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Chapter 470: Survivor (Part 1)

The construct raven 'Corn', who has been in charge of vigilance at high altitudes, led Barrett and others to the battlefield that had ended. The scattered corpses around made everyone vigilant, and judging from the remaining traces, this battle should not have been too long. If Barrett's estimate is correct, it should have been born within the nearest day. &1t;/

"I'll go upstairs to see if there are any other suspicious situations." The little mage raised the altitude and flew towards the sky. The others pulled out their weapons and walked carefully through the corpses. &1t;/

"It's such a pity, I actually like the race of centaurs." The businessman walked behind the red crab and said regretfully, "I have been to a centaur tribe called 'Blood Spears' before, and they I stayed there for more than half a month. The residents of that tribe are relatively easy to get along with, but the premise is that you can understand the nature of the creatures like centaurs." &1t;/

Ariel looked at one of the corpses of centaurs and horses that died in a tragic state, "I don't know if these fallen warriors are from the Bloodspear tribe. Red Crab, what do you think? You went with me at the time." &1t;/

"It's been so long, I can't remember anything." The bodyguard shrugged his shoulders casually, "But the plump **** of those centaurs are really impressive." Looking at the somewhat dissatisfied Bear Groff, "Oh, sorry, I shouldn't be talking about this right now." &1t;/

This was a rather tragic-looking battle. There were about eight or nine corpses of the centaur warriors, and even more of the monsters called 'withered monsters' fell. &1t;/

Because the following journey is likely to encounter such monsters raging in the vast sea grassland, Barritt carefully observes their characteristics. &1t;/

The most numerous monsters on the ground are small humanoid creatures that are not much taller than halflings. Their bodies seem to be pieced together from dry bushes. There are no obvious facial features on the head, but only two eyes. tree pattern. Some small monsters have four pointed claws on their arms, while some monsters seem to have their claws closed together to form a sharp point like the head of a gun. &1t;/

On the bank of the river next to it lay two other monsters covered in pine needles. This kind of monster can't help but remind Barret of the Needle Demon in the Nine Hells Devils, but they are much taller than the Needle Demon, similar to the barbarian himself. This monster is a bit hunchbacked, and its arms are much longer than humans, as if it can walk with the upper limbs like an ape. &1t;/

Almost all the corpses of the horse tribe were nailed with pine needles shot by two monsters, and it could be seen that they caused serious damage to these horses during the battle. &1t;/

Barritt pulled a pine needle from the body of one of the monsters and put it in front of him. The length of the pine needle was about the same as his index finger, and the tip was quite sharp, like a sharpened wooden arrow. &1t;/

The barbarian held the pine needle with his hand and turned it twice in front of his eyes, but suddenly felt that the **** that touched the tip of the pine needle were slightly numb. have a certain impact on people. He casually put the pine needle into the space ring, and washed his slightly numb fingers in the river. &1t;/

After an overall inspection on the battlefield, there is one thing that makes Manzi pay special attention: &1t;/

Several corpses of centaurs and horses he found on the ground had obvious traces of entanglement. Among them, the centaur who died the most looked as if his body was tightly restrained by the Titan python in the foggy forest. His limbs were twisted unnaturally, and the bones of his spine and chest were also broken in large numbers. Before his death, he must have suffered Excessive squeeze. &1t;/

But the two monsters that appeared on the ground were obviously unable to cause such serious damage, which meant that there were other types of monsters also participating in the battle. What kind of monster? &1t;/

The halfling Druid Oakleaf, although he told them about the monsters' invasion of the Vast Sea Prairie, did not tell them how many types of monsters there were. &1t;/

"The centaur was killed by the 'withered vine'." Bear Grove saw the doubt in Barrett's eyes, "The 'withered vine' is a large monster composed of countless vines entangled together. When it disperses, the entire area is under its control, and any creature that steps into its domain will be entangled by it, and if it can't break free, it will end like that." &1t;/

After the bear man finished speaking, he began to dig the ground with his huge claws, as if preparing to bury the corpses of these centaurs, "The withered vine monster has a lot of intelligence, and it is the only existence among monsters that can speak. More importantly, , it seems to be able to communicate with the 'Gantias Mother Tree' and listen to the orders given by the mother tree from a distance." He told everyone the basic information of these monsters. &1t;/

"Have you met them before?" Barrett walked over to the bear man and watched as he dug a deep hole with his claws extremely quickly. &1t;/

"Just two months ago, a Visnat gathering place was attacked by a large number of blight monsters." The bear man picked up a dry centaurs corpse and put it into the deep pit, " I happened to be wandering around the gathering place at the time, so I got involved in that fight." &1t;/

"How do these monsters fight?" Barrett wanted to help Grove dig a hole, but there were no shovels and hoes in the space ring. The barbarian hesitated for a while, and then symbolically filled a few holes into the hole where the corpse was placed. earth. &1t;/

"Small 'wither branches' are very agile and numerous. They attack like ants and get tangled up with the Wisnats in the gathering place." The second pit is also in the Grove's Under the huge palm, it took shape in an instant. "They climbed up on human bodies, pierced their hearts and eyes with their claws, and sucked their blood." &1t;/

"As for the 'Withered Needle Monster', there were less than ten such monsters at the time, but they shot out needles like a torrential rain. Many people fell under their attack, and the situation was very critical at one time. But these The dangerous needles can't shoot through my fur, so they can't cause me serious injury." Grove's tone was faintly proud, "I turned into a giant bear and rushed to the midst of these monsters, killing them. One by one they fell to the ground, then turned back into bearmen, and cut them all in half with an axe." Grove waved the bear's paw twice, "but those needles did hit him. It hurts." &1t;/

"And then?" asked Gene, the guide who tended the horses, coming over. &1t;/

"Then I was entangled by one, or two, or possibly three 'Withered Vine Monsters'." The bearman's tone became low, "Countless vines crawled against the ground and spread from all directions, They grabbed my limbs, climbed up my arms, tried to pin me to the ground. I broke free one by one, and cut off one piece after another. But more vines tangled in and killed me. The imprisoned in is squeezing my strength little by little." &1t;/

"Just when I was about to lose my hold, those Visnats responded with flaming arrows, which stopped the blight monster's continuous attack. Some of the flaming arrows shot around me and ignited Those nasty vines rescued me from the entanglement of the 'withered vine monster'." &1t;/

"So fire is a good way to deal with these blighters?" Barrett asked. &1t;/

"Yes, withered plants are easier to burn, and so are those monsters." Grove nodded and replied, "But this season, the vast sea grasslands are often rainy, making everything wet. Moreover, flames are a very dangerous Energy, if not used well..." &1t;/

At this moment, the little mage Chris landed from the air. He came to Barrett's side, frowned and asked, "I found something interesting, you say, will there be any survivors of this battle?" &1t;/


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