Frozen Land' cannot strengthen himself a little while standing on the ice like Viscount Fried, his move is more excellent in terms of low temperature, and the freezing damage will quickly attack any Enemies who step on it.

The snake-shaped skeleton behemoth with the Frost Flower hanging on its neck angrily twisted its huge body. Its crescent-like ribs on both sides swung wildly in the air, as if it wanted to grapple or pierce something. But in terms of the current battle situation, it was just a futile swing.

After that, Barrett found that a large number of bones were detached from the body of the 'Garden of Bone Burial'. The scattered bones began to gather and arrange again on the back of the main body. In a matter of seconds, many humanoid skeletons holding bone knives and bone shields, and dozens of small and medium-sized bone beasts of various shapes had appeared in front of him and surrounded him in the distance.

The formed skeleton guards and many bone beasts rushed towards Barrett quickly. They ran as steady as the ground on the back of the body's 'Garden of Bone Burial' with the craggy bone spurs.

It seems that before destroying the big guys, we have to deal with these little miscellaneous soldiers first. Barritt twisted the weapon in his hand twice, and then pulled it out of the neck of the Garden of Bone Burial. He danced a sword flower with both hands at will, waiting in place for the front and back of the bone army to attack.

Barritt was also very stable on the frozen ground he released, no matter how the 'Garden of Bone Burial' shook his head, he couldn't throw it out.

The two wolf-like bone beasts rushed the fastest, but when they ran to the frozen land, their limbs slipped and fell directly from above.

The falling bone beast didn't really fall to the ground. Their bodies suddenly began to disintegrate in mid-air, all the bones were scattered, and then, like iron nails attracted by a magnet, they were reattached to the 'Garden of Bone Burial'.

The enemy behind the wolf bone beast started to slow down and finally stopped at the periphery of the 'Frozen Land'. Only three bone beasts with wings and claws like mephits flew towards Barret.

However, this did not mean that the Garden of Bone Burials had nothing to do with the frozen area on his body. When the Demon Bat Bone Beast attacked Barritt, a large number of bones on its body were squirming again, densely packed with bones of various shapes, covering the area with cold mist one after another.

A layer of bones was frozen and cracked, and then another layer was covered. The 'Garden of Bone Burial' was very persistent in shrinking the scope of the frozen land.

Oh? Does this guy look okay? Barret nodded inwardly. Not only can he use his body to assemble various types of bone guards, but he also knows how to improve it to a certain extent according to different combat situations.

Really good!

If he can, he even wants to try to control the super-large undead creature under him with his innate high undead ability. This big bone rack will continue to change shape, and it should have a lot of uses in the future.

However, compared with the soul energy of large bone pets, Barrett still wants soul energy. After all, the latter can improve his own strength, and it is not only useful in the dark realm.

Another point is that he had just taught the little ghost not to raise a small bone beast before, and he turned his head and got a bigger one himself. Barrit felt that this would damage his majestic image in little Eve's heart.

Bone beasts are not difficult to destroy. 'Pain' chopped up a memphal beast that grabbed Barrett's head, while 'Despair' split another wing and let its body fall in front of Barritt, who was then used by Barritt with heavy metal boots Broken foot.

The third one was like a moth flying towards the flames, slammed into it head-on, but was directly split in half by our death knight with a rune weapon, and the chaotic bones were scattered like raindrops.

Barrett found that the bones that he had knocked apart, shattered, and cracked by freezing did not wriggle back to the 'Garden of Bone Burials', but remained rigid at his feet, or fell directly from the giant beast. go down. It seems that the "big magnet" under him has lost its original control over these "small iron nails".

He didn't know if the effect was the effect of the ornament around the neck (the undead that was killed would not be revived), or whether it was due to the talent "Anti-Magic Blade". All in all, the effect is pretty good.

The frozen land under his feet became smaller and smaller, and the price paid by the 'Garden of Bone Burial' was also very heavy. Countless bones on its body have lost their original activity.

As the distance approached, the skeletons and bone beasts couldn't help but began to sprint towards him one by one.

Barrett kicked a bone cheetah with two heads, which leaped like a catapult, and used 'Pain' to hold a bone knife of a humanoid skeleton that came down from the sky, and then 'Despair' joined another one. The bone shields of the tall troll skeletons collided violently...

These skeletons fought him quite fiercely due to their superiority in numbers.

The cheetah-like two-skull beast fell onto the only remaining piece of frozen land. The body and head on the side where it fell were frozen by the frost mist, but it still struggled to stand up.

The two-skull beast shook off the frozen head, dragging half of its body and biting towards Barrett. But before it took two steps, all four bones and claws were shattered under the action of frost. In the end, it fell down as a pile of scattered frozen bones.

In the battle, the bones were unsurprisingly at a disadvantage in the contest with the rune weapons.

The hard bone shield was cut open, and the troll skeleton holding it was chopped in two. The tauren skeleton wielded a giant axe composed of two shoulder blades, and slashed the frozen ground heavily, but when it pulled the axe out, only a part of the spine was left. hands. Then, it was chopped to pieces by Barrett's sword from top to bottom.

One, two, three, Barrett killed these bones very efficiently on the only remaining frozen land. Although the follow-up bone guards have never been broken, the size of the 'Garden of Bone Burial' has become smaller and smaller.

When Barrett raised his foot and covered the last bit of frozen land with bones, the body of this super-large undead creature had become only half the size before, and it was no longer worthy of the word "super".

Layer after layer of bones repeatedly covered the frozen ground, causing the area under Barritt's feet to bulge into a large bone mound. Immediately afterwards, the home field advantage changed, and every time Barrett took a step, several ferocious bone hands clinged to him, trying to slow down his movements, or a sharp bone spur suddenly burst out from the bottom, trying to stab him down.

The strength of the 'Garden of Bone Burial' is indeed quite good, and Barrett affirmed this powerful prey again in his heart. However, it still cannot escape the fate of being destroyed. Our death knights are more confident in their own strength.

Barrett slashed with double swords, eliminating several bone guards around him, and then his left foot broke free from the three bone palms and lifted it high. Immediately afterwards, the blue light in his eye sockets flourished, and his left foot condensed all the power of frost, and stepped heavily on the bone mound below him.

The frozen land covered by layers responded to Barrett's attack, and suddenly burst open from the inside of the bone mound.


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