Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 363: Changed mission objectives

"It's over, the whole thing screwed me up!"

When Barrett saw that the sky was shrouded in a dark red "buckle bowl" and there were a lot of strange-shaped devils on the street, this was the first thought in his mind.

In all the devil-related tragedies, Barrett had never heard of a situation of this magnitude. And why it became like this, he really didn't know.

The original investigation mission went quite smoothly. A certain noble was found suspicious by him, and he found conclusive evidence in the follow-up investigation. Just when Barrett wanted to end the entire mission and report it to the branch of the Magic Association located in the city of 'Saint Walter', his fellow thief accidentally discovered another nobleman who also had suspicious behavior in collusion with the devil. .

It seems that in this unfortunate city, there are more than one nobles who have colluded with the devil. So Barrett and the two extended the task time and repeatedly investigated the twelve noble families to ensure that no fish slipped through the net.

And just when they were still struggling with whether Viscount Palm, who had no other suspicious behavior other than turning himself into an undead creature, should also be regarded as the object of suspicion, the demon invasion incident in front of them was so unpredictable. Erupted.

In fact, it is not right to say that there is no warning at all. Barritt did hear about some missing people in the tavern before, but most of the missing people are some beggars and travelers passing by. Although the missing people in this city are every year Yes, but relatively few.

No one can be sure if these guys are really missing or if they left for some reason. After all, those young men who run away from home without saying a word and are ready to go into the world alone, or who blindly want to elope with young girls because of love, are not rare in any town in this world.

This does not include those unscrupulous guys who abandoned their wives, or abandoned their husbands and children.

Therefore, although the number of missing people in San Nino City was slightly larger, it did not attract the attention of the outsider, Barrett, and the city's own guards didn't care too much about it.

Of course, this is not the time to consider these things, and the "reason", "process" and the like have become less important. Because 'grapes have turned into fine wine', our barbarian adventurers can only choose to drink it with their heads raised.

After the Devil Invasion broke out, the thief Francois immediately determined that there must be some kind of special item within this dark red curtain. This item not only maintained the existence of the dark red curtain in the sky, but also allowed the Devil Army to enter the main material plane on such a large scale.

This well-informed fellow thief believes that as long as this special item is destroyed, the whole incident is likely to usher in a turning point.

So, now the question comes, digging... No, where is this special item?

Actually it's not hard to guess. Combining the approximate central location of the entire curtain and the residences of the two nobles who colluded with the devil, Francois finally aimed at the mansion of the Count of Guise.


At this time, Barrett was running fast between the building and the street. Through the little tricks he learned from his fellow thief 'François' during this period, he made a breakthrough in his ability to hide. The barbarian tried his best to avoid the large number of large devil army, and kept advancing towards the target location.

Somewhere where the golden plaque of 'Terlo II Opera House' was hung, he encountered two monsters with chains all over their bodies. When the monsters saw Barrett, they waved the tinkling, barbed chains on their bodies, shouting some strange language they couldn't understand, and charged at him side by side.

At this time, it is not the time to be too entangled, the things that should be consumed still have to be consumed, and I can't help it. Barrett instantly activated the enchantment 'Assimilation Protection' on the leather armor, consuming a piece of red dragon skin that had been purchased at a high price in the Muya city-state, and turning the hardness of the Chimera leather armor on his body into extremely tough dragon skin.

He slashed the machete in his hand 'Unoyun's Poison Fang', and the speed was unabated, ready to quickly deal with the opponent.

The short body dodged one chain that was drawn to the face, and rolled to avoid the other two; after getting up, he quickly took a step forward, and used the 'Uno Yun Poison' in his left hand to sway the one that came from behind in time. chain, but the 'Unoyun's Fang' in the right hand was entangled by another chain, and there were still a bunch of chains that Barrett was about to face.

This humanoid monster does not use both hands to swing the chains, but controls the iron chains on its body like a mind, and each monster can control four, making their combat effectiveness quite good.

Barritt used the weapon in his left hand to protect his face, and with a tug on his right hand, he pulled one of the chain monsters in front of him with brute force. At this time, several chains attacked, but Barret chose to temporarily use leather armor to resist.

He seized the opportunity and stabbed the machete in his left hand into the body of the monster in front of him. Because he didn't know the specific habits of this monster, and didn't know whether it would die just like that, or just linger on, Barrett took out the machete again and chopped off the opponent's head.

It didn't take long for the second to follow in the footsteps of the former, and the fallen monster's corpse turned into several puddles of disgusting ooze that kept foaming, and it didn't take long for it to disappear into the air.

Although the attack method of this chain monster is difficult to deal with, it is fortunate that the attack power is not strong. The chain pumping left many traces on the leather and every time the strokes made the ** under the leather armor quite painful, but for Barrett, who had a very high physique, it was even lighter. Injuries are not counted, he just briefly identified the direction, and then continued to run towards the mansion of Count Guise.

One demon after another fell under Barrett's knife, and if he encountered too many demons in groups of three or five, he would choose to jump over the wall, jump on the roof, and avoid them. During this period, if there is a situation where the devil attacks humans, Barrett will save as long as he can, and he will also tell those who have been rescued a location. As for whether to go or not, it is not his concern.

The location is an old castle-like building, where the thief Francois and some town guards and adventurers are resisting, and there should be no problem for the time being. But this premise is that Barrett, or two other adventure teams with the same purpose as him, can destroy the special item that Francois said in time.

When he was about to arrive at the earl's mansion, Barrett also saw a strange woman. This woman walked happily on the street, and seemed not to worry about the devil army all around.

She must have been scared crazy, Barrett thought to herself, poor woman, she looks pretty.


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