When the beauty was gone, Tang Ke realized that the time had come to half past eight.

It doesn't matter if the blind date is a little bit late.

How long have you been late for this?

Tang Ke doesn't like to urge people, anyway, the other party guesses there is something special, and temporarily give him a chance.

This opportunity is given.

It was nine ten ten.

Tang Ke couldn't help it anymore.


"when will you arrive?"

"I'm in the gym, half an hour later."


? ? ?

"Miss, you're all late, do you have to continue in half an hour?"

"Then I won't go anymore, can I always?"


It's just right not to go! Tang Ke really doesn't take care of it anymore!

I thought it was a beauty, but I didn't expect this beauty to have such a big shelf!

I really thought the whole world was around her!

Obviously I'm already late and I'm still arrogant here.

"Pull black!"

"The beauty over there, let's go! Let's go shopping!"


The gym at this time.

Jin Mengmeng glanced at the phone with disdain.

"Smelly dick, Miss Yueben? You are still more than ten years early!"

"Yo? Who is it that made our Miss Mengmeng so angry?"

A beautiful woman next to her came up immediately.

"Don't mention it, a blind date."

"You said you have come on a blind date. As a boy, do you want to lower your mentality?"

"Meeting a beautiful woman like me, that is a blessing he has cultivated for several lifetimes!"

"Let him wait for a while and train him, he is reluctant!"

Jin Mengmeng made a series of attacks.

As a big beauty, you shouldn't be too delicate.

The woman next to her agreed.

"Mengmeng, you are right to do this! A man should be humble! Don't let him humble now, he will dare to talk back to you directly in the future!"

"I even dare to beat you! Break up as soon as possible!"

"that is!"

"He doesn't even look at what kind of bird he looks like. He doesn't even dare to use his photo as an avatar. He is still carrying his back, and he knows that he is an ugly monster at first sight!"

"If it wasn't for Aunt Liu's face, I wouldn't add his friends!"

"I heard that it is still a food delivery company. How many rich people can deliver food delivery? It is not worthy of my kind girl!"

"Yes! Mengmeng, you are too right!"

"We women should treat ourselves better! With so many men, we still don’t worry about marrying or how? Don’t you quickly find a rich boyfriend, you will be angry for the rest of your life!"

"As a woman in the new era, she should be more demanding of men!"

"We work hard and love beauty, so that we are just a good man!"

The two girls are here, you say a word to me, and the thief is happy.

"But... the takeaways seem to have some better takeaways."

The other woman said suddenly.

This woman is actually no one else, but Xie Lili, the manager of Zixuan Pavilion.

He knew Tang Ke's identity, and he also knew that Tang Ke was a delivery worker, and he was shocked for a long time.

"Awesome? How powerful can it be? Can you still afford a supercar?"

"Yeah, I can afford a supercar, Koenigsegg."


"Is this the person?"

Suddenly Jin Mengmeng took out his mobile phone and showed Tang Ke's WeChat account.

Although the head was just a back figure, Xie Lili was suddenly shocked!

It's really Tang Ke!

Tang Ke's back had already been deeply carved into Xie Lili's mind.

Do you want to tell Jin Mengmeng?

That must not be told!

How could such an important thing be told to Jin Mengmeng?

"Surely it can't be this person, how can it be such a coincidence."

The more I looked at Tang Ke's portrait, the more angry I became, and Jin Mengmeng immediately typed a few words.

"Poor! Get out of here!"

[(A food delivery company) turned on friend verification, you are not his (her) friend, please send a friend verification request, the other party...]


this person.

Blacked yourself out?

Jin Mengmeng was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression almost exploded with anger!

What is this? I wanted to be disgusting, but I was forced by them first!

I didn't feel disgusting to others, but I was disgusted!

I can’t find a place to scold if I want to scold!

I was so pissed off!

Jin Mengmeng got angry here.

Xie Lili smiled secretly. Fortunately, this silly lady didn't understand and didn't know anything. She missed a super rich!

Bell Bell Bell.

A phone ring rang, and Jin Mengmeng answered the phone.

"Zhanping? Why are you calling?"

It is Jin Mengmeng's college classmate Zhan Ping.

Because of Tang Ke's affairs, Jin Mengmeng is still ill-tempered even now.

Zhan Ping is also at a loss, why are you shaking my face?

"Let me tell you, tomorrow is my birthday, come over and celebrate, if you are not happy, forget it."

"It's not unhappy, it's because I got angry with a dick, it's okay, I will definitely go!"

"That's good."


In the fence community, Tang Ke came here to deliver food.


On the way, Tang Ke immediately saw a familiar figure.

"Isn't this Liu Luyao, that idiotic beauty?"

At this moment, Liu Luyao, looking left and right, seemed very anxious, tears were about to fall.

Tang Ke parked the car beside: "Liu Luyao?"

When Liu Luyao saw Tang Ke, he was not overjoyed. His excited little feet kept jumping: "It's you! It's you!"

At first glance, it was like seeing a life-saving straw.

That is certainly needless to say.

Tang Ke was asked to help again.

"Lost again?"


I don't know why, it is obviously a shame, but Liu Luyao looks a little proud.

"Get in the car..."

Tang Ke was also helpless.

In the car, Liu Luyao and Tang Ke immediately chatted intimately.

Once cooked and cooked again!

After chatting for a while, Tang Ke probably knew.

Liu Luyao is a college graduate, this is simply a child-like idiotic behavior, not because of stupidity.

But because Liu Luyao does have a neurological disease.

Animals can generally perceive the magnetic field to determine the direction. Humans have similar functions, but the sensing ability is not strong.

By the time Liu Luyao was here, the sensing ability was super strong, but it was chaotic.

So when walking forward, she might feel that she is walking backward after a second.

There is no way to identify the direction at all.

Because it is a disease of the nervous system, treatment is almost impossible.

After all, even research on this thing is still at some stage.

Nerves are too mysterious.

Tang Ke sent Liu Luyao all the way to the door.

"Be careful in the future, bring your phone and contact others at any time."

"Don't let your guard down if you think it's in the community!"


Liu Luyao nodded fiercely, and then returned to the room.

For some reason, Liu Luyao didn't think Tang Ke's words were as harsh and annoying as preaching.

On the contrary, it feels very heartwarming!

Is this Brother Sunshine? !

It's so handsome!

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