Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 295: old and new death knights

The snake-shaped skeleton beast, the 'Garden of Bone Burial', which was much thinner than before, obviously couldn't withstand this ferocious and intertwined ice blast.

Most of its entire neck was blown open, and then it fell down like a tower that had been pulled away from its foundation. The rain of bones poured down from the sky, and Barrett was in this rain of bones, walking slowly towards the head of the 'Garden of Bone Burial' - the head of the nameless giant beast.

"Like me, we are all frost death knights. For our frost type death knights, after successful transformation, the frost power generated in the body is the driving force of all skills." Ais Renee When teaching Barrett, once said so.

"Don't worry, it's not difficult to use this power, it's just a matter of trying to shoot it out." She introduced casually, "You can turn it into thick fog, frost, howling wind, frozen soil, and cold rain. , or whatever, as you like. Then use it to smear your enemies, it's that simple."

Ais Renee took out her two-handed epee and turned the ground under her feet into a field of ice crystals and frost mist. Afterwards, she explained the use of the entire skill to Barret in detail, as well as the subsequent change skills.

When Barrett tried repeatedly, she said, "In the dark realm, you can basically use this frost power as you like, after all, this is the place with the most negative energy in the entire multiverse, and it is quite easy to replenish it. Even in the most expensive 'Frozen Land', most death knights can come again in less than half a day. And like me, the most outstanding existence among death knights, the elite of the elite, the 'No. The leader of the Seven Fangs' team will only need a few minutes of recovery before another shot." She raised her chin and looked proudly at our new death rider.

Che, I don't need these few minutes of recovery at all, I can..., Barrett murmured so maliciously in his heart at the time.

"But if we are in the main material plane, it will not be so convenient. After all, it is not the place for us dead people to go." Ais Renee pouted.

While practicing, Barrett asked casually, "I feel that the death knights operating in the main material plane seem to be different from us." Although he has never dealt with such high-level undead with his own hands before, he still often hears about it. of.

"Those are all created by ancient transformation rituals." Ais Renee explained, "The old version of death knights did not have as strong a demand for negative energy as us, and their strength was even worse." She used The hand gestured at the huge gap between the two, "Those death knights were originally created for the purpose of fighting in the main material plane. The original necromancer's mastery and use of magic power was simply unable to compete with the magic empire. Compared with the mages of the period. Of course, they are not so ambitious."

"And we." She pointed to herself, "it was created by the wizards of the Magic Empire with a new transformation ritual after the magic circle was greatly improved. Except for the death knights of the frost type like you and me, after the improvement The transformation ritual can also create other different types of death knights, and you will often encounter them when you walk around the fortress in the future."

"The purpose of our creation is not just to fight casually in the main material plane, because the world has already been peaceful in the beginning. The reason why those imperial mages spent a lot of effort and went through countless failures to improve the law Array, and finally made us..." Ais Renee said at this moment, her expression suddenly became serious, "We are going to fight the plane war."


The only remaining part of the 'Garden of Bone Burial', together with the head of the nameless giant beast and the few ribs, gathered together again and turned into a very deformed eight-claw with a big head on its back. spider. And the few sharp ribs that seem to be used to deal with large undead creatures are the eight claws of the skeleton spider.

This guy's vitality is really tenacious, but in Barrett's view, it's just a fight between beasts. But what happened next was beyond his expectations.

The big-headed octopus spider did not choose to continue the fight, but ran away quickly into the distance. It seems that the reason why this 'Garden of Bone Burial' gathered to such a large size before is obviously a little clever of its own.

As an elite adventurer, Barret naturally couldn't let his prey escape. The last time he encountered a purple worm underground, he let the big guy who was seriously injured run away, leaving only a tail. He didn't have much bibimbap at the time, but at this time such a thing can't happen again.

Without waiting for Barrit to signal, the Nightmare Beast 'Carrot', which was hovering near the battlefield, was wrapped in green fireflies and flew towards him.

At first, our death knight was going to try to jump on the saddle from the side when the mount passed by. But then he thought of his awkward riding skills again, and gave up such a very unreliable idea.

'Carrot' took its owner and chased towards the 'Garden of Bone Burial' in the form of a spider. The latter was so fast that Barrett had only a slight delay in getting on the horse, and found that his prey had disappeared into the darkness. But he was not worried about it, because the construct raven had been flying in the air, pointing him in the direction of the prey fleeing.

The speed of the Nightmare Beast is naturally much faster than that of the Skeleton Spider with a big head. In less than two minutes, Barrett found the figure of the 'Garden of Bone Burial' again.

Along the way, he also encountered three ghouls fighting with several but he ignored it and did not intend to go forward to "persuasion".

The soul energy obtained by eliminating these low-level undead is very small. Even if all those guys are eliminated, it is estimated to be only two or three points. It won't be so ugly.

Barrett motioned 'Carrot' to move towards the prey. As for the skeleton spider that was caught up, after finding that the enemy was approaching, it twisted the huge head on its back and ran while biting it extremely fiercely, but every time it was lightly avoided by the 'carrot'.

When the skeleton spider used the huge skull full of sharp teeth to bite the air again, the nightmare beast 'Carrot' was close to the skeleton spider.

Our death knight took this opportunity to jump on the skeleton spider and climbed to the top of the head of the nameless beast while breaking free of the many hand bones tangled from under his feet.

'Pain' and 'Despair' were raised high, and then stabbed straight into the beast's head. Immediately afterwards, the majestic power of frost was poured into the sword body, and after a few seconds, this super-large undead creature, the Garden of Bone Burials, finally fell into eternal sleep.

After killing the prey, Barrett opened the [Mission Log] immediately, and found that his soul energy actually increased by 65 points.

Well, good, good! He is very satisfied with this harvest. But just as Barrett was thinking about the follow-up action, the construct raven suddenly flew in from the eye socket of the head of the nameless beast, and then took out a crystal-like white bone fragment from it.


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