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Chapter 418: Duke and Duke

For the unplanned appearance of the 'Twin Shadow (Devil)', Barrett didn't want to pay attention. He lowered his head and drilled directly through the image's body, and continued to run towards the two-headed giant 'Duka Duke' who was struggling to get up.

"The bad guy wounded Duka!" the red-faced giant's head shouted, "Duka is going to chop off his head!" It threatened, while groping for its fallen weapon in the yellow sand.

"The bad guy is coming for Duke, hey Duke got him!!" another head roared, "Oh no, Duke didn't. He slipped through Duke's fingers and jumped to Duke gram's body."

"No, it's Duka's body!" The red-faced head habitually retorted.

"It's Duke's!" The other head pressed on in a higher tone, and then its voice became very frightened again, "Oh no, he's on Duke's shoulders, hurry, hurry him down !"

"Don't worry, Duka has an idea, let's roll and crush that bad guy to death!" Then the huge two-headed giant began to roll on the sand, and the rolled up sand filled the arena again.

Damn, almost! Barrett jumped off the two-headed giant's body and ran some distance into the distance. As long as he was given another second just now, Barrett would be able to stab the sharp sword directly into the back of Duke's head, thus perfectly solving this historical problem that has plagued the two-headed giant race for countless generations.

If you hadn't stopped me, maybe this gladiatorial fight would have ended. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the twin shadow floating in the air, while the other party was looking up at the stands around the arena.

Although the two-headed giant's rolling attack was quite powerful, because they were in this strange moving state, they couldn't see the specific position of Barrett at all, so they were just rolling around in the arena.

Barritt saw the two-headed giant slamming directly into the opposite wall, and then turned and rolled towards him precisely. Just when he was going to run a little further and try to keep a safe enough distance, the two-headed giant turned a corner inexplicably and ran in another direction.

"Duke is very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, vomit!" There was a vomit-like sound from the rolling giant's wheels.

"It doesn't matter, Duka has a solution!" This head seemed to have a lot of ideas, "We can do this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Barrett discovered that the two-headed giant 'Duka Duke' had changed the way he rolled. With the end of the head as the center and the entire body as the radius, they actually started rolling and drawing circles on the sand.

"It shouldn't be too dizzy." Duka said proudly.

Will it really work? Barrett rubbed his chin in thought. He suddenly wanted to try it for himself, but this was obviously not a good time to try.

"It seems that you don't need my help to kill that big guy." The twin shadow floated to Barrit's side and stood side by side with him, with a lonely expression.

"Do you really have self-awareness?" Barrett asked.

The existence of this twin shadow reminded him of the little ghost. Could it be that the dwarf blacksmith who forged this sword actually imprisoned the consciousness of an angel and a devil in the sword? Didn't it say that the blacksmith bought two corpses in the [Mission Log]? Could there be residual consciousness in the corpses?

Why call it 'consciousness' instead of soul? Because Barrett knew that angels and demons, these two creatures, do not have souls. Not only them, but many creatures from other aspects such as demons, elements, etc., are mostly soulless. It seems that this strange and precious thing, the soul, is a special product of the main material world.

"Are you conscious?" Twin Shadow turned his head and looked at Barrett, "I really miss it, but unfortunately time is running out. I'll talk more slowly when I have a chance in the future. Remember, my name is 'Dilitt', don't take it seriously. I messed up with another guy."

After she finished speaking, her body gradually disappeared into the air like a phantom of nothingness.

"Your appearance is always accompanied by a battle..." Barrett looked at the place where 'Dilit' disappeared, and muttered to himself, "There's no time to talk slowly."

Freed from the "help" of the twin shadows, Barbarian refocused his attention on the two-headed giant that kept drawing circles like a clock.

"Hmph, then no one can hurt Duka anymore." One of the giants said proudly, "Duka is the smartest, and Duka is invincible!"

"But how long will it last? Duke is tired, Duke wants to sleep." The other head kept yawning, and there was no intention of arguing.

This guy's heart is so big, Barrett is speechless again, the battle is not over yet, and he actually wants to sleep?

"Then you go to sleep first, and then take over for Duka when you wake up, and then Duka will take over for you when he wakes up." The smart head came up with a new idea, "This way we can continue to be 'invincible' all the time!"

This Nima..., Barrett felt that he couldn't wait any longer. He ran to the rolling forward... No, it was the giant wheel that was rolling in a circle, and stopped outside the circle drawn by the other party.

'Throwing' is undoubtedly the best attack method at this time. If only the Axe of Resonance was there, thought Barrett. He liked the shape and weight of the battle axe very much. It was very easy to throw, and it could automatically fly back to his hand with the help of another matching bronze ring, which was very useful in battle.

It's a pity that he lost this good axe in the city of San Nino in the Holy Arathor Kingdom, and he doesn't know if he can get it back in the future.

The 'twin sword' in his hand is not very suitable for throwing attacks. Its weight is too heavy and the blade is too long. It is quite suitable for use as a normal slashing and stabbing weapon.

Since he couldn't use a long-range attack, Barret had to find a way to get close. He pinpointed the moment when the two-headed giant's body rolled over in front of him, and ran quickly in the direction of the opponent's head, and within a few steps came to the center of the 'wheel'.

The two big dirty heads alternately went up and down in Barrett's eyes. He didn't need to distinguish which one was Duke and which one was Duke, anyway, they were all to be eliminated in the end.

Our barbarian gladiator raised his broad-bladed longsword and slashed at one of the upward-moving heads. With an extremely miserable cry, the rolling giant wheel was directly forced to stop by him.

The long sword slashed on the head with the blue vertical and split most of the entire head. It was Duke, and Barrett could tell by the difference in the facial lines.

The scream was not Duke, because it had already died in this heavy blow without saying a word.

The cry was actually from Duka. It knelt on the ground and struggled to prop up its upper body, and looked at the other head that was pulled aside and kept flowing red and white brains, "You actually killed Duke, you killed Duke!" It kept repeating, its face His expression became more distorted.

"You should be happy so that no one will keep arguing with you in the future." Barrett looked up at Duka and said, "You can have this body alone...for a little while."

Because after a while, your fate will be the same as Duke's.

"Duka is going to crush you and crush you into powder!" The giant folded his hands and grabbed towards Barret angrily, but the latter cut off **** of his left hand with a sword and broke through the circle of his hands. came out.

Barritt, who broke through the siege, did not retreat but advanced, and came to the front of the giant Duka with a single stride, and the weapon in his hand pierced the opponent's heart.

"No, no!!!" The giant Duka looked down at the long sword that sank most of his chest, and let out an unwilling roar. It raised its hands again and seemed about to struggle, but when Barrett pulled the 'Twin Sword' out of it, it took all its life away.

Our barbarian gladiator threw off the blood on his weapon and walked toward the gate that belonged to him without looking back.

Behind him, the giant Duka put his hands over his heart, and murmured in extreme pain, "I am a two-headed giant, Duka~ Duke..." The whispering sound became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared. Then the giant's entire body fell directly to the ground, completely silent.


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