Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 417: The two-headed giant who likes to eat brain flowers

"I believe everyone is quite surprised by the result of the last gladiatorial fight. The mighty mummy lord, the ruler of the unclean tomb, the commander of the blighted legion, the rotten body 'Aria', actually lost to an unknown 'Arankora Hawkman,' this is amazing! I know most of the people in the stands will lose a lot as a result of this gladiatorial fight, and to be honest, so did that friend of mine."

"It's like a devil who is diligently corrupting the souls of mortals, but the end result is that the devil is influenced by mortals and wants to escape the sequence of the nine prisons and live happily with mortals on the main material plane. . This kind of situation is simply unimaginable and fantastic, but it really happened in front of us."

"The one named..., let me think about it, the Arankolla Hawkman named 'Rachel' came to **** to find a piece of their clan's artifact—a piece of the Howling Scepter, listen. It is said that the scepter was broken into seven pieces in a war that was related to the life and death of their clan, and was scattered in the multiverse.

"As it happens, our great city lord happened to know the exact whereabouts of one of the fragments, and I heard that this fragment is hidden in a corner of the Nine Prisons. There is no doubt that Rachel definitely wants to get this information, However, he must prove himself first, so that he has the qualifications to talk to the Lord of the City."

"There is no quicker way to qualify than by winning in the arena. Of course, a large number of souls are always excluded. If you have enough souls, you may even qualify for an afternoon tea with the Lord of the Nine Hells and talk about diversity The universe is full of life, and let the Lord of Nine Prisons personally add a sweet cube for you."

"Rachel was one step closer to his goal, which surprised everyone. But it is clear that Lord 'Beth Rebo', who was in charge of arranging the game, knew the strength of the Arakura Eagle better than us. What can we do? We can only hope that the next gladiator will bring us some of the results we want.”

"In the next battle, one of the parties is the 'Unyielding' Barrett who we are quite familiar with and has performed very well recently!! Why not call him 'The Butcher'? Because in the recent two gladiatorial victories After that, he didn't cut off some parts of the loser's body and take it away. To be honest, I'm very disappointed about it, it makes my nickname a bit misnomer, and it's the most intolerable thing!"

"So I decided to change his name to 'Unyielding' because this guy has suffered many serious and fatal injuries in gladiatorial fights, but he survived tenaciously and won the final victory. I hope he likes me to give him advice. The new nickname. Look, Barrett didn't make that insulting gesture to me anymore, and it seems he's more comfortable with the title 'The Unyielding.'"

"On the other side, is the terrifying two-headed giant who just killed a blue-footed dragon and snake in the last match, Duka Duke!! The head with a red face pattern on the left of this two-headed giant is called 'Duka', while the blue on the right is called 'Duka'. The head with the color pattern is called 'Duke', um..., it may be the other way around, it's probably the same, don't worry about it."

"For this we would like to thank the support of the 'Venus Flytrap' hunting group, who are good at catching all kinds of cruel and powerful creatures in the multiverse, and then selling them to the arena, so that the gladiatorial competition we see will be more abundant. "

"We saw that Barrett the Unyielding had walked to the center of the field, and the two-headed giant 'Duca Duke' was still in a cage and shouting, as if he couldn't wait. So without further ado, let's Open your eyes and watch this wonderful gladiatorial fight."

"Game start!"


With a loud 'boom'-like sound, the fence in front of the metal cage fell directly, setting off a burst of sand. The two-headed giant who was in the cage was still clamoring wildly a moment ago, but when the door really opened, he suddenly became much more cautious.

Maybe this guy's IQ is not as stupid as he looks. Barritt in the center of the arena held the 'Twin Sword' inserted on the ground upside down in both hands, silently waiting for the opponent's arrival.

The dust gradually dissipated, and the two-headed giant probed into the cage and looked around. After confirming that there was only one enemy, Barritt, he took a blood-stained battle axe and a thick mace and strode forward. Walk towards him.

When the distance between the two sides was about five meters, the two-headed giant named 'Duka Duke' suddenly stopped and stared directly at Barrit with the four eyes on both heads.

Although our barbarian gladiator is taller among humans, at this time his height is only near the knees of the two-headed giant, standing in front of him like a helpless child.

"Duka likes humans!" The head with three red horizontal stripes spit out some vague common language.

The two-headed giant was actually quite friendly, "Well... well, keep it up," Barrett said. He really didn't know how to answer, should he say 'I also like the two-headed giant'? That's too hard.

"Because humans are delicious!" said another skull with vertical blue stripes.

Well, it seems that I think too much. Barrett drew his broad-bladed longsword from the sand, ready for battle.

"Duka will eat you, this little guy, and put your head in his mouth and chew it all up!" The head who spoke first licked his lips, "Duka likes the taste of brains, it's better to put the whole head in Roast it on the fire, after the brain boils, break the skull, sprinkle with salt, chili, pepper and parsley. The taste, smooth, soft, steaming, delicious!" Its mouth Constantly drooling out.

Yo, this head with a red face pattern is actually quite researched on the way of 'eating'! Barrett couldn't help feeling a little sympathy.

"No, Duke is going to eat his head!" The other head said dissatisfiedly.

"Duka is smart, he wants to eat his head; Duke is stupid, he can only eat his butt!" The red-faced head looked stronger.

"Well, I have a good way to solve the problem!" Barrett interrupted the other party's argument, "You fight first, and the winner will be the winner. The winner will have the right to eat my head and eat whatever they want. Anything. I'll wait here and not run around."

From what he understood, the two heads of the two-headed giant race really fought each other all the year round. Sometimes even the slightest level of quarrel will turn into a constant attack on each other.

"Hmph, the little guy is bad!" Duka actually stopped arguing after hearing it, "He wants us to kill each other."

"Duke is smart, he won't be fooled!" The other head also turned to look at Barrett, "In this way, Duke can eat ass, but with all the internal organs of the little guy!"

Duka tilted his head to think for a moment, then agreed with gritted teeth, "Okay, Duka eats the upper body, and Duke eats the lower body plus internal organs."

"Okay, deal!" The two heads of the two-headed giant reached a deal that satisfied both parties in front of the food.

"Hello, hello, won't you ask my opinion?" said Barrett. The "magic plan" he came up with didn't work out, which made the barbarian a little disappointed.

"Hmph, food has no say!" Duka said something philosophical.

"No one cares about the taste of the food!" Duke was not to be outdone.

Well, it seems that I can't even speak to a stupid two-headed giant, and Barrett can't help but sigh. Since he can't compare to the other party in terms of eloquence, he can only find self-confidence from his skills.

He raised the weapon in his hand and rushed to the two-headed giant in two steps.

"Attention, the little guy is here!" Duka reminded loudly. The tomahawk in the left hand of the two-headed giant slashed towards Barrett violently, but was easily dodged by him by leaping to the side.

"Duke will kill him!" Another head shouted, "Duke is invincible!" The huge mace in his right hand also slammed down heavily, splashing yellow sand in the sky.

"You missed, let him run to the back of us!" The red-faced Duka turned his head to look behind him, and the two-headed giant's body also began to turn quickly, "I'm going to kick him hard!" The giant He raised his foot and kicked the 'food' vigorously, but the barbarian rolled over to dodge it again.

"He stabbed us in the lower leg, ah, stabbed again!" Duke shouted, "Quick, let's turn, turn!" So the giant squatted and began to turn clockwise, the tomahawk and The mace bombarded the surrounding ground frantically together, and the raised sand ravaged the entire arena.

Barrett ran out of the dust with a dismayed face. He wiped a handful of sand on his face, preparing to wait for the two-headed giant's peculiar attack to end before rushing over to kill him.

"Have we killed the little guy?" Duka's voice came from the center of the sand.

"I don't know, but Duke feels sick," another voice continued. Then, the two-headed giant who was spinning in circles stopped and staggered on the yellow sand.

These two heads are too noisy, can't they work together through spiritual communication? Barrett shook his head and charged towards the other party again.

Fighting such a large creature without spell-like abilities is actually not too difficult. Although your attack can't kill the opponent in one hit, you can take advantage of your agility to slowly eat away at the opponent.

Barrett ran to the big man's side and slashed at the opponent's left leg with all his strength with his sword in both hands. The sword sank most of the way, and the two heads of the two-headed giant let out a roar of pain at the same time.

Immediately after, the sharp sword was drawn, which deepened the wound and took away a lot of blood. The second sword came in an instant, and continued to hit the opponent's left leg, followed by the third sword. Although this sword was not cut due to the opponent's movement, it still caused a lot of damage.

Barrett clings to the two-headed giant's calf, making it difficult for opponents to attack effectively. And when the opponent lifts his left leg, he quickly moves his body to the opponent's right side.

Duka and Duke kept attacking and cursing, but they were still helpless to Barrett.

In just half a cup of tea, the left leg of the two-headed giant was cut off by the barbarians, with countless wounds, and almost every one of them had deep bones, and the entire leg was completely unusable.

The gushing blood continued to flow out of the wound, causing Barrett to take another 'blood bath'. It is a pity that the blood of the two-headed giant cannot activate the [Blood-Blooded Body] achievement, and these liquids are useless except to make Barret stink

The severe blood loss and continuous futile attacks made both heads of the two-headed giant fear, and the big man dragged his left leg and fled frantically, trying to stay away from Barret as much as possible.

"Duka is very painful, Duka is very uncomfortable!" The head with the red facial lines was downcast.

"Duke can't eat the little guy, the little guy wants to eat Duke!" The other head also groaned.

Barritt ignored his opponent's screams. He jumped up after running, and stabbed the two-headed giant's right leg at the joint with the weapon, causing him to kneel on the ground screaming.

But just when Barrett wanted to seize the opportunity to pierce the opponent's two heads directly, a light red translucent image with bat wings suddenly appeared beside him.

The 'Shadow of Twins' was actually summoned at this time, and it was the image of the desire demon. Barrett felt a little speechless. The point was that he didn't need the help of the other party right now.

"Huh, it's finally out!" The image stretched out, showing off his graceful figure to the fullest.

Forget it, it's just a minute anyway, you can play slowly by yourself, I'm going to get down to business. Barrett crossed the image and ran towards the two heads of the two-headed giant.

But the twin shadow suddenly floated in front of him, directly blocking Barrett's way.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" The image said with a sad face, "It's rare for people to show up once, don't you want to give it even a minute?"

This, Barrett was stunned, isn't this forcibly increasing the difficulty for himself?


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