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Chapter 400: Oath of Vengeance (Part 1)

Seventy years ago, the Marwela desert.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines in this dim world. A middle-aged man dressed in worn-out plate armor and a face scarf around his mouth, leading a tall two-humped camel, walks with difficulty in the boundless sand sea. . Behind him, a boy wrapped in a cloak is following step by step.

As he passed a cluster of dry thorny bushes, the boy's eyes were drawn to a sand lizard hidden in the bushes. The sand lizard was closing his eyes and seemed to be taking a nap. The boy stopped, hesitated for a few seconds, and then walked towards the bush.

He carefully stretched out his hand, trying to grab this small sand lizard that was waiting for the night to come. The boy's attention was all on the sand lizard, but he ignored the ferocious thorns all over the bushes.

"Ah!" the boy whispered. His hand was accidentally scratched by the spikes, and a few drops of scarlet blood dripped down the wound, and was sucked clean by the yellow sand under his feet in an instant.

The resting sand lizard was awakened by this low voice. Its limbs slid rapidly, and its body nimbly drilled out of the bushes, and then climbed to a sand dune not far away. After turning over, it disappeared, leaving only a long string of shallow paw prints.

The boy's low voice also startled the middle-aged man who was walking silently in front of him. He loosened the reins of the camel, put his hands on his waist, and hurriedly looked behind him.

There was no trace of any monsters and beasts behind him, only the boy standing there. The man was relieved, pulled down the face towel, and called to the boy not far away, "Darren, what are you doing? It's getting dark, keep up!"

"I'm injured, Mr. Hall!" The boy stumbled over and stretched out the injured hand in front of the man.

After looking at the boy's injury, the middle-aged man known as 'Mr. Hall' took off the metal glove on his right hand and placed his palm over the wound.

Immediately afterwards, a soft and sacred brilliance suddenly burst out from the man's palm. After two heartbeats, the brilliance disappeared. The man put on the metal gloves again, turned around and walked forward.

The boy Darren looked down at the back of his hand. The wound on it had completely healed, leaving only a trace of pale pink newborn marks. He smiled happily and took steps to catch up.

At night, the sky in the desert is vast and clear, with occasional meteors passing by and falling into an unknown distance. Under the blurry moonlight, a small bonfire burned quietly, with a light smoke like silk, curling up.

Beside the bonfire, while nibbling on the jerky, the boy Darren asked the middle-aged man who was staring at the bonfire silently, "Mr. Hall, when can I use those magical abilities like you?"

Hall turned to look at the boy, "After you answered the call and became a true paladin."

"Then, when will the call come?" the boy asked again.

"After you have received systematic training, learned combat skills, and prepared your heart, the summoning will naturally come," Hall said, "At that time, all you need to do is respond to it and regard it as your lifelong life. mission and inevitable destiny.”

"Whose call is that?" The bright bonfire reflected in the boy's eyes, "Is it a god?"

"No." Paladin Hall shook his head, and then felt that the answer was inaccurate, and further explained, "In ancient times, most of our paladins really came from those invisible gods. As long as you Make up your mind to take a path of devotion and justice, and be prepared to fight for it all your life, when the gods whisper to you, and if you respond to this whisper, you will become a glorious paladin, a righteous The defender of the wicked, the ouster of evil."

"So, now?" The boy's face was full of curiosity.

"Now, there are very few paladins who have been called by the gods." Hall replied, "However, this is not such a serious problem. You know, we are different from priests. Our strength comes from our own beliefs, from our own beliefs. A glorious sense of mission, and an unbreakable sacred oath, not given to us by the gods."

The boy was so absorbed in listening to it that he even forgot to chew the jerky in his mouth. He subconsciously swallowed the half-minced jerky directly into it, but he kept beating his chest with his hands.

"Even if there is no god..." Hall handed the kettle to the boy, "We still have 'inheritance'!"

"Inheritance? What is that?"

"You can think of him as 'Tinder'!" Hall said solemnly, "When me and the other paladins think you are ready and qualified to be one of us, we will You will be summoned through the 'inheritance', which will plant a divine power within you, and you need to learn how to use that power and make it stronger."

The boy took several sips of water excitedly, and then asked impatiently, "Is that 'inheritance' in the Glory Castle we are going to?"

"Yes." Hall nodded. "Although the Castle of Glory was just a small stronghold of the paladins in ancient times, it has now developed into our center. Almost all paladins come from there. ."

"Why not build it in a more prosperous place? Even if it is not among those human countries in the south, as long as it is on the border of the Takara Kingdom, it is still very good!" The boy asked with his head tilted in confusion, "Here But it's too remote, we've been walking for more than a month since we left the 'Shek Flower Village', but we haven't even seen a single traveler."

"It's just because it's in the middle of nowhere..." Hall suddenly stopped, and after a while of silence, he answered again, "You don't need to understand this question yet, you will naturally know it when you have a chance in the future~ The boy is cute

After asking a lot, he reached out and handed the kettle back, took another bite of the jerky, and ate it silently.

After eating the jerky, the boy seemed a little bored, so he grabbed a handful of warm sand on the ground and let it slowly run between his fingers. After playing like this for a while, the boy twisted his body awkwardly, as if he didn't like this silent and a little depressing atmosphere, so he asked another question, "What if the inheritance is gone? Hall? Teacher, will there be no more paladins in the future?"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face for the first time, "Don't worry, Darren, paladins will always exist at any time." He said confidently, "When you encounter some terrifying evil , that evil is slaughtering innocent people, and you swore to destroy them; when you wake up from your sleep, and suddenly find a sacred mission imprinted in your soul, you know it will be with you for the rest of your life; You pass by a quiet and peaceful village, you feel the beauty and happiness in it, you want to protect it..., no matter what, you can hear the call."

"It is not the gods, not the 'inheritance', not the imprint in the soul, nor the quiet and peaceful village that calls us." Hall looked at the boy and said word by word, "It is justice and kindness itself that calls us, we They are their servants. As long as this multiverse needs justice and goodness, we will be here forever."

"Then, what if one day the multiverse doesn't need it?" the boy asked innocently.


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