Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 312: the end of the story

The owner of 'Elegant Clavicle' is more of a collector than a businessman.

In Barrett's view, the greatest joy of this concentric double-ringed skeleton with gold plated forehead is to introduce his dazzling collection to others, and to tell the unknown history behind some bones with special significance.

He thought that the identity of the shop owner should not be too simple. An ordinary skeleton could not find so many different types of bones, no matter how long it lived.

However, Glacman did not take the initiative to introduce his past, and Barritt politely did not ask more.

The exchange of the 'Orc Spellcaster's Skull' for the 'Crystal Bone Piece' went smoothly. Glacman simply asked about the origin of the skull and agreed to the deal.

After this, the owner of the shop, who was in a good mood, also presented Barrett with an exquisite armband made of the teeth of some kind of beast. Each tooth in the armband is polished to a smooth finish to avoid accidentally stabbing the wearer. Four of these teeth were slightly longer than the others, and they should be the sharpest canine teeth in the beast's mouth.

[Snoot's Howl: The coyote Snot is a wanderer in the northern barren land. It does not live with its own group, but lives alone, hunts alone, and faces the orcs and people in the barren land alone. Giants, and all kinds of unforeseen dangers.

Snowt is a variant of a coyote group. The dark purple color of the whole body makes it incompatible with the rest of the group, and it also makes it extremely difficult to lurk and approach prey. But Snow still used his tenacity and mutant physique to grow into an excellent hunter, an existence that made the three orc clans in his activity area very timid.

Species in the barren land are scarce and scarce, and hunting here is not an easy task, so Snowt regarded the relatively abundant orcs as his prey. In its short life, it hunted 63 orcs and devoured their corpses. It is worth mentioning that the vast majority of the orcs it killed were sturdy warriors.

When it howls to announce its arrival to its prey, no matter how brave the orc clan will close its gates and guard it nervously all night. Therefore, the surrounding orc clan gave it the name 'Snoot', in the Orc language, 'Snoot' means the terrifying ghost in the wasteland. 】

[Equipment: Increases damage to orcs by 10%. When the wearer is in the Barrens area, it will gain additional effects: Constitution +3, Agility +1. 】

[Note: "What a pity!" A hunter said after seeing its body. 】


After coming out of 'Elegant Collarbone', Barrett wandered around the rest of the neighborhood.

He saw a vampire in an aristocratic dress hanging listlessly under the eaves, holding a strange gelatin sphere in his hand. From time to time, the vampire dropped the sphere towards the ground, picked it up, dropped it, picked it up again, and so on.

I also saw a corpse holding a longbow of bones, jumping into the air with those bizarre anti-joint legs, and quickly shot down three arrows of bones. The arrows hit the target hanging on the wall precisely, and each arrow hit the bullseye. As Barrett passed a closed window, suddenly there were two dry palms slapping against the glass inside. Immediately afterwards, a pale woman's face slowly approached the window, and looked at Barrett with resentful scarlet eyes.

Our death knight put his hand on his waist subconsciously, to prevent the undead creature in the window from making further moves. But the other party just stared at him stubbornly, without any other extreme actions.

Neuropathy! Barrett cursed secretly, got up and left the very hostile building.

There are many stone carvings on an open-air paving, and the owner of the paving is a ghoul sitting on the ground. The ghoul clasped the stone little by little with its claws, looking quite attentive.

The small stone sculpture in the hands of the ghoul caught Barrett's idea. The statue depicts a bizarre creature with a mind flayer-like octopus head covered with tentacles, webbed claws, and a bloated body. It has a pair of bat wings that are long and narrow and full of holes.

A frivolous imagining, this is Barrett's take on the statue.

He moved forward in a circle, and saw a skeleton in light armor sitting cross-legged on the roof of a building. There was also a huge sword with a simple shape on the skeleton's knee, and he sat there, motionless, like a statue.

Two mummified corpses, dressed in gorgeous clothes, but their skins were so withered that they could hardly be seen, were playing a kind of chess game that Barrett had never seen before in the middle of a narrow aisle. He leaned up and glanced twice, but couldn't see why.

Opposite the aisle is where the first spine is, and Barret can vaguely see that the little ghost is still listening to the zombie bard's The bard's actions are very rich in narration As he listened to his story, he would play the violin from time to time to enhance the atmosphere, making the little ghost listen very attentively, without noticing the arrival of his 'big uncle'.

It should be almost over, Barrett thought silently. Immediately afterwards, he jumped high and rudely jumped over the chessboard.

A little dirt stuck on the metal boots fell onto the chessboard, causing the dissatisfaction of the two mummified corpses. The fire of the soul in their skulls flourished, cursing Barrett constantly, and making a threatening roar.

The undead creatures in the Forest of Spines don't seem to care about his high-level undead status as a death knight, which is not the case in other parts of the Eternal Body.

"Oh, sorry." Barrit said casually, "However, it's not a good habit to play chess in the middle of the road!" After he finished speaking, he walked straight to the direction of the little ghost.

"At the end of the battle, the red dragon Ulysses fell heavily to the ground. His body was scarred, his wings were broken, and the scorching blood of the dragon splattered the ground. Yes, Ulysses was dying, and he could no longer be Flying in the air, it can no longer spit out the raging dragon flames."

The zombie bard said slowly, "The hero Enoch pointed his sword to his head, but Ulysses didn't care about his own death, he just looked at Princess Janice affectionately, 'Farewell, I The princess.' he thought, 'maybe in the next life, we will continue this game of dragon and princess'."


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