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Chapter 48: Magic circle and arcane mark

The parchment attached to the head of the frost worm in front of him has the pattern of a mysterious imprint of a moth with four wings on its back. The front pair of wings of the moth is brown with blue star-striped lace, and the latter pair of wings is blue with brown spiral lace. Each wing is embedded with an orange-yellow flame-like ring, which is beautiful and gorgeous.

The owner of this arcane mark should be a female mage. Barrett stood beside Old Will, looking at the parchment on top of Frost Worm's head, guessing irresponsibly in his heart. He believes that men should not have the heart to design such complicated patterns.

However, if the target is a mage, Barrett is a little uncertain. Maybe there will be sissies in the mage community who like that kind of delicate and gorgeous patterns. He groaned.

Barrett has also seen Old Will's esoteric marks. In order to avoid accidentally getting lost, Old Will left many of his own esoteric marks on the fir tree trunks that can be seen everywhere along the way to use as road signs.

The pattern of the mark was an ordinary oak tree that could not be more ordinary. It neither appeared lush nor withered, and it was not different from those found everywhere in the woods or by the roadside.

Compared with the black and white circle of unknown meaning of the young mage, and the colorful moth on the parchment, this pattern is really far behind. However, the pattern itself has no extra use other than reflecting the mage's own preferences.

The real usefulness of the magic mark is that when the mages cast this spell, they will attach their own unique magic waves to the pattern formed by the magic.

This kind of magic fluctuation is like a signature or fingerprint, it is unique to each mage, and its functions are varied. If it is used for identification, it will be more secure and effective than a signature or fingerprint, and its duration can also be determined according to It is really convenient for the mage to decide whether it is permanent or temporary.

"To transport such a big thing, a temporary teleportation circle is used instead of a permanent magic circle. In this way, the magic stone consumed is not a small amount." Old Will said in his voice. A hint of distress was revealed, "But fortunately it's not up to us to pay for this expense, otherwise it would really be worth the loss."

While drawing the magic circle on the ground, Old Will chatted with Barrett, "The value of those magic spar can almost equal to half of the story in your stomach." The mage joked.

"If only they could turn into gold coins." Barrett smiled and patted his belly. "In that case, I can also become a rich man, a rich man comparable to a mage." The words are emphasized.

"People think that the mage is synonymous with wealth and generosity, there is no doubt about that. But I have to tell you that there is also a difference between the 'poor' and the 'rich' in the mage."

Mage Will pointed to the parchment on top of the frost worm's head, and the mysterious imprint on it was lifelike, "And this Mage Laurent is undoubtedly the 'rich man' of the 'rich man'. Those who know alchemy The mages are all walkable mints, and the rumor that ordinary people often say - 'the breath of mages will bring out the golden sand', refers to this group of people." Although Mage Will said this, there was no envy in his tone. , "You sell them the magic materials, and they can process it through alchemy, and they can sell a hundred times the profit. As for me." He pointed to himself again, "It belongs to the 'poor' level."

That is also the poor among mages, Barrett said in his heart.

"Alchemy is really boring. It requires great patience and a lot of knowledge. Even for mages, few people can persevere." He pointed to himself and repeated, "Few people can persevere. ."

"I once heard people say this: the 'nobility' of others can't be exchanged for my 'lowness'. All I can say is that everyone's pursuits are different." Barrett said. Marrying a red-haired girl and having children, buying a farm with savings, and spending the rest of your life together is undoubtedly beautiful, but it's not what I want.

Old Will repeated the proverb carefully in his mouth, "It makes so much sense!" He looked very happy, "A person who can say such a thing undoubtedly understands the true meaning of life. This is rare! Where did you hear this sentence?" The Master asked curiously.

Where did I hear it? Barrett pondered in his heart, this sentence seemed to come out of his mind so naturally, but to find its source, he had no clue.

He shook his head dazedly.

At this moment, a creature like a white sable emerged from the fog. It didn't approach Barrett and others, but it didn't leave either. Instead, Shi Shiran sat on the spot with his two hind legs, quietly looking at the busy people around the frost bug, looking very calm.

And when the ogre wanted to approach it curiously, it moved a few steps lightly, and after the distance was slightly further away, it sat down again, like a polite diner waiting for a meal.

"Hey, my good Moglock, do me a favor!" Old Will shouted to the ogre. The latter was trying to convince the dwarf on its shoulder to shoot the "quiet eater" with a dagger, but its little friend just shook his head and refused to do so.

"Leave him alone, Moglock, it just wants to eat some leftovers," said the wizard, "let our audience just watch it until it finds out that we don't run restaurants, but acrobatics. , it will naturally go away." Old Will beckoned, "Come here, help me put this big guy up, so that our array will be much smaller, saving a lot of time and materials. , the latter is particularly important.”

"What a pity!" The ogre's tone revealed regret, "The ferret badger is delicious."

Moglock tugged at the tail of the frost worm and rambled it around like a snake twice, the big sleepy guy immediately looked much smaller.

Mage Will walked around the frost worm, nodded with satisfaction, and began to draw the magic circle.

He guided the shining magic ink in the bottle with his fingers, forming a pattern on the ground little by little. At first, two standard concentric circles surrounded by frost bugs appeared on the ground. How did Will manage to draw such a neat circle.

Then appeared a huge magical seven-pointed star. A seven-pointed star of magic ink passed under the frostworm, each vertex meeting a concentric circle.

"It would be great if the magic circle only needed to be so simple." Old Will sighed, and then began to draw one small and complex magic symbol after another.

The mage will sometimes nod his head in satisfaction, and sometimes he will erase the magic symbol he just drew before redrawing it. He reached out to the magic symbol that seemed to be wrong, and the magic ink that had fallen to the ground would return to his hand.

That should be the zero-level spell - "Hand of the Mage", Barrett guessed.

Wizards can use this spell to telecontrol objects. Although it is only a zero-level spell, the initial weight and distance of objects that can be remotely controlled are very low, but as the level of the wizard increases, the effectiveness of this spell will also increase. , is a spell with a very wide range of effects, and it is very convenient to use.

More and more magic symbols appeared on the ground, but the bottle of gleaming dark black magic ink didn't seem to decrease much. Apparently the quaintly shaped bottle is also a special kind of space equipment, holding much more liquid than it seems.

After about a meal, Old Will straightened his body, "The magic is on, it's finally done." He let out a long sigh of relief, tapped his shoulder, and took it out again. Several sky blue magic spar, walked into the formed magic circle, and embedded the magic stone in some places that seemed to be nodes.

The shape of those magic spar is irregular, and most of them are half the size of a palm. The color of the spar's sky blue does not seem to be its own color, but a faint light radiating from the inside of the spar.

There was also a spar the size of a fingernail in Barrett's cowhide bag. Later, the little spar was taken away by the red-haired girl. The girl said that if there was a chance in the future, she would buy a silver necklace and then buy a silver necklace. Hang the spar as a necklace pendant.

Why did he think of her again? Barret frowned and focused his attention on the magic circle in front of him.

Everyone withdrew from the circle, and then Old Will began to recite a spell of unknown meaning. The arcane sigil on the parchment above the frostworm's head first began to light up as the wizard uttered those strange notes in sonorous tones.

Immediately afterwards, the magic stones embedded in the magic circle also radiated light one by one. The light was like a liquid, flowing through all the magic symbols on the magic circle.

When all the magic symbols began to shine and seemed to echo each other, Barrett suddenly heard a strange beeping sound in his ear. The sound got louder and louder, but it only lasted for one heartbeat. When the sound reached its peak, with a humming sound, the frost worm disappeared into the circle like a broken soap bubble.

And that little creature sitting not far away, covered in snow and not knowing whether it was a mink or a weasel badger, suddenly became overwhelmed with a well-behaved and quiet expression, as if confused by what was happening in front of him.


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