Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 47: Catch the first one (below)

The outcome of the battle was already doomed the moment the frost worm's sarcoma was destroyed, and after its jaws and spit attacks were unsuccessful, the outcome could never be changed.

This is how elite adventurers conduct planned hunting. Those seemingly powerful monsters and beasts, as long as they know their attack methods and deal with them properly, as long as they do not make careless mistakes, then the entire battle is a little harder than killing goblins. .

Barrett stabbed the weapon into the body of the frost worm again, and he controlled the strength of his hand to ensure that he would not pierce too deep, so as to avoid causing more serious and fatal injuries to the frost worm. After all, the mission needs to be alive.

Only the live frost worm can complete the task, and the dead one can only fulfill the ogre's wish and become a food that is enough to eat for several months. Just don't know how it tastes, and Barrett is also a little curious about it.

The resistance encountered when the weapon was initially pierced was very large, as if it was pierced on the multi-layer leather armor with high hardness and toughness that was repeatedly immersed in oil and tanned several times. After piercing a few more points, the resistance suddenly became much smaller. Barrett knew that the weapon had broken through the thick skin of the frost worm, entered its body, and caused a little damage.

The damage doesn't need to be too much, because his 'Iron Bride' and the half-elf's double swords have been smeared with a paralyzing poison that targets large creatures. Ultimately, the poison still needs to be used to quiet the prey.

The light blue blood of the frost worms filled the ground, forming patches of frost wherever they passed. The surrounding temperature was even colder than before, and the breath condensed into frost mist as soon as it exited, blending with the mist in the misty forest.

Barrett moved his fingers without feeling stiff. Without the help of magic, what he must have felt at this time was not only a slight coolness, but a biting cold.

The dual effects of blood loss and poison make the frost worm's movements slower and slower. It wants to give up the very tough 'canned ogre' and attack Barrett and half-elf, which seems to be a better solution, but are constantly causing damage to it, but it has been attacked by cannibals several times. The demon was blocked at the first time.

No matter how the Frost Worm turned or turned its head, Moglock would appear in front of it, blocking its way with a 'giant bone', and constantly beating its big teeth with a 'scratch skull'.

The ogre didn't dare to attack the frost worm's head. It was worried that it would be too embarrassing if it really "shattered the skull" with a hammer.

Mage Will stood in the distance, and from time to time, he would cast a spell, 'Hypnosis', which did not consume much mana, to disturb the latter's mind and make it 'quiet' more quickly. In addition, the mage pays more attention to the head of the frost worm. After all, the power of the spit attack of this worm is really extraordinary. If you are not careful and suddenly come again by it, it is likely to cause irreversible consequences.

As for the dwarf Mapra, who was thrown from the top of his head by the frost worm, he was standing beside Mage Will, not only protecting the Mage, but also observing the surrounding environment instead of Barret.

Elite adventurers cooperate and connect with each other in battle, and do not need too much verbal communication. The cooperation will even be more tacit and natural than the armies of various countries. Barrett's time with 'dirty fiction' was short, but he was barely able to do that.

After another cup of tea, the frost worm let out a hoarse cry and fell to the ground with a thud. Although its body would occasionally move a little, like a spasm, its round eyes could no longer be focused, and its mind was obviously blurred.

The ogre kicked Frost Worm's head with his foot, but the latter didn't respond, "Moglock killed another big guy!" It said excitedly.

"Good job." Barrett nodded at the ogre with a smile. Indeed, the protagonists of this battle are the gnome and the ogre, the former destroying the most troublesome, vibrato sarcoma of the frost worm, and the latter arguably resisting all the attacks of the frost worm. And he and the half-elf can only be regarded as small characters who play outside the background.

"The rest is up to you." Barrett said to Mage Will who came forward, "If you don't mind, I want to see how you sent this big guy away."

When hunting the three-armed troll, Barrett just watched the accompanying magician work from a distance, but did not observe it closely. And this time, since there is such an opportunity, even if Barrett can manage his curiosity, he does not want to miss it.

Magic, for ordinary people who can't control it, always has a great attraction.

"Of course there is no problem." Mage Will smiled, "Just pay a viewing fee." Mage joked.

"I just hope you don't charge according to the values ​​of the mage." Barrett also responded easily. The smoothness of the battle made everyone feel a lot easier.

"A fascinating story." Old Will raised his eyebrows slyly, "What about the price? I believe that it is a good deal whether it is based on the values ​​of a mage or an adventurer."

"Oh? I'm flattered by the price you asked for!" Barrett showed a rare heartfelt smile, "This is indeed a good deal, really good! If the story can be sold for money, even if it can only be sold for For one silver coin, I'm afraid I can buy half of Galano City."

Although there is an element of boasting here, Barrett has experienced far more things than other adventurers in his adventurer career for so many years. Not only that, but those things were weirder and more bizarre than normal adventures.

"Of course stories can sell for money, otherwise the bards will starve." The half-elf voiced from the other side of the frostworm's body, "But let's send this big guy away first, and then discuss how to use stories. Let's buy the city, this is a big plan." He also teased in a relaxed tone.

The half-elf jumped on the back of the frost bug lightly, and then jumped down calmly, coming to Barrett and old Will. The half-elf flicked the weapon in his hand lightly, and the frost bug blood remaining on the long sword disappeared. He danced another beautiful sword flower with his two swords and inserted them back into his waist.

"The blood of this bug seems to be extraordinarily cold," said the half-elf. "Before we send it away, we might as well collect some, maybe we will use it later."

"Great idea," Barrett agrees, "even if we don't use it ourselves, we can sell it to someone else. I honestly feel the weirdness when the blood of the frost bug splashes on my face. The cold is digging into the skin, and even with your protective magic, it cannot be completely isolated."

After listening to Barrett's description, Old Will walked straight to Frost Worm's side, squatted down, and touched a little light blue blood on the ground with the index finger of his right hand. He took the blood-stained finger to his eyes and carefully observed it, then rubbed it repeatedly with his thumb and index finger.

The light blue blood seemed to be decomposed bit by bit at the mage's fingertips and slowly disappeared.

"It has magic power in its blood." Old Will's expression was a little strange, "General magical creatures only store and use magic power through mutated or extra-grown organs, while frost worms store and use magic power directly through blood. Magical, this is the first time I've seen it. I don't know if the frost bugs on the permafrost tundra are like or if the species in the misty forest are extra special."

The mage said that he lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head with a smile, "Anyway, there's no harm in collecting some, just consider it as an extra reward for the task."

"As you wish," Barrett responded.

After that, the barbarians and half-elves began to use the container provided by Old Will to collect the blood from the frost bugs. The frost worm is now in a state of motionlessness. Many wounds on its body have even begun to coagulate and stop bleeding because they have not exercised vigorously, so the blood flowing from the wounds on its body has gradually decreased. But even so, Barrett and the half-elf still collected a lot, which is a big gain.

And Old Will took out a bottle of dark black magic ink from the space ring, but it shone brightly. It seemed that he was about to start the drawing of the teleportation circle.

But before drawing the magic circle, Old Will walked to the head of the frost worm, took out a piece of parchment from the space ring, and placed it on top of the frost worm's head.

A strange pattern was drawn on the parchment, and Mage Will said it was the quest sender's arcane mark.

Each mage's imprint pattern can be set by the mage himself, so those patterns are all strange and different.

Barrett had been on an adventure with a young mage, and he had seen the young mage's cryptic mark. The pattern of the mark was two strange semicircles, black and white, that seemed to be chasing each other. At that time, the young mage also told Barrett. , this strange pattern has its own unique name.

What is it called? Barrett recalled carefully, yes, it seems to be called - "Thai Chicken"?

He didn't know if his pronunciation was correct.


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