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Chapter 396: The Devil's Kitchen in the Prison (Part 2)

The Devil's Chef Zenana will always force himself to devote himself to the cooking work, and dare not be sloppy.

Because he knew that if he was a little negligent, the prisoners in the prison could die in the hundreds. In that case, he would not only have to face the warden's anger, but even face the cold eyes of Lord City Lord.

Such consequences are not something he, a middle-level devil, can afford. Every time I think of this, Zenana's body trembles uncontrollably.

But the follow-up process of making soup is really boring, and at this time, he can't help but wander into the world.

Now that the number of souls entering **** is getting rarer, Chef Devil sighed worriedly. However, in Zenana's memory, he once heard that a certain period of time was even more difficult than it is now.

During those years, the number of souls was horribly small. The army of demons not only occupied the entire first floor of hell, but also surrounded the steel city in front of them.

At that time, Dis City had not been expanded to the extent it is now, but it was majestic enough. The Devil Legion defended the city and resisted the demon army that was countless times larger than them. The war was staged almost every day.

Zenana vaguely remembered that the creatures on the main material plane managed that period of time called the Sixth Era. At that time, the races that dominated the entire plane were called elves. Because of this biological nature, the number of fallen souls is extremely small. If the race that dominates the plane is such a regrettable situation, then no matter how many other races have fallen, they cannot make up for the gap.

Later, Zenana heard that the Lord of the Nine Prisons spent a long time in units of tens of thousands, plotted countless conspiracies, and used many methods both openly and secretly to crush the extremely powerful elf dynasty at that time and help today's human beings Successfully ascended.

After a long period of time, it was quite beautiful, the number of souls increased dramatically, the army of demons without discipline was pushed back to the first level, and the army of demons even counterattacked the demon's lair countless times.

Devils who have no worries, when tempting souls to fall, they are more like making a beautiful piece of art. They will "finely scrutinize" a soul that they like, and their time can even be as long as this person. of the whole life. Because the devils have plenty of time to splurge, and even if they do nothing, the number of souls that go into **** is enough to use.

Later, the entire Material Plane was unified by a human nation called the Magic Empire. After that, a certain human mage in the magic empire visited **** and found the deepest Lord of the Nine Hells. I heard that the two had secretly talked for a long time, and shortly after the human mage left, the battle between humans and gods broke out.

Zenana didn't know how deeply the devil was involved in that epic war that was several times more tragic than the battle between **** and the abyss. But there are rumors that in that secret conversation, the Lord of the Nine Prisons told the human mage a secret. The content of that secret is said to be a period of time, a certain period of time in eternity.

At that time, the species in the multiverse was still extremely scarce, and the gods of the first generation were still being conceived and not yet born. In the rumors, the human mage seems to have told the Lord of the Nine Prisons that as long as he has witnessed the birth of the gods, he can find a way to defeat them easily.

"The gods are indeed extremely powerful, but they are actually much weaker than imagined." According to the rumor, the human mage said, "The gods are like Rupert's tears, although they look quite hard, but as long as you hold their tails , with a little more force, and they'll burst and shatter."

Zenana didn't know what Rupert's Tears were, or whether the human mage had managed to find the weakness of the gods, but at least the humans did win the war.

Did that human mage really witness the birth of a god? Chef Devil doesn't quite believe it. Because no creature can live that long, and even devils and demons didn't exist at that time.

How did he do that? Zenana was puzzled by this.


"How did you do it?" Selder, the acupuncture demon, asked the chef who was dazed by the cauldron, "Why is your cooking process almost the same every time, but the pig food you make..., no , I mean, the thick soup made is very different in terms of color and taste?"

The devil chef came back to his senses and looked at the acupuncture demon who interrupted his "thinking" with dissatisfaction, "Why are you asking so much? Do you want to take my place?"

"No, I'm not interested in your position at all, I'm just curious about what you've made." Acupuncture Demon said lightly.

"Not interested in my position? Hmph, even a goblin's IQ won't believe your bullshit. Keep your curiosity in check, or it will kill you one day!" Chef Devil frowned. Lesson, "The soup is ready, go and deliver it to the prisoners, don't let me see you being lazy, otherwise..."

"As ordered, Lord Zenana." Under the threat, Selder, the acupuncture demon, finally became more obedient.

Many devils cooperated, and the chains with the thickness of an arm slid, and the cauldron slowly tilted under the drag of the chains, and the dark green soup slowly flowed into another cylindrical iron along the slope. in the barrel.

An iron bucket full of thick soup was put on a trailer, followed by another with a lot of roast meat. After the food was ready, Selder pushed the trailer hard and slammed open the kitchen door.

Along the way, he would always keep muttering to himself, which was a process of reinforcing his own Selder knew that he was different, when he woke up as an inferior demon At that time, those around him were like fools with no mind, but he had a complete and healthy mind, and he clearly remembered those dreamy lives in the past, which made him easily stand out from the vast number of bad demons, Through the promotion ceremony, he became a higher-level acupuncture demon.

However, after the promotion, Selder found that the memories of the past were more and more broken, and many things could not be remembered no matter how hard he tried, which made him faintly afraid of the promotion ceremony that could become powerful.

No wonder there are devils who think that the promotion ceremony is actually destroying the original self and creating a brand new devil who inherits his memory. Moreover, this kind of inheritance is not a complete copy. Many devils will change their personalities after being promoted, and they will be completely different from before. But the devils don't care about that.

Because of this, Selder didn't want to be promoted at all. If other demons knew about Seldel's idea, they would definitely be speechless, but he did think so, and he was worried that he would become no different from other demons in the process of continuous promotion.

A bowl of dark green bisque, with a piece of parboiled roast meat, is the standard quota for each prisoner. But when Selder pushed the cart to compartment 101, he gave one of the prisoners two bowls of soup and three large pieces of roast meat.

"Thank you." The human prisoner said in lame purgatory, with a strange creature like a purgatory mouse lying on his head.

"You're welcome," Selder replied in standard common language. "As I said, it's just an investment of mine. I hope that one day, when I need you, you can help me in return."


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