Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 13 Unlocking the Password

"The other Tang Ke is the owner of Zixuan Pavilion! You are worthy to flatter others?"


As he said, Lao Wang slapped Lin Xuan in the face.

Lin Xuan was even more shocked.

"Impossible! Isn't he a takeaway? How can he be the owner of Zixuan Pavilion?"

"There are so many things you don't know in this world that you don't understand!"

"You still need to question their identity?"

"I think you owe it!"

Lao Wang was angry, and Lin Xuan was already dumbfounded at this time.

I have been a colleague with such a super boss!

As a result, he did not grasp the opportunity!

If you were like other girls at that time, just look at the value!

Going directly to hook up with Tang Ke, it may be another scene completely now!

I lost a super good opportunity!

"I can see you clearly! A bitch!"


Lao Wang said angrily, and then left without looking back.

"Just break up! Tang Ke, I have broken up with this man!"

"You can let me do anything, I..."

Lin Xuan just turned around to talk to Tang Ke.

Just found...

Tang Ke has long since disappeared!

When he was talking to Lao Wang, Tang Ke ran away quietly!

Super running, big throttle motor rang.

The throttle is low and there is no sound.

you deserve to have!


Deliver food! Keep sending!

Tang Ke is now a billionaire, and he is riding a bike to deliver food.

There is no other reason. Tang Ke's main business is food delivery.

When he came downstairs to the client, Tang Ke took out his cell phone and called the client directly.

The fenced community, the most luxurious community in Yangcheng, is not one of them.

The phone was connected, and a dumb voice rang, as if he had just woke up: "Hello, hello."

The lazy cat's voice is unconsciously scratching.

"Hello, your takeaway is here, please come down and collect it."

"Oh oh oh, good."

The beauty casually wore a slightly cool outfit, and slowly stepped downstairs. The laziness and randomness in her eyes did not destroy any image of this beauty, but added a bit of beauty.

But... this beauty seems to be a road idiot. She couldn't find her way back as soon as she got downstairs, and she didn't know where she was going.

Tang Ke watched the passage of time every minute, and he couldn't help but frowned slightly. He called again and found that there was already a trembling sound over there: "I...I'm lost."

The voice was extremely aggrieved, as if he had been wronged somehow.

Hearing this, Tang Ke couldn't help covering his forehead. This beauty is also a talent, and she could get lost in her own community.

Is this the rich man? Don't even go out of your own community?

"Don't worry, take a look at which building you are now?"

Tang Ke's magnetic voice directly calmed the beauty's anxiety and panic, and looked around: "This...this is Building No. 42."

Tang Ke has also been in the fence community, and can basically understand the basic path of the fence community, and said: "So, don't worry, you go outside the 42nd building, pass three building entrances and turn right. After turning right, turn left at the first intersection and go straight and you will come to the gate of the community."

"Okay, let me try."

The beauty's voice was slightly calm, and she spoke to Tang Ke.


Tang Ke nodded, and continued to wait at the gate of the community.

However, after more than ten minutes passed, Tang Ke still failed to see the beauty. Needless to say, this beauty must have been lost again.

Tang Ke couldn't help covering his forehead, and sent a text message to the beauty to tell her not to walk in the 42nd building.

Tang Ke quickly found the beauty, with a pitiful look in his eyes, an expression that I saw pity and tears, and there was still a trace of laziness in his eyes, her face like a clock in the sky.

But he squatted in place almost desperately.

The beauty also glanced at Tang Ke, can't help being stunned.

Turns out there is such a good-looking takeaway boy!

Tang Ke smiled gently, and a magnetic voice rang beside the beauty: "Are you lost?"


After speaking, he directly took Tang Ke's hand and stood up, looking at Tang Ke with a vague curiosity in his eyes.

Tang Ke smiled and said to the beauty: "Then, I'll take you home."

After speaking, Tang Ke directly took the beauty back to her home.

"My name is Liu Luyao! Thank you so much this time!"

The beauty Liu Luyao arrived at the door with a smile on her face.

"I must invite you to dinner if I have a chance! We get to know each other! By the way! What's your phone number, brother?"

It seems that the family behind Liu Luyao has added a lot of courage.

Started to talk endlessly to Tang Ke.

Tang Ke can't help being so enthusiastic with such a beautiful beauty!

Especially the beauties are still cute and cute, and they can't refuse!

Unknowingly, they exchanged contact information, and promised that the girls would go out to play together in the future.


"Tang Ke, give me the phone!"

"Tang Ke, blind date, tonight, you remember to go!"

"This is her WeChat! I added it for you!"

Just after get off work, Aunt Liu warmly reminded her.

It was so enthusiastic that Tang Ke couldn't refuse.

Tang Ke took it over and saw that there was indeed a Golden Mengmeng in the address book.

From the avatar, she is really a beauty.

Looking through the circle of friends, they are all fitness circles, and they are in good shape.

Unfortunately, I can only see it for three days.

"Aunt Liu! Thanks!"

Although not a peerless beauty, it also shows that Aunt Liu has taken a lot of effort!

Simply use WeChat to chat with beautiful women.

Arrange a time and place: at eight o'clock in the evening, Starbucks.

Boys arrive early, after all, it is common sense.

Tang Ke arrived twenty minutes early.

Order a cup of coffee and taste coffee while looking at the phone.

The eyes of the beauties next to him kept drifting away from Tang Ke's body.

"so hot!"

"He seems to be alone."

"Why don't you talk to me? I want to contact you!"

"People must be waiting for someone!"

A bunch of beautiful women are discussing crazy here just like the frying pan.

After discussing for a long time, a beautiful woman finally plucked up courage.

Came to Tang Ke's side.

"Mr., my phone code can't be solved, can you help?"

Tang Ke was a little surprised.

How can I unlock your password?


"You can enter your phone number and try it."

Tang Ke reacted now!

I was actually beaten by a beauty!

The men next to him also looked envious!

I've heard that men's routines, beautiful women want phone numbers, but I didn't expect to see beautiful women asking men for phone numbers today!

And this is the operation!


Envy is dead!

Tang Ke smiled and lightly tapped four zeros.

The phone was actually unlocked!

Tang Ke had already noticed that the code for beautiful women was just set, and there was no password before.

So the sure password is also very simple.

The beauty immediately became shy.

This was declined by Tang Ke!

Still use this high-end method!



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