Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 370: The price of freedom (part 2)

Before the soul falls, it cannot be squeezed out of special energy by the devils. This is one of the many well-known things that the soul merchant 'Elvis' told Barrett.

And devils don't need to eat to stay alive at all, they taste food or drink, just for a sensual pleasure. However, the devil guards in the prison will still provide the prisoners with food on time. After all, the starved prisoners are only worth one soul, and the value of the living prisoners will have infinite possibilities, at least not lower than a soul.

Lunch (and possibly dinner or breakfast) was a rather thick, tawny soup with ingredients floating in it that couldn't tell the origin. There are gray leaves, the skin of some unknown creature, and a few claw-like pieces of meat.

"Is this thing really edible?" Barrett frowned, stirring the bowl of thick soup in front of him with a wooden spoon that made him nauseous.

"At least you can't eat dead people. You can rest assured about this," Elvis replied in another cell, accompanied by a 'sucking' sound when he was drinking soup. And the human named 'Hunt' on the opposite side also picked up the soup bowl and drank it silently.

"Don't you feel sick?" Barrett asked.

He has been an adventurer for so many years, he has experienced countless dangers, and he has wandered on the edge of life and death many times, but he rarely treats himself badly in terms of food. Except for the first few years, which were relatively unfamiliar, after that he always tried to satisfy his desire for tongue. When I have no money, I go to the wild to hunt a rabbit, and it is not bad to go with a glass of inferior beer.

"Where do you think this is? My friend, is there a tavern where you can order food?" the soul merchant asked, "This is a devil's prison, and a human's dungeon is similar to this."

"At least humans will provide rye bread," Barrett whispered. Although the bread is mixed with wheat bran, it is stronger than the soup in front of me.

"As long as you don't think about what's in it, don't look at what it looks like, and drink with your eyes closed, the taste is acceptable," Elvis said casually.

"There are no humans or elves in these pieces of meat, right?" Barrett asked again, and then he added, "At least you have to tell me there are no humans." Otherwise, he would spit it out even if he drank it.

"I didn't expect you to be quite hypocritical." The soul merchant's tone was somewhat ironic, but he still explained the barbarian's doubts, "I can only tell you 'not necessarily', but the possibility is extremely low, almost close to zero. Most of these food materials come from the wreckage of the first layer of **** after the war, so I think it is more likely that it is some part of a demon."

"The flesh of the devil?" Barrett was a little surprised, "Can ordinary people eat it?"

"Why not? It's the same after it's cooked." Elvis said casually, "Otherwise, what should I do, starve to death?"

Cooked all the same? And this setting? Barrett helplessly picked up the soup bowl and took a sip with his eyes closed. I don't know what seasonings are in the soup, it's very choking, and it also has an indescribable irritating taste. It's not spicy or anything else. And the soup wasn't hot at all, but after drinking it, his esophagus and stomach felt a burning sensation.

However, when he took the second sip, these feelings began to gradually fade, until finally he could no longer taste anything, as if he was drinking a bowl of cold water.

The soup was completely drained, but Barrett couldn't eat the meat in it. The thought that it was actually the meat of the devil made his stomach feel particularly uncomfortable. When he put the bowl down, he found that the opposite Hunter was frowning, observing himself with a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong?" Barrett asked. Although he didn't eat the meat, he still left a claw with long nails in the bowl, ready to remove the meat on it for his own use.

"What are you?" Hunter looked up and down the barbarian.

"What do you mean?" Barrett was a little confused.

"What race are you?"

"I am human, just like you."

"Human? Hehe, I haven't seen a human with light green skin. Mixed blood? Mixed with orcs?"

"Fuck you!" The barbarian exclaimed in anger, and threw a piece of meat in the bowl across the barbed fence. "You are a half-orc, I am a pure-blooded human, a Nord!"

"Nords? No wonder..." Hunter picked up the meat on the ground and nibbled it carelessly, "Then you should ask your mother if you have ever been to the Barrens alone when you go back. ." Then he added meaningfully, "If you can go back."

Barrett did not choose to scold the other side. He stood up silently, walked to the side of the white bone, reached out and broke a rib on its body, turned around and threw it violently at Hunter's head.

The ribs passed through the two dirty spiked fences with great speed, and went straight to Hunter's face with precision. The latter dodged sideways when he was hit by the rib, but was still hit by several pieces of bone debris that cracked after the rib hit the wall, and multiple wounds were drawn on his face, one of which was still deep. embedded in his neck.

"You want to kill me? You bastard!" Hunter would stand up and curse, carefully pulling out the bone fragments from his neck.

And Barrett leaned over and broke two ribs of the 'roommate', ready to throw it again. He believed that the other party would never be able to escape this time, absolutely!

"Hey, hey, hey, my friends, don't make a noise, don't make a noise! ​​Do you want to bring the jailers in to torture you?" came Elvis' hoarse voice, "Everyone just finished their soup. , don't let the chaos and belligerence of the demons affect your sanity. Relax and you'll be fine in a while."

Is it the influence of soup? Barrett did feel that his emotions were a little confused, and there was an uncontrollable anger in his heart. Although the other party's words were a bit ugly, they didn't want to kill them. This level of swearing is actually quite common in the Bay of Pigs, and Barrett is used to it.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself down, "Didn't you say there's nothing wrong with the soup?" he asked the soul merchant.

"No problem means that you can't eat people." The soul merchant defended, "and I also said 'what else to do, starve to death?', don't you drink it if there is a problem? Then shouted to the devil jailer Let me think about it, how about red braised beef brisket with Qingting wine? Have a piece of strawberry cake after dinner? I don’t know if you are satisfied or not.”

Barrett was silent, unable to argue.

"And Hunter, haven't you drunk many times, why are you so impulsive?" Elvis criticized the opposite human again.

"I was just joking with him, but this guy wants to kill me directly!" Hunter complained, pointing to his bleeding neck.

"It's nothing to shed a little blood. Anyway, you've already suffered a lot of injuries, so it's not bad." Elvis said indifferently, "Everyone is human, and we should support each other when we are in trouble."

"Cut, I'm human, that's all too clear. But you two, hum..." Hunter said disdainfully. "One of you is green like an orc or goblin, and the other is covered in bandages like a mummy. God knows what you are."

"My appearance is because of a side effect of a certain medicine." Barrett explained in a deep voice, "This side effect will make me slowly turn into a forest troll, but I am indeed a human being."

"Troll? Hope you don't smell like a troll too, it stinks enough here. What about you?" Hunter asked the soul merchant, "I asked you before, but you didn't tell me I."

"Well, I mean, although we are friends, we should keep our own secrets." Elvis sighed, "It's hard to live, so what if you know these secrets? Maybe Hunter God will die in the arena, and after the soul falls, he will be reincarnated into a bad demon; maybe one day Barret will be tortured to find his full value, and he will be reincarnated into a bad demon after his soul has fallen. Before that, it would not be good for everyone to chat happily and casually. Is it?"

"Is the outcome waiting for us already doomed?" Barrett asked angrily.

"That's not true," said the Soul Merchant again, "if you, Barrett, and just you, were influenced by **** to become a half-purgatory creature before your soul fell, then the devil might send you to the never-ending first floor. Being cannon fodder on the battlefield, because the souls of half-purgatory creatures are worthless. And Hunter, because he signed up for the 'Dis arena', so his final outcome is to die there and become a bad devil."

"Can't I win freedom from the arena?" Hunter retorted loudly.

"With your tsk..." Barrett could imagine the soul merchant shaking his head, "I have seen many guys stronger than you, but none of them were able to Leave alive in the arena. What's more, the freedom you win there is limited, and you can't leave the city of Diss. Even if the devils let you do whatever you want, you still can't get out. Because the space in this city is infinite Yes, without a teleportation circle, without a special guide, you can't go anywhere."

Barrett saw Hunter lying down again depressed, facing the wall, and stopped talking.

"What kind of arena, how do I sign up for it?" he asked the soul merchant, "what's your opinion?"

"Why, are you also interested?" Elvis's tone was full of curiosity.

"I feel that I have some skills." Barbarian said confidently, "Maybe I will get that kind of limited freedom." At least let me stay away from this disgusting soup.

"It's good to have self-confidence, but... Forget it, everyone has their own way to go." The soul merchant said with emotion, "You just need to wait now, when the devil pulls you out for torture and torture, you will Just say it to the devil who tortured you."


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