Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 371: 1 more newcomer

In the prison there is no daylight, day and night.

So Barrett can only use the number of meals delivered as a unit of measurement to measure how long he has stayed in this ghost place. The devils did not provide them with three meals a day, but the interval between them was quite regular, so it was a more reliable method.

This method was not thought up by the barbarian himself, but was taught to him by the soul merchant 'Elvis'.

This guy, who you get to know easily, doesn't seem too concerned about his situation. According to him, the soul merchants will try to rescue other trapped colleagues, because it is a dangerous business, and no one can guarantee that they will always be infallible, so everyone will voluntarily abide by such rules.

It's just that his own ransom is a bit high, and it will be more difficult for his colleagues to gather together, and it may take a certain amount of time to get out. For that, he himself could have waited, and so could the devils.

Elvis said he had been in this cell for three hundred and seventy-two meals, and probably had to stay that long before it was possible to get out.

Hunter stayed for sixty-four days. Apart from sleeping, the 'Gladiator' was exercising. He would occasionally interject a few words, but his tone was not very friendly. . He was very secretive about how he was caught here, never revealing the slightest details.

Everyone has their own untold secrets, and so does Barrett. He didn't want others to know what he had done before. If the devils found out that he destroyed the space portal, it would definitely not be a good ending for him.

Barrett learned from the soul merchant that the prison 'Mantili' was very carefully divided into multiple areas, and the prisoners held in each area were different. There are those who specifically imprison demons, others who imprison other multiverse creatures, and those who imprison the soul and constantly induce corruption.

And the area in front of them is all the creatures of the main material plane, and they are all guys with "undetermined results". At present, only the three of them are Barrett.

The Soul Merchant is special, and he says he'll be waiting here forever. He himself can afford to wait, and so will the devils, who will not transfer him to other cells. And if Hunter survives in the arena next time, he will be moved to an area dedicated to holding gladiators.

As for Barrett, his results won't be known until the first torture is over. And the first torture will probably come between his ten to twenty meals, and he has only eaten six meals so far.

The food delivery person is always a devil who looks like a gargoyle, but is covered with spikes. Barrett knew that this kind of devil was called the "Needle Demon", which was the name that humans gave to it through its appearance, but it was quite appropriate. Another type of devil with a machete and barbed claws is called a "barb devil".

These two types of devils are the most numerous in the prison. When he invaded the main material plane, these two types of devils were the ones that Barret encountered the most, like the more common backbone of the devil army.

Every time the acupuncture demon who delivered the meal came, he was always muttering to himself, saying things that Barrett could not understand at all. The Soul Merchant said it was Infernal, the most widely spoken language in the Nine Hells. Of course, the common language is relatively common here, but the lower-level devils generally know less.

Because the time in prison is relatively boring, Barritt and Elvis have learned a little purgatory, but for some well-known reasons, the barbarian has only learned a very small number of simple words.


At the tenth meal, another young human with a pale face and a frightened expression was locked in. This guy was locked diagonally on the right side of Barret, away from the direction of the soul merchant.

"Hey, new friend, my name is 'Elvis', what's your name?" The soul merchant said again skillfully.

"Me? My name is Martin..." The new young man crouched in a corner that Barrett could not see, and said nervously, "Where is this place?"

"This is Mantiri, the prison of the devil," replied the soul merchant. "You are in **** now."

"Hell? Devil? You mean devil? All those monsters outside are devils?" In front of the fence, he looked left and right in panic.

"Hush hush, be quiet, my friend. Why are you here? It's up to you, no one but you will know," Elvis said in his characteristic sneering tone. "As for why I'm locked up, the thief is locked up for stealing, the robber is locked up for robbery, I'm locked up for breaking a contract, and you, the devil, lock up mortals just to get him That's all. Unless, you can provide them with higher value."

"My soul, my soul..." Martin repeated in confusion as if he had lost his soul.

"What were you doing?" Barrett asked. "Use your brain to think about it, and you will definitely find the answer, or the trace of the answer."

"I..., I was going to go on a date with my girlfriend, but Dorothy accidentally came late, and the restaurant was about to close. Then she invited me to her house and said her parents had prepared supper at Wait for me." Newcomer Martin said tremblingly. "Although it was really late at the time, she said that she could let me stay at her house at night, and she deliberately winked at me."

"Very well, I don't think most men would refuse such an opportunity." The soul merchant smiled hoarsely.

"Dorothy's parents are very nice and welcome me to their house. They also said that they will miss me when I leave." Martin carefully touched the spikes on the fence, and then retreated to the corner. , said slowly, "After eating, I was arranged to rest in the guest room. Not long after, Dorothy came to my room quietly in her nightgown. She said she wanted to show me something good, but for the sake of To avoid waking her parents too loudly, Dorothy suggested we go to her cellar."

"Then you followed?" the soul merchant asked.

"Of course! You don't know how beautiful Dorothy looks in her nightgown, and how beautiful her voice is. When the shoulder **** her left slipped quietly, revealing a piece, a piece..." Martin's voice suddenly stopped. After swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, he continued, "My brain went blank in an instant. I let her lead me to the cellar. Her cellar is very deep, and the stairs seem to never end. It's cold inside. , while Dorothy wore very little. I was worried that she would catch a cold, and she told me we would all be hot in a while, especially me..."

This is not wrong, the temperature in **** is indeed very high, the barbarian scolded.

"Then what?" Barrett asked, he was more concerned about how an ordinary living person came to hell, and the Soul Merchant and Hunter seemed to be relatively special cases, as was himself.

"Then... and then Dorothy said she was going to play something special," Martin recalled. "She told me to close my eyes and then put the nightgown on my head. Dorothy took the lead. I slowly stepped forward and told me I couldn't take the nightgown off my head unless she allowed it. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise, it won't make you 'hot', will it?" The soul merchant said with a smile.

Martino's silence went down without saying a word, and after Barrit asked repeatedly, he continued, "Dorothy took me to a certain place in the cellar and told me to stand still and not move. , something very interesting will happen in a while. I smelled some rather peculiar bad smells in my nose, but it was a cellar and it was not ventilated, so I thought it was normal to have a little smell."

Hum, at that time, you would subconsciously ignore it in a strange situation. Barrett, leaning beside his 'roommate', continued listening with his hands on his head.

"I was looking forward to what was going to happen, expecting her to let me take the nightgown off my head, expecting to see..., but in the end I waited for a really whirlwind feeling. It made me feel sick, I fell On the ground, the nightgown slipped from my head. When I opened my eyes subconsciously, I saw the monsters before, I mean the devil. They pulled me from the ground and escorted me here to lock me up."

Well, the whole thing seems to have become clear, "Can ordinary people enter and leave **** at will through the teleportation array?" Barrett asked Elvis.

"It is difficult to go to the main material plane from the Hell of Baator, and it will be even more difficult for **** creatures such as devils because of their special body structure and racial characteristics. Generally, only 'little devils' are very weak devils. There is an opportunity to come to the main material plane through the magic circle." said the soul merchant, "but it is relatively easier to go to **** from the main material plane. Most of the mages reinforce the space barriers in one direction, and they do not like others to come. to their own house, but they themselves like to be a guest at other people's houses, so..."

"So sometimes the magic circle can't sit Hunter sat up from the ground and concluded, "You don't know where it will send you. "

"How did I know that I would stand on a magic circle, I was just..."

"Just being blinded by 'love', or something alluring?" The Soul Merchant teased.

"It's nothing, it's normal to have this kind of thinking at this age." Barrett excused the young man, "It's just that he encountered some unexpected events. Are people like his girlfriend's family a devil believer? ' he asked the Soul Merchant.

"Not necessarily," Elvis replied. "The guys who do things for the devil don't necessarily believe in them."

"just like you?"

"Yes, that's right, but the method is slightly different." The soul merchant admitted frankly, "Why do many people do things for mages? Because they can get benefits; why do many people do things for the devil? Because they can Gain unimaginable benefits."


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