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Chapter 395: The Devil's Kitchen in the Prison (Part 1)

The sky was still dark, and the sky shrouded in thick smoke was even darker. After saying hello to the guard at the gate of the prison, the devil Maham entered the prison with the other accompanying devils with the ingredients he had just collected.

These ingredients come from a layer of the Bator **** that is full of war and corpses. But there is a rare treasure paradise for Marham.

The new round of battle ended with the devil's defeat. They failed to attack the devil's giant fortress and retreated from the Wanyuan Plain. Although it was a tragic failure, from another perspective, it is not a bad thing. At least Marham can travel a lot less to get to the first floor of hell, which is much more convenient than going to the demons' territory.

In the "Paradise", he would always examine the many ingredients on the ground with a critical eye, and use patience to rummage through the parts he wanted. An experienced chef will not only check the freshness of the ingredients, but also their damage. Because seriously damaged ingredients are usually poor in appearance, and mixed with gravel and soil, this is a difficult thing to endure for Maham who likes to be "exquisite".

Among the many ingredients, arms and thighs are always his first choice, followed by tails and wings. If some ingredients are well preserved as a whole, he will also put them in the space pocket.

The ingredients should be placed in different bags according to the type. Demon ingredients will be placed in the red bag on the left hand side, they are collected in the most quantities, and will be provided to the largest number of ordinary prisoners. These ingredients will be made through special recipes and cooking methods, and after the prisoners eat them for a long time, some of them will be transformed into devourers.

Although Devourer souls are greatly devalued as their energy content becomes scarce, the devils wish they were more abundant. The devils need more soldiers to deal with the frontal battlefield. If the souls that have been drained of energy are promoted from the inferior demon form step by step, it will also require a lot of energy, and the speed will be much slower, but it is not as good as the Devourer. It is convenient to devour demons in the middle and self-derivation.

The yellow bag on the right hand side contains the same kind of ingredients as the devil. They are given to Gladiator Camps in prisons. The ingredients will be cooked through another special formula, and those gladiators who are experienced in combat will have a certain chance of transforming into a new type of devil after taking it for a long time.

This kind of devil is different from the disgusting eccentric creatures full of demon flavors like the Devourer. It is a real devil, and it belongs to the high-level devil directly after transformation. Although the chance of conversion is low, it is better than nothing.

The number of souls entering **** has been much less than before, and it is still decreasing at an extremely slow rate. The devil on each floor is trying his best to increase the number of devils, and these two special formulas , is one of the countermeasures that the Lord City Lord came up with.

The entire Mantiri Prison is like a labyrinth, with intricate passages inside, coupled with a stereotyped environment layout, even those who are familiar with it will get lost accidentally. But Macham always found the right place for the kitchen, without exception. He walked at the front of the line, and after a long walk, Marham pushed open the thick door of the kitchen.


The door was pushed open, and Chef Zenana couldn't help showing a satisfied smile when he saw his colleagues collect the key fresh ingredients.

Long, long ago, in the early days of Mantiri, prisoners kept here would die in large numbers because of food problems. So many prisoners would rather starve to death than eat anything in the prison.

This situation makes the Lord of the City very unhappy, but at the same time, there is no way to improve it. Because the devils do not need to eat, there are no traditional crops and livestock in the Nine Hells. And the flesh and blood of various purgatory creatures living here, for those weak races on the main material plane, is tantamount to lethal poison.

Later, a mysterious plane traveler came to Dis. He presented the Lord of the City with the method of handling the ingredients of hell, and also taught the devils a lot of cooking skills. On this basis, the Lord of the City has made some improvements, and this is what it is today.

The water in the giant iron pot in front of Zenana had already boiled, just waiting for the ingredients to come out of the pot.

In the devil's kitchen, soups and roasts are always the protagonists. In fact, there is no liquid on the Diss level, except for the hot magma outside the city. The water in the iron pot is taken from the swampy layer of the third layer of hell, and it is obtained by melting the biting hailstone. After boiling, it is barely acceptable to the creatures on the material plane.

After the ingredients were brought back, the devils in the kitchen got busy.

Chef Zenana took out all the ingredients in the red bag, checked them briefly, and then handed them over to the devil next to him who was in charge of dismembering them. His chef is in charge of the meals of ordinary prisoners, so the types of ingredients in the bag are self-evident.

A huge wild boar head was pulled out of the bag by him. In fact, it was the head of the Soul Conditioner. Zenana knew that the head of this demon was somewhat similar to the wild boar on the main material plane, and it was a good food for prisoners to recall their hometown.

The head was thrown by Zenana to another devil not far away. Before dismembering it, it needed to be roasted by to remove the thick black hairs on it.

Behind the head is a long curved horn that twists upwards, which Zenana judged to be on the head of a male succubus. The males in the succubus are more brutal and violent. They not only like to fight, but are quite good at it, so their shadows can often be seen in the demon army.

The horns of the male succubus can be ground up and added to soup as a condiment, increasing the possibility of prisoners' transformation.

Behind the corner was an extremely long snake-shaped tail, which Zenana knew was on the body of the six-armed snake demon. With this tail, today's bisque is sure to be delicious, and it looks like those prisoners have a good time!

Every chef has his own cooking style, and Zenana is no exception. After he arranged the work of the devils under him, he walked to the cauldron, took out a small black-brown pot, and added something with a pungent smell to the pot.

It was onions, he added onions! ! !

No, what Zenana added was actually the slime from the Babu Demon. The jelly-like red mucus on this demon is highly corrosive, and even the weapons it touches are not immune. But when added in the right amount, it can add a special, low-damage searing taste to thick soups, like something called chili in the Material Plane.

As ingredients were continuously added to the pot, Zenana stirred with a large iron spoon while thinking about some mysterious and mysterious questions. For example, what is the nature of eating?

Is it for the pleasure of chewing in the mouth? Or is it to experience the satisfaction of having a full belly? Zenana thinks neither.

In his view, the essence of eating is to obtain the energy necessary for survival. If this is the starting point, in fact, the devil is no different from the creatures on the main material plane.


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