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Chapter 365: Hell Alchemist Astanz

The **** fiend 'Astanz' is a very ambitious devil.

He spent hundreds of years in careful planning, and seized various opportunities to prove himself frequently, and finally squeezed out his immediate boss and successfully promoted to a powerful **** purgatory.

Although he has reached the top of the devil's ruling class, Astanz is not satisfied with it. His next plan is to become a duke of hell, a special 'one and only devil', which may take more than a thousand years, but Astanz doesn't care, he has time.

And then, Astanz aspires to become a demon prince, to rule any of the eight layers of the Nine Abyss, and to spread his prestige throughout the multiverse, making all living beings tremble.

And finally...

Every time he thought of that possibility, Astanz shivered with excitement. The taboo idea of ​​absolute power has been circling in his mind, and he can't get rid of it.

In order to realize the ultimate ambition in his heart, Astanz, the **** purgatory needs more opportunities to express himself, so that the Grand Duke of Demons may agree to his promotion and help him to become the only devil with special powers. Now this rare errand is one of the opportunities, and he must do everything he can to do it well.

The whole soul harvesting event has been going well so far. Precious souls were continuously collected from all directions, and then transported back through the gates of hell.

There were some annoying little resistances, but they were nothing. In the end, these resistances will be crushed by the elite devil army, and for the human who broke in in front of him, Astanz decided to personally ingest his soul.


To be honest, Astanz wasn’t quite sure whether the strange human being in front of him was a normal living person or a resurrected undead, but out of habit, he still activated his own ‘aura of fear’.

First activate the aura of fear, then summon a few demons of the same clan to help out, and then instantly cast a few rounds of fireball, or use 'Law: Stun' to control the opponent. If the number of enemies is too large, send a 'Meteor Burst', and then rush up to melee with the 'Slaughter Sword'.

If the enemy's strength is too strong to be defeated, use the "Advanced Teleportation Technique" to escape, or the "Advanced Invisibility" temporarily pull some distance away, and find the right time to attack again.

This is the favorite fighting style of the **** fiends, and Astanz is no exception.

The unfolding fear aura immediately spread to the opponent, but it seemed to have no effect at all. Is this guy really undead? It was clearly still human.

Astanz was a little disappointed by this. The soul of this person should be very valuable. He originally wanted to keep it privately, but now it seems unlikely, because most of the undead have no soul.

This tiny human rushed over with a weapon, and Astanz used his spell-like abilities without hesitation, raising his hand to fire a 'fireball'.

Humans who don't know whether to live or die want to dodge by rolling, but this burning fireball dragging a flame tail, under Astanz's subtle control, actually turned a little in the air and bombed directly at the opponent's feet. . ..

Although Astanz's melee ability is relatively average, he is a master of controlling flames, and he is one of the best among the **** fiends. This ability to directly manipulate fireballs with will is one of his unique talents.

The bursting flames enveloped an area around the target, and some non-Batezu devils who were not immune to flames crowded back to avoid them.

That guy should have died, Astanz is still quite confident in the damage of his fire magic.

Just as he was about to step forward, looking for souls to collect on the corpse that had become charcoal, a figure suddenly stood up in the blazing flames in front of him.

The figure burst out of flames and appeared in front of Astanz again. Although this guy was covered in thick black smoke, the pair of ice blue eyes in his eyes were still very firm.

A tenacious guy, but he can't escape the fate of death after all. A second, larger fireball instantly condensed in Asstanz's palm and threw it directly at the opponent.

The skillful control of fire allows Astanz to use fire magic many times in a prompt manner, very quickly. In a very fierce battle, he once released three 'fireball', 'fire wall' and 'meteor burst' in just two breaths, and in an instant, the entire army of the enemy collapsed directly.

However, it is not suitable to use the powerful 'Meteor Burst' here. Those human contract partners on your own side will be affected if you are not careful, and maybe the gate of **** behind you may be affected.

The 'fireball technique' is enough, Astanz doesn't believe that the other party can resist it.

The enhanced version of the Fireball Technique, which is two circles larger than the ordinary fireball, roared and flew towards the humans. The opponent did not choose to dodge this time, but actually used the two weapons with frost in his hand to slash heavily towards the big fireball.

What a naive and stupid guy, Astanz despised in his heart, and fireballs can also be chopped directly by you with a weapon? Do you think that's a watermelon?

Astanz had never eaten watermelon, but that didn't stop him from thinking so.

A sarcastic smile hung on the corners of the **** fiend's mouth, but when the smile was not fully displayed, it solidified in the next moment. Immediately afterwards, the jaws of the **** fiend slowly opened, revealing a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

how can that be? What happened in front of him was beyond Astanz's cognition, that reinforced fireball was actually smashed by the human being in front of him with a weapon!

The big fireball also exploded a little in the collision with the opponent's weapon, but it was far less intense than the ordinary fireball before. Although the opponent's appearance of taking this attack was not completely unscathed, it could even be said to be relatively serious, but at least he did it and managed to survive.

How did this guy do it? Astanz doesn't know why, does he have some kind of special magic jewelry on him? It's a pity that the other party didn't give Astanz time to think, this guy has already killed him.

Astanz felt that his noble identity was being challenged, he spread his wings and roared angrily, drew out a huge 'slaughter sword', and fought with the opponent.

Although the melee ability is not outstanding compared to its peers, Astanz is still a terrifying and terrifying **** fiend.

The slaughtering sword wrapped in flames collided with the opponent's two weapons. Frost and flames entangled and impacted each other at the collision point, and then annihilated and perished each other.

Astanz was stunned to find that he was not superior in strength. This human who was only as tall as his belly was able to resist his full-strength sword even when he was injured.

This is a very strong guy, Astanz has to admit in his heart, but he is not destined to pass his own test. This guy who suffered two 'fireballs' has been a little shaky in the confrontation of several weapons, and maybe he will fall down in the next moment.

The **** fiend uses weapons, wings, and tails to constantly fight with each other. Although this human is constantly wandering around Asstanz by virtue of his flexibility, the powerful **** fiend is still impervious to the wind, and every In a weapon exchange, a lot of physical strength was taken away from the opponent.

Frost is gradually unable to resist the erosion of has the victory in his heart.

The other party also seemed to realize this. The human took a step back, stopped attacking, and stared at Astanz for two seconds with ice blue eyes. The next moment, this guy suddenly jumped high, and slashed the head of the **** fiend with the two weapons in his hand.

It's useless! Astanz took the huge 'Slaughter Sword' into the air and stabbed the human precisely when they fell.

The flaming 'Slaughter Sword' directly penetrated the opponent's body. The human bowed his head in front of Astanz, and his entire body hung on the giant sword, dead.

Let me see if you have a soul, the **** fiend is ready to try to harvest souls. At this moment, he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the scene in front of him.

Wait, isn't this guy undead? Moreover, the weapon in his hand has not loosened!

Just as Astanz thought of this, the human in front of him suddenly raised his head. The eyes of the ice blue and the flame looked at each other again, and the human raised the weapon in his hand and slashed at him.


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