Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 399: special opponent

"As you have seen, the gladiators who are going to fight on the field today... are all human beings! Two human beings who are as strong and lethal as devils. Fighting against the same race is my favorite game to watch, I don't know yours. What is your interest, anyway, I am looking forward to it!"

"The gladiator on the left with dual swords and a gloomy face is the 'Butcher' Barret Mungo who impressed us a lot!! (After a little pause) A good butcher always knows where to cut the knife, To bypass those hard bones or carapaces and dismember flesh and blood better. Barrett is the same."

"He has a wealth of combat experience, will accurately capture the opponent's weaknesses, and then use a thunderous attack to give the opponent death. And after victory, Barrett will cut off a certain part of the opponent's body like a cruel butcher. , and take it away as a trophy."

"As for what he did after taking these parts away, we don't know. But I guess it should be eaten, because Barrett should be a barbarian among humans, according to my recognition of this race. You know, they are somewhat similar to the orcs, the same savage, rude, and have a tradition of eating the flesh and blood of the strong, whether the flesh and blood comes from the enemy or the same clan. They think that in this way, they will gain the strength of the other party."

"Hey! We saw Barrett make that insulting gesture again, and it looks like he's a little unhappy with my introduction, or just too satisfied that he wants to do something with me? Who knows. Anyway , I think the nickname 'Butcher' is quite good. I think many people still remember the focused battle between the fire giant and the slaughter demon some time ago. At that time, he slashed the The process and expression of a flesh-and-blood golem are almost the same as those of a bloodthirsty butcher!"

"And the gladiator on the right, who wrapped himself in ragged iron, is the 'Palladine Darren' we are familiar with!! (After a little pause) We all know that paladins are in this multiverse It has become very rare, even in the main material world, it is difficult to have a place for them."

"The reason for this is very obvious. Those mages can do anything bastard, and some things are even scarier than what we have done, so they definitely don't want to be illuminated red. Fortunately, those who rule the main material world The mage of , does not want to build a world where everyone loves and helps each other, otherwise our life will be even more difficult. Of course, even if they want to do so, based on my understanding of the human race, it is completely impossible to achieve ."

"Darren's will and belief are very firm, and no amount of cruel torture will make him yield, so after being locked up by us for 50 years, he still hasn't fallen. And the guy who brought him food, because of the long time Getting in touch with him, being inspired by him continuously, and becoming a little deranged. We had to send that unlucky guy to the battlefield and let him wake up."

"Since Darren is so stubborn and still remains himself in hell, then we will see how he will choose on this piece of yellow sand. Will he ultimately sacrifice himself for others, or kill his own kind for himself? It's really exciting! I feel that this battle will be even more exciting than the battle of focus. Although the intensity cannot be compared with it, this kind of human struggle always makes us fascinated, doesn't it?"

"Okay, the two gladiators have already walked to the center of the arena. They are looking at each other and seem to be chatting about something. Let's hear the content."


This is an old man with an old face, he is wearing a worn and rusted plate armor, and he is leaning on a sheep's head warhammer with broken horns in both hands. Although the old man looks very old, his body has not shrunk in the slightest. It is still tall and strong, like a fir in a foggy forest.

The old man looked at Barrett with a stern face, "Although I'm a paladin, don't think I'll be merciful, boy. So you'd better have a good attitude, otherwise you may not be able to leave alive."

The introduction from the annoying voice above made Barritt feel a little troubled, but the old man's words made him inexplicably relaxed.

"To be honest, I don't want to fight with you, Darren, oh, I don't know if I can call you that." Barbarian pondered his words, "Although I am not a good person, I have never done anything heinous. If anything else is possible..."

"If you think so, I think you've lost, boy." The old man interrupted him. "I'm not the kind of paladin you think would rather sacrifice himself than save others." His eyes were bright, and he could see his unshakable firmness, "In this world, in this era, the road of pure devotion can no longer be walked, so what I have made is the 'Vengeance Oath'!"

"A vow of vengeance?"

"Yes, I will use all kinds of methods to kill the evil, even if those methods are not so bright, and sometimes even seem cruel and ruthless." The old man said, "I will never bother about those aspects of justice, virtue, and order. Because moral speculation cannot help justice, only by fighting evil with all our strength can we let the light shine to more people.”

Barrett's eyes widened in surprise, and he asked himself that even a mercenary adventurer like himself couldn't do this, "Won't this kind of behavior make you degenerate?"

"The oath of vengeance will not bring I knew this the day I took the oath." The old man's eyes were bright, "Pure white can easily become dirty , a little smudge will completely destroy it. But gray will not, it is more suitable for this world, and it is easier to strengthen itself. So what can really control you is not your means, but your heart.”

"But I'm not evil." Barrett

Opened up and said.

"I will repent for a long time after killing you," the old man said, "but don't think I will be merciful, I said it at the beginning."

"Very well, this is exactly what I want." Barrett smiled and took a few steps back. He danced the long sword in his hand into a pair of flowers of death, and said to the special paladin in front of him, "Thank you."

"When you live, it's not too late." After the old man finished speaking, he lowered his head silently, as if he was praying. After two heartbeats, a pair of huge wings made of golden light suddenly stretched out from behind the old man, driving him into the air.

The golden light of the wings was faintly red, and the light spread from the wings to the whole body of the old man, and covered the sheep's head warhammer in his hand, making the worn and dull plate armor much brighter.

"Exorcise the evil!" The paladin raised the warhammer in his hand and came towards Barrett.

Hey, it's not good for you to shout like that. Barrett twisted his neck and turned to meet him.


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