Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 362: in the world

Demons are pouring out of the gates of hell.

Behind a chain demon who kept waving a barbed iron chain, the pleasure demon 'Besserina' walked out of the gate, closed his eyes, took a deep breath of the sweet air in the main material world, and was deeply intoxicated by it.

"Finally get out of that dirty, ugly Barto hell!" Besserina was very happy. To her, the main material world is like an orchard during the autumn harvest, where fruits ripe for picking are everywhere. As long as she waved her hand gently, the fruits would keep jumping into her hands.

And these fruits will be picked only by her, and Betherina will not have to offer them to higher demons.

The vast majority of creatures living in this world are existences with weak consciousness, and the pleasure of **** will make them indulge in it, and they will gladly fall. And for this, Besserina happens to be good at it, no, it should be said that she is very good at it.

She is a high-ranking pleasure demon, an ascendant of lust. The promotion not only gave her more powerful strength, but also gave her a more charming and beautiful appearance.

In her original form, she was quite similar to a fallen angel, with milky white skin, burgundy hair, and bright black eyes like black jade. A pair of dark feathered wings stretched out from her back, adding to her flirtatious beauty.

At this time, Besserina, who had already used 'Transfiguration' and turned into a human appearance, has long, smooth, golden hair, and her purple eyes are rippling like pool water blown by the wind. (Both men and women) As long as you look at her, you will fall in love with her uncontrollably, be driven by her willingly, and even offer your sweet soul.

Even if the will of some beings is stronger, as long as the charming smile emerges from the corner of Besserina's lips, those strong wills will disintegrate and dissipate in an instant like the thin snow under the scorching sun.

Just when Besserina was still intoxicated, imagining countless souls crawling at her feet, there was a sudden whisper of whispers around her. Our Pleasure Demon frowned a little dissatisfiedly, and found that the humble human servants were all looking at her in surprise, as if they didn't understand why a "human" emerged from the gate of hell.

The female human servant at the head had some insight, seeing the disguise of Besserina's 'Transfiguration', "Respected Lord Pleasure Demon, I didn't expect you to participate in this feast of harvesting souls."

In fact, there is no plan for her this time, but Besserina used a little trick to easily get this opportunity so that she can get out of that ugly hell.

"No, loyal servant, I didn't come for this, and you don't need to know my purpose." Besserina walked to the leading woman's side, stroking her face with her fingers, "Good job, my little one. Rabbit, the 'Master of Dis' is quite satisfied with this plan." She kissed her lips lightly, "And this is my little reward for you."

"Sir, I..." The leading woman's face was dull and slightly red.

"Don't say anything, look forward to seeing you next time. By then, maybe something more pleasant will happen between us, what do you think?" Besserina smiled charmingly.

After that, without waiting for the leading woman to answer, she walked along the passage and walked out of this underground altar, and came to the world she had longed for for a long time.

The sky was a little gloomy, a dark red hood covered a large area around, and the shouts of men and women screamed in the distance, mixed with the harsh and shrill cry of children, which made Besserina helpless and contemptuous. shook his head.

Harvesting souls with claws and swords is a rather foolish thing to do, and our Lord Pleasuresman never bothered to do so. In her opinion, the process of obtaining a soul should be gradual, and it should be through some contracts or temptations, or a larger-scale conspiracy, to lure the soul into depravity step by step, and finally let a person with free will be transformed into the hands of the devil. plaything.

It is a pity that the new souls entering the nine layers of **** have become extremely rare, which makes the devils' methods become more and more extreme. Demons are somewhat similar.

In the past, when a mortal died, his soul would be reincarnated into the corresponding after-death destination according to his deeds and beliefs during his lifetime. And some people who believe in order and are more evil, or who have served the devil in their lifetimes, their souls are destined to belong to the nine hells.

But after the war of gods initiated by human mages, all these rules have changed. There are far fewer souls going to the nine hells than before, and it has become more and more difficult for the devils to enter the main material plane.

Besserina is not very clear about the reason, but I heard that those souls that originally belonged to the nine hells were trapped in the main material plane, or went to other planes such as negative energy.

Therefore, the current Devil Archdukes and Hell Dukes are increasingly dissatisfied with the small-scale and slow-moving methods of the past, and finally gave birth to the current situation.

The door of a nearby tall house suddenly opened, and a humanoid with a smile on the corner of its mouth emerged from inside.

This humanoid is lavishly and stylishly dressed, with short, glossy hair and two small lamb-like horns on the forehead. His feet were split like a cow's hooves, and his dark red scaly tail kept swinging behind him.

Harvest Demon, a demon that is very good at tricks and magic. Besserina didn't want to pay attention to the other party, but this guy walked towards her step by step with what he thought was elegant.

"I didn't expect that a noble lord of pleasure would also come here through the 'gate'." The other party bowed and saluted, "I'm a little devil... oh, sorry, please forgive me, I just got promoted not long ago, to myself I'm not very familiar with my current identity." The other party smiled, "I am the reaper demon 'Sa Ruoha', one of the participants in this plan, if you have any situation you want to know..."

"No need!" Besserina interrupted the other party roughly, "Go do your own thing!"

The hierarchy of devils is very strict. The pleasure devil belongs to the unique high-level devil who has been promoted from the desire devil, while the harvest devil has been promoted from the little devil to two levels, but it still only belongs to the middle-level devil. In this place right now, Betherina doesn't need to be afraid of anyone other than the hell-fiend warlord who leads the team.

"Well, if you need anything, you can find me in that building." The Reaper bowed down again like a human gentleman, and turned to leave.

On the top floor of that building, Besserina saw two human beings dressed in noble costumes, looking into the distance blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Besserina walked out of the manor and came to the street.

The corpses outside were scattered all over the place, and blood slowly flowed out from under the corpse. They are connected and converged with each other, like thin red lines, connecting the fallen corpses together.

The window of a two-story building in the distance suddenly shattered, and a man with a child in his arms jumped out of it. After he landed, he knelt down with a cry of pain, and climbed up again the next moment, staggering to the distance, but was thrown to the ground again by a faintly luminous outline, and after a few screams, he was silent again. .

It was a Hellcat, a creature that could be invisible in areas with visible brightness, and in those dimly lit areas, it would appear with this luminous outline.

Not far away, a dozen acupuncture demons covered with spikes and barbed demons holding machetes were scavenging for the humans in the house. They kill all living things they can see and take their souls.

A chain demon with blood dripping from the chain saw Besserina in human form and rushed up with the chain, but he stopped suddenly when he was halfway through the charge, and turned to go somewhere else.

Although 'Transfiguration' can change her appearance, it cannot hide the strong purgatory aura on her body. If Besserina wants to stay on the Material Plane without being noticed by the mages, and harvest souls as she likes, she must do better. A more covert method would do.

But before she came, she had already thought of this situation in advance. As long as Besserina activates the necklace around her neck, she can completely eliminate the purgatory aura on her body. If she does not use magic to detect it, there will be basically no mistakes.

So Bethelina's plan was to find a place to hide, wait until the seal barrier disappeared and the gate of **** closed, open the jewelry around her neck, and sneak out quietly while the situation was chaotic.

Faced with such a huge orchard, there is no way for the fruit farmers to fully take care of it, and Besserina will roam in it to the fullest.

Our Pleasure Demon stalked lightly to the intersection ahead, and saw another human woman with dirty clothes running towards her barefoot on the right, and behind this woman, there was also a woman in heavy armor the steel devil.

The steel devil's armor was covered with spider webs and dust, and it didn't move very fast, but it held the giant sword very persistently and followed behind the woman.

"Help me!" the woman shouted to Bethelina in horror, "Quick, please, save me!"

"I'm sorry, my dear, I'm just a weak woman in Purui." Pleasure Demon said with a smile.

The woman was a little surprised by Besserina's very calm expression, but she still tried her best to run towards Besserina, hoping that the devil behind her would pursue another target.

But when the woman passed in front of Besirina's eyes, she was tripped by the latter's legs.

The woman howled and fell to the ground, but desperately stood up again, "You will go to hell." The woman shouted bitterly.

"Not for the time being, because I just left from there." Besserina showed a charming smile. The opponent was slightly lost because of this, and was slashed to the ground by the sword of the steel demon that came.

After this little hilarious episode, Betherina moved on. She intends to reach the edge area of ​​the sealing barrier and hide there, waiting for the opportunity

Along the way, there are also some human guards, adventurers who are proficient in combat, and ordinary residents who are unwilling to wait to die. Although their number is not small, they cannot shake the influx of the army of devils. Some lucky guys are still stubbornly resisting by virtue of the terrain, and the unlucky ones are wiped out in an instant.

During this period, Besserina also saw a sturdy human in purple leather armor, while constantly killing the devils along the road, while running towards the direction behind her.

That direction seems to be the direction of the 'Gate of Hell', and the human seems to want to destroy the 'Gate'.

"Never mind." Besserina shrugged, "It has nothing to do with me anyway." She looked around casually, found a not-so-remarkable tavern, and then walked towards the tavern .

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