Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 296: 3 tasks received

"What's this?" Barrett asked towards the construct raven on his shoulders.

He didn't know what the crystal bone piece in his hand was. The shape of this thing is like a calf bone of some kind of creature. It is white and crystal clear, but there are some light yellow silk threads showing from the inside to the outside, like small cracks.

Maybe it's some kind of special part on the big guy 'Garden of Bone Burial'? Just like the mutant organs in the body of Warcraft due to the infusion of magic power? Barrett guessed.

But then again, the undead creature itself, the 'Garden of Bone Burial', is not the target of his quest to hunt, so this crystal bone slice can't be counted as a quest item, it can only be used as a magic material, see See if you can get a good price.

"Bone, bone!" Raven said a useless answer, then changed the vocabulary, "Magic stone, magic stone!"

What kind of creature can have bones like this? Forget it, put it away first, and then ask someone to ask when you return to the ‘Eternal Body’. Barrett put the crystal bone piece into the space ring, and took out a small broken magic spar from it, and fed it to the raven who kept begging for food.

After this construct bird came to the dark realm with him, its appetite became extraordinarily large.

"Seriously, what the **** are you doing here?" Dead people will also be curious, Ace Renee once asked Barrett such a question, "Also, you will eventually belong to the 'Sharpfang Fortress' Which team? I didn't receive an order for new recruits in the team."

She asked the question while taking Barrett to the quartermaster's selection of fitted armor. Because of the slow attack of negative energy, Barrett found that the surface of the cooked cowhide armor on his body had begun to crack and corrode slightly. Obviously, after a long time, the degree of defense provided by this armor would be minimal, so our death knight Newcomers also began to experiment with full-body armor.

"Well, I don't actually belong anywhere..." Barrett replied while choosing the style of armor, "I'm a free man."

"Ha, a free death knight? If it was before, I would definitely be quite jealous of you, but now..." Ace Renee shrugged, "What if you are free? There are not many places for the dead. Good to go. I have to admit, the mage who created you was a little bit generous. He didn't imprint you with his own arcane mark, and he gave you freedom?" She obviously didn't believe in Barrett's 'make yourself' 's speech.

"Each mage has a different level of control over his own creations. Have you seen this mark?" She removed the wrist guard on her left hand and let Barrett look at the pattern on her arm.

The shape of the pattern is very simple, just a blooming rose flower. Although the color of the petals is very bright, the edges are slightly gray-black withered.

"This is the old drunkard's secret magic mark. The guy can sense me through this mark, and then give me orders through the magic tower. If he wants, he can even control me completely through the amplification of the magic tower, or Destroy me directly, no matter what plane I'm in, I can't escape." Ais Renee said in a flat tone, "Of course, that guy never does that. He just made us, and after appreciating for a while, Just toss us anywhere and forget about it completely. Hey, little guy, do you have this on you?" she asked the very well-behaved ghost next to Barrett.

The little ghost looked at himself for a long time, and begged Barrett to help him find it. After getting a negative answer, he shook his head and shook his head blankly.

"It looks like you're just an experiment, and can't be considered a finished product. Or maybe that old alcoholic has changed his personality because of something?" Ace Renee said casually, "I once heard a follower follow. His oldest vampire, inadvertently mentioned that when he was young, when he was just a junior mage and didn't have the habit of drinking, he really fell in love with what he made..." She said here, suddenly Stop the topic, "Forget it, what am I telling you about."

Ais Renee buckled her wristbands and helped Barrett select several standard armors for death knights, "You will lead this little guy around you all day long in the future?"

"Of course not, I'm here with a mission to complete." With the help of the female death knight, Barrett put on the armor piece by piece, and then moved his body again, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He still prefers leather armor, which is easier to wear and easier to move around. Fortunately, he is now in the form of an undead, and he doesn't need to eat or take a bath, so he doesn't have to take it off after putting it on.

"Are you here for a mission?" Ais Renee was a little surprised, "What mission?"

"Well..., collect 5 void stones, do you know that thing? I heard that it is very dangerous, but I have special collection tools. The number can't be too much, and it can't be too many. Also, find at least one 'confinement castle' ', and get the items sealed in the castle. Of course, the more items you get in this quest, the better." Barrett told the truth.

"'Confinement Castle'? Is it the place where those evil villains sealed items related to the good camp, or other things before the empire?" Ais Renee asked curiously.

"Yes, it should be." Barrett nodded.

Due to the thick negative energy and special plane environment in the dark realm, in ancient times, when the good and evil camps were in full there are many evil guys who like to **** the Those treasures belonging to the good camp are sealed in this almost limitless plane.

Those treasures are either locked at the top of towers made of dark iron, or in the depths of strange and unpredictable labyrinths, or in castles protected by heavy undead guards. And these buildings with treasures sealed are collectively referred to as 'confinement castles'.

The mages after the empire actually didn't look down on these treasures, because they were able to create items more powerful than these treasures themselves. And many of these treasures have restrictions on their use. For example, the users are limited to priests or paladins (these two professions are now extremely rare), so their value is not great, and it is difficult to find them. very troublesome.

However, there are still some mages who want to collect them, and they have inadvertently obtained clues about the location of a certain or a few 'confinement castles', and because they are too busy to make this trip, they entrust others to find them.

"In addition to the above two, there is also a task, which is to kill some special kinds of undead and get some of their parts back. I have a list of undead here, and I will pay as much as I kill. ." Barrett finished introducing the three tasks of his trip.

"So, your creators meant to use you as an adventurer? To complete quests and collect materials, not a war machine like us?"

Barrett nodded noncommittally, "Maybe it is, maybe because I was an adventurer in my lifetime."


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