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Chapter 313: Blacksmith Calvin (Part 1)

Passing through the first spine, Barrett took the little ghost who was still in the mood after listening to the story, and walked towards the fourth spine area where the storm dwarf Calvin was located.

Along the way, the little ghost asked all kinds of questions, all about the story the zombie bard told her, "Why would a dragon like a princess? Big Uncle? It's a story I've heard before. It's not the same." The little guy floated in front of Barrett, turned his back to the forward direction, and moved back lightly.

"Then you think this giant dragon worked so hard to catch the princess, but didn't eat her in one bite. What was it for? It must have done this for a certain purpose. As for what purpose? , In my opinion, 'like' this one is not unreasonable, even quite possible." Barrett casually said, "So, this is normal."

"Oh, that's it." Little Eve nodded in understanding, "When I listened to the story before, I never thought about this kind of problem. It turns out that the giant dragon catches her because it likes the princess. Yes." The little guy lowered his head and pondered, then raised his head and continued to ask, "Then, does the princess like dragons, big uncle?"

"How do I know this, you have to ask her herself." Barrett observed the road ahead through the light blue spirit body of the little ghost.

An extremely charming and moving ghost, "sit" on an ordinary gray tombstone beside the road, "Come in and have some fun? Lord Death Knight?" She smiled and said to Barrett, "It's hard to see here. To a handsome young man like you."

Come in? where? In the tombstone again? Also, what fun are you looking for? You have no entity! Barrett shook his head politely, while the little ghost in front of him glared at her kindred in dissatisfaction.

"In the story Askar told, it was not mentioned whether Princess Janice also liked the red dragon Ulysses. The story describes the princess a little bit, only about how she was taken away by the red dragon, How was it rescued by the hero Enoch and his companions?" The little ghost was still entangled with this question, "Uncle big man, should we go back and ask Aska?"

No, it's not a good idea. "Maybe Askar himself doesn't know either." Was that the name of the zombie bard? "Believe me, it's quite possible, after all, he heard it from someone else, and someone else heard it from someone else. I don't think anyone would know except the author of the story." Barrett paused. He looked left and right, then turned his head into another narrow path.

The undead here lay out the buildings like Galano's slums—that is, no layout at all. The streets are messy and weird like a labyrinth. Some places are clearly approaching, but after turning around, you find that a wall is very unsightly blocking it, forcing you to turn around and find a new path.

The little ghost followed him closely, "Uncle big man, do you think Princess Jenny will be happy when she is with the hero Enoch at the end?"

"Maybe," Barrett replied casually. "That's what people want to see anyway. Whether it's the person who wrote the story or the person who listened to it. That's the perfect ending."

He turned his body and let a strange skeleton with two knives on his back and a cloak on the other side of the road walk over first, "As for Janice's own wishes - if this story is true - I don't think the public will be too Don't care. Janice has no other choice, even if she doesn't want to marry the savior, even if she actually wants to be with the dragon named Whats."

"Damn it, it's a dead end again! Aren't the guys who live here also lost?" Barrett cursed angrily after he reached the end of the path.

"Why is this happening?" Little Ghost was puzzled.

"Who knows what the undead here think. Oh, you're asking for a story, um..." Barrett made up a reason in his mind, and then a thought popped into his head, "You know, Janice is a princess after all , not the queen, she can only obey the world and fate. This is normal, we are all like this, and there is nothing bad in my opinion."

After listening to the little ghost, there was a sudden silence, which allowed Barrett to have more energy to find the right path.

I should have circled the area around the fourth spine and searched for it, instead of just wandering around in a daze like this. At this moment, he really wanted to ride the Nightmare Beast, smash through these messy buildings and go straight through.

After a series of failures and countless wrong journeys, Barrett finally came to the root of the fourth sky-piercing spine.

According to the information given by the mummy, Calvin lived near a conspicuous four-story tower. It was a blacksmith shop made of stone, bone, and steel.

As for how to convince the storm dwarf to help build weapons, the mummy also gave some suggestions that sounded quite "reliable" - the undead do not have much desire, as long as Calvin is happy.

How to make a straightforward dwarf happy? It's actually quite simple, a cool, frothy ale, and a few compliments about his beard, and the dwarf will treat you like a brother and fight alongside you.

How to make a skilled blacksmith happy? There is also a way, some extremely rare ores, or other materials that he can see. Also, when complimenting his works, it should be to the point, but not too explicit, and should be restrained and After all, such people have already heard too many praises.

So, how to make an undead that has existed for hundreds, or even thousands of years, happy? This is not easy. These undead have been through so many things that even life and death can't make the fire of their souls ripple. The only remaining consciousness and memories are their most precious treasures, and they don't care about anything else. But these memories and awareness often do not bring them pleasure, only make them feel deeper pain.

In the introduction to the mummy, although Calvin's personality is quite straightforward like other dwarves, on the other hand, he is also very melancholy.

Every storm dwarf in the dwarves has its own unique surname, and Calvin is no exception.

'Thunder', that is his surname. Calvin Thunder's belief in Moradin, the main dwarf god, is extremely devout, and he is extremely proud of his identity as a storm dwarf.

Calvin Thunder had always believed that after his death, he would definitely return to Moradin's temple and become the roaring thunder and lightning struck on the hammer of the great dwarf master god. But what really awaits him is the reincarnation of a powerful mage into an undead creature that he hated so much during his lifetime.

Calvin in the form of the undead lost the ability to use thunder and lightning. He thought that he was no longer worthy of the surname "Thunder", and thought that he could not become Moradin's petitioner as he longed for in his lifetime.

The storm dwarf Calvin has now lost his form, and only this name remains. He suffered every day for hundreds of years.


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