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Chapter 366: Where have I been? ?

"Damn human, your soul will be destined to belong to me, to the great Astanz!" The **** purgatory roared unwillingly, and the evil body formed a disgusting foam, which gradually dissipated into the air.

Let's talk when you come next time, Barrett murmured to himself.

He knew that if demons were destroyed in other planes than the Nine Hells, they would not be called death at all, and they would be reborn in **** after a while.

This is also the devil is quite annoying point. You wiped out a devil, it was reborn in **** and remembered you, and then it began to conspire to corrupt you, or your descendants, for years, decades, or centuries. . They have time anyway, because most demons are immortal.

Fuck immortals, Barrett cursed.

The giant sword of the Hell Demon was still inserted between Barrett's chest and abdomen, and the flame on the sword had been extinguished as the master dissipated, revealing a dark red body like a **** amethyst.

Barrett slowly pulled the great sword out of his already dilapidated body, and then put it into the space ring.

The undead is good at this point, the body is quite resistant to beating (I actually want to use 'Natural Exercise'), as long as the head doesn't fall off, there is usually no big problem. If he had been in human form with such an injury, he would have died a long time ago.

But even so, our death knight felt like his body was reaching its limit.

The limbs are much stiffer than before, every movement is quite obscure, and the power of frost in the body is basically exhausted. Without the supplement and repair of negative energy, no matter how resistant the body is, it can't bear to use it like this. Moreover, his 'unstable undead form' is more dependent on the maintenance of negative energy than ordinary undead.

The surrounding devil army saw that Barrett had successfully killed their boss, the incomparably powerful **** purgatory.

He staggered and continued toward the warehouse door, and after he fit and slammed into the door, Barrett came to a wide passage that sloped down with stairs.

At this moment, a few devils with machetes and barbs on their claws came out neatly from the passage. Barrett used to hate this kind of devil, because their body has a very strong stench, and you need to hold your breath when dealing with them, otherwise you may be stunned if you are not careful.

But right now, in his undead form, he doesn't need to worry about that. The bulge called the 'nose' on the pale face could neither breathe nor smell, it was useless and should be used as a decoration.

The devils froze collectively when they saw Barrit, and then charged with machetes at the same time. But Barrett doesn't want to fight these devils at all, because it doesn't make much sense, maybe just kill them at this moment, and more will appear from it at the next moment.

If the powerful **** fiend just now hadn't blocked the door of the warehouse tightly, and hadn't given Barret the slightest chance to enter, he wouldn't have chosen to use that very thrilling fighting style.

Our barbarian adventurer was stabbed three times over his body and managed to pass through the siege of the devil. At this time, he felt a little distressed about the high-quality leather armor on his body. He had not worn it for a long time, and it was broken again. He didn't know how much materials it would take to repair it. And there is no material for repairing, the chimera skin is used up, and I don't know where to collect it.

Barrett kept running as he pondered wildly. He only took three steps to jump down this long ladder, and the few devils chased after him desperately, but because the speed was far behind, he was left behind.

The barbarian kept squeezing his body in the form of an undead, and moved forward rapidly in this spacious underground passage. Along the way, he also saw a few humans in strange robes, who were busy in the passage and didn't know what they were doing.

These guys are very calm in the face of the devil, but they are quite surprised when they see him, and they are obviously the accomplices of the devils. Barrett raised 'pain' and 'despair' in his hands, walked through these human beings' expressions of astonishment, and judged them all.

The result of the trial is of course very simple. Since these guys like **** so much, our barbarian adventurers decided to help them and send their souls down.


At the end of the passage is a huge underground space, and I don't know how long it took those people to dig it out.

Its interior is very strange, and it is filled with a blasphemous aura that is so strong that it seems to be substantial. The ground was covered with all kinds of grotesque symbols with blood, and there were many white skulls with candles hanging in the sky.

Those symbols were arranged in a very neat and regular manner in a circle, surrounding the building in the center that was clearly like an altar.

The huge altar was constantly rising with blue mist, and around it stood five bronze pillars hung with many strange things. On the periphery of the bronze pillar, there are also many strange humans wearing the same kind of robes.

The humans, with their backs to Barrett, murmured something towards the central altar in a language he did not understand.

These humans didn't actually arouse the barbarian's interest, because all his eyes were on the dark red light curtain on the rectangular altar that kept shining like a door.

The barbarians who had been in and out of the sealed space "Death Knell Town" before, recognized at a glance that the light curtain should be some kind of space passage, which was the key to transporting the devil army in.

Barrett returned the two rune weapons to the space ring. Without the power of frost, they were just two ordinary steel long swords. Then he took out the long-lost 'touch of tyranny' and danced a sword flower habitually.

This weapon can be held with both hands and can be held with one hand. Although the quality of the sword itself has been reduced for some reason, the blade is very strong, and its attributes are also very good at destruction, just like its name.

Barrett clenched the 'Touch of Tyranny' in both hands and strode towards the altar.

The sound of running alarmed some of the humans who seemed to be praying. They turned their heads and looked at Barrett in a panic. One of the guys, who seemed to be the leader, asked Barrett loudly in a female voice, "Who are you? What are you doing? ? Why did Lord Astanz let you in?"

"You have too many questions," Barrett whispered, continuing to approach.

The female leader seemed to see Manzi's plan, and she shouted in alarm, "Guard, hurry, hurry, stop him!!"

Many humans reacted by shouting, and they drew their weapons from under their robes and surrounded Barritt. But the martial arts of these guys are obviously relatively average, and the reapers who were easily reaped by the 'touch of tyranny' lost their lives.

Slashing horizontally and vertically, many humans fell down with a howl, and corpses were scattered everywhere Barrett passed. Although many people also successfully hit Barret with their weapons, they were directly resisted by his leather armor and body.

Seeing that Barritt was about to break into the front of the altar, the leading female human pointed to the barbarian and shouted a strange note, and then an orange-red holy flame appeared from the air and hit him directly.

There is a little bit of positive energy and the blasphemous power of the devil in the holy flame. Those blasphemous powers didn't do much damage to Baritt in the form of the undead, but the positive energy was just the opposite.

This was the first time the barbarian felt pain in his undead form. It was the pain that spread from the depths of the fire of the soul, which made his tired mind dizzy, and his footsteps staggered.

I can't let this woman do it a second time, I probably won't be able to bear it! At a critical juncture, Barrett held the 'Touch of Tyranny' alone, took out the steel hand axe in the other hand, and threw it hard at the woman.

The hand axe isn't as powerful as it used to be, but it still packs a lot of punch. At the critical moment, the woman took the lead and pulled a guard next to her to block her. Although she avoided the danger of death, she was overwhelmed by the guard who fell back.

Taking this opportunity, Barrett rushed over and stood in front of the altar. There are also many human organs placed around the altar, hidden by the rolling blue mist.

Barritt didn't have time to cherish the memory of these people who died in vain. He clenched the 'touch of tyranny' with both hands and slashed towards the dark red light curtain. The long sword easily passed through the light curtain, but the latter only trembled slightly and was not affected.

It seemed that the altar had to be destroyed, Barrett thought quickly in his heart. Then he mustered up the strength of his whole body again, raised his hands high, and smashed heavily on the altar in front of him.

The altar was split with a very obvious crack, and the light curtain on it began to flicker.

"No!!!" The female under the corpse took the lead and stretched out her hand towards the light curtain, shouting sternly.

Afterwards, the bright red symbols on the ground lighted up at the same time, and became brighter and It seemed that some kind of force was blocked, and it could not be transmitted and vented, and it began to behave abnormally. converge.

"Wait, should I hide first?" The barbarian stared at the extremely dangerous scene in front of him in amazement.

The next moment, just as Barrett turned around to escape, the entire altar exploded. The surging power engulfed Barrett in an instant.


The dark red sky was full of thick smoke, and magma gurgled in the cracks of the earth. Not far away was a huge valley surrounded by jagged peaks, and within the valley lay a dark, smoky city. The valleys are almost endless, and the capital seems to be boundless.

Somewhere outside the valley, the space suddenly cracked a narrow gap, and a humanoid fell out of the gap. He landed on the parched earth, motionless like a corpse.

I don't know how long it took, the eyes of the 'dead' lit up with two blue rays of light, he struggled to sit up, looked at the surrounding scene in confusion, and foolishly said to himself, "Where have I been? ?"


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