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Chapter 471: Survivor (below)

Holding a broken bow, Ivita walked slowly on the vast sea grassland. Her body was covered with scars, and the heaviest one was on the right hind leg, which greatly affected her movement.

Because of the unique body structure of the centaurs, Ivita could not see the specific condition of the wound, but she could feel blood dripping from the wound all the time, staining the green grassland a little scarlet.

"I can't fall here, I can't!" The strong centaur girl gritted her teeth to resist the dizziness caused by the blood loss, desperately squeezed the last bit of strength in her body, and marched in a trance in the direction of the tribe.

Ivita didn't quite know how long she had gone, but only knew that the bright sunlight gradually disappeared from behind and appeared little by little in front of her eyes, indicating that a new day had come, and it also meant that the tragic battle was already over. What happened yesterday was like a nightmare.

"Iveta, run! Go back to the tribe and tell the patriarch and the Karanta priest..." She still remembered the cry of the leader Sairon in the team when he rescued himself from the strangulation of the 'Withered Vine' discourse.

But what to tell my father and Calanta to sacrifice? The leader Sai Rong didn't have time to say the following content, and was tightly wrapped around his neck with vines by the withered vine monster.

When Ivita thought of the scene where the leader of Sai Ron was struggling desperately in the entanglement of vines, and the thought of her companions falling one by one under the attack of the blight monster, her heart was filled with uncontrollable sadness. Ivita wanted to kneel on the ground and cry desperately, but he knew that this was not the time to vent his emotions. Crying wastes energy, which is what she lacks the most.

Although physical strength can be recovered by rest and eating, these two things are very luxurious for her.

Even though the current area is quite far from that battlefield, Ivita knows that this does not mean that she is safe. She knew that there were still many small blight monsters chasing after her persistently. As long as she rested for a while, those monsters would catch up.

That's what happened last night. Not long after Ivita closed her eyes (or maybe a long time, our centaur girl couldn't tell the difference), she was woken up by Taika, who was in charge of the watch.

When Ivita opened her eyes, she found that the nightmare-like monsters appeared around her again. Although the specific number of monsters cannot be distinguished in the darkness, it seems that there are at least a dozen or twenty. Fortunately, there is no monster that can shoot a lot of pine needles among these pursuers, and there is no monster that can be strangled with a vine-like body, which gives her and Taika another chance to escape.

And this very serious wound on Ivita's hind leg was accidentally scratched by a blight monster that jumped on the hind leg when he was running away that night.

Chief Cyron often told Ivita, "Be sure to pay more attention to the situation behind you in battle, and your weapons are not only the longbow or sword in your hand, but the four hooves under your body are sometimes more useful than these weapons. "These words all make sense, but our strong centaurs always forget them when they're nervous.

By the way, and Taika, Ivita thought of this comrade who, like her, survived the battle by the river. After noticing her injuries that night, the shy centaur warrior volunteered to divert the pursuers behind him, and then came back to join her. But Taika hasn't appeared until now, which can't help but fill Ivita's heart with guilt.

They all died to save me, and I can't easily give up my life! Ivita picked off a purple alfalfa flower and chewed it slowly in her mouth, hoping to get a little nourishment from it.

Ordinary horses may happily nibble on the succulent pastures that can be found everywhere, but centaurs like Ivita cannot do so. Although their bodies are similar to horses, their eating habits are closer to those of humans.

Grains, meat, and fruit are all common food types on the Centaur table, but pastures like alfalfa are not included. Centaurs just can't digest them like real horses.

Ivita licked her dry lips and tried to lift her head to look into the distance. Although alfalfa flowers don't provide much energy, the few drops of sweet dew hidden in the stamens still shock the spirit of our centaurs.

All the water sources are not safe at the moment. From fighting by the river to now, she has only sucked a few crystal dewdrops remaining on the grass blades.

It's a pity that even the dewdrops can't be sucked all the time. They will gradually become smaller in the slowly rising sunlight, and finally usher in the fate of demise, just like her confused consciousness at this time.

Although Ivita kept encouraging and putting pressure on herself along the way, she still felt that she could no longer control this tired body full of scars. When she swayed and stepped on a clump of wormwood, she suddenly slipped and fell to the ground with a 'pop'.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes suddenly lost all color, and her consciousness also plunged into boundless darkness.


After an unknown time, a rustling sound suddenly came from the nearby grass, as if something was constantly approaching her. The voice became clearer and clearer, causing our centaur girl to wake up suddenly from her coma.

what happened? How am I lying on the ground? Ivita struggled to stand up from the ground, but her body was very weak at this time, and she did not recover much strength from the coma, so she tried several times and failed.

After a few painful breaths, Ivita finally noticed the unusual sound nearby.

What it is? The centaur girl turned her head to look in the direction of the voice. As the swaying of the grass got closer and closer, her mood became more and more nervous.

The grass was pulled away, and a little green-skinned guy got out of it. After the little guy discovered Ivita, he stabbed back as if he was greatly frightened. But it didn't take long for it to stick its head out of the grass again, carefully observing the centaurs girl who fell to the ground.

It was a goblin with a stick in his hand. The figure of this kind of creature can be found in almost every corner of the main material plane, and the beautiful Vast Sea Prairie is naturally not immune. However, this little green-skinned guy is very weak and can't pose much threat to Ivita, and the nervousness of the centaur girl began to slowly let go.

But just after a short period of relaxation, Ivita's mood became tense again. She suddenly thought that if the enemy only had the goblin in front of her, then there would be no danger, but most of these creatures appear in groups. If the number of opponents is ten or more, it is another matter. .

Moreover, the goblins on the vast sea grassland usually serve the evil gnolls. Those cruel gnolls are not as easy to deal with as the goblins. Even if there is only one, they can take out the poor people and horses. The girl is easily beheaded, or captured...

"Get out of here, or I'll kill you!" Ivita tried to make her expression and voice fierce, so that she could scare the opponent away with her bluff.

But this goblin was not fooled. It observed Ivita repeatedly for a long time, then smiled 'hehe', turned back and burrowed into the grass, and ran quickly into the distance.

Damn, that goblin must have gone to call a companion! Ivita forced herself to stand up from the ground, trying to stay away from the area as much as possible. But she didn't go long when she was stopped by two gnolls and more than a dozen goblins.

One of the goblins pointed at Ivita with the stick in his hand, and was constantly saying something to the gnoll beside him. The expression on his face was quite proud, which made our centaurs want to shoot him with an arrow. die.

It is a pity that the bowstring of the longbow in his hand has long been broken and can only be used as a self-defense melee weapon. Ivita held her longbow across her chest, ready to fight to the death.


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