Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 197 Demolition and Relocation to a Community

Tang Ke had long heard about the demolished households in Yangcheng, and that was quite a good match.

Where is Niubi? It's just a bit of money!

As long as you demolish a compound, you can get a building!

Now Tang Ke really knows how this is converted.

Looking at the real estate certificates in the boxes in front of him, Tang Ke didn't even know what to do for a while...

After hesitating, Tang Ke raised his mouth.

Let’s take a look at these ten buildings first!


On the other side, Tangjia Community at this time.

The entire community is the community compensated for this demolition, and the staff of the property company are still chatting here.

"What is the name of the people's community? The waterside flowers are on the side of the water. Why is this community called Tangjia Community?"

"Then who knows, maybe everyone who lives in is surnamed Tang? What kind of family community is this?"

In Yinxia Country, family consciousness is relatively strong.

As long as it is a slightly older family, from the father's generation to the children's generation, all kinds of people gather together, three generations or four generations.

In this case, it is not a problem to have 30 or 40 people in a family.

Especially in some villages, the entire village is an ancestor, and this is also the case.

Everyone guessed that it might be in this direction.

The property company is waiting here at this time, so naturally it is ready to discuss the property issue with the owner here.

Most people ask the property company, and some even find the company by the owners' committee.

In some cases, the company took the initiative to find these owners to discuss.

In places like Yangcheng, no one will wait for business to come, unless you are a super boss.

Otherwise, you have to take the initiative to find business.

A large group of security, cleaning, and staff are quietly waiting for the host's arrival.

Thirty minutes later...

The manager raised his arms and exclaimed, "I just called and the owners are coming. Get ready!"

Everyone listened and immediately set their posture and attitude.

Show the most perfect side in front of the owner!


A few minutes later, two vehicles arrived at the community.

Among everyone's attention...

Four or five people came down...


There is no more!

there is none left?

The scene was stunned.

What's going on, just these few owners?

No, some of them are staff, they know, those staff in charge of real estate certificates.

They are definitely not people in the community, what about the owners of the community?

The manager is also dumbfounded.

I had received a notice saying that the owner of the community was coming.

I thought it was the entire group of owners who came, even if not all the owners, somehow they would send more than a dozen representatives, right?

In the end, this is all alone!

The manager hurried to ask people he knew over there.

"Leader, didn't you say that the boss came? Where is it?"

"Right here, Mr. Tang Ke, he is the only owner of your community."




The current manager simply doesn't know how to describe his feelings!

When he was stunned, Tang Ke had already entered the community leisurely!

Because none of the staff here reflected Tang Ke's identity, they didn't even say hello.

"Manager, where's the owner?"

"The owner just went in, and he owns all the buildings in the community."

In desperation, the manager can only say this thing.

Everyone is even more dumbfounded!

One person, ten buildings? If you live in a room a day, it will take two years to live in again, right?

The manager had calmed down at this time, and said sharply: "Don't worry about the few people!"

"Today I tell you that you have also seen it, and the only owner of the community is the one who just went in!"

"You all should know what to do!"

Everyone nodded immediately.


Tang Ke, just after inspecting a building, the people next to him were already out of breath.

To collect the house is to come to the room to see if there are any major problems with the house.

Most people buy a house for fear that the house will leak, the main body is not good, or even the structure is defective.

So I must look carefully and then carefully. Tang Ke looked at a building, but just took a casual look. A building is already a very huge workload.

If you see the rest...

Hey, don't you have to exhaust the people next to him?

"Forget it, don't read the rest, the quality should be okay, I'll sign."

Tang Ke immediately took out the materials to sign.

The signing of this name means that Tang Ke has recognized that there is no problem with this building, and the formal handover is completed, and the entire community belongs to Tang Ke!

Simply find a room and put the real estate certificate in it.

It's almost like a warehouse, half of the room is a real estate certificate!


Tang Ke shook his head helplessly, what do you think this system does wrong? Give this thing, do I live here? Me!


On the plane, Jing Yan, the allure flight attendant, became the most eye-catching beauty on the plane without a surprise.

Especially when there are two men who look at Jing Yan's eyes are not right!

One of them is Wu Nan, an elite white-collar worker, and the other is Zhao Chuan, who has money in his family and demolished households.

Both of them wanted to make a good impression on Jing Yan and attract the attention of the goddess!

However, it is definitely not enough to blatantly strike up a conversation. In this way, it will leave a bad impression on the girls.

As Wu Nan rolled his eyes, he immediately thought of a good way.

Now the plane hasn't taken off yet! Can still call!

Pretending to make a normal call, Wu Nan put the phone in her ear and said impatiently: "How many times have I said it, don't call me anymore!"

"These houses have nothing to do with you!"

"Commercial house, what happened to the facade house? That has nothing to do with you!"

Then hung up the phone pretending to click.

He said to himself: "These intermediaries are really annoying! Isn't it just that there are ten houses? Bother me every day!"

He also deliberately let Jing Yan hear it.

Jing Yan heard it, but he didn't care about it at all. There were only ten houses.

Not to mention ten sets, or one hundred sets, it is estimated that none of Tang Ke's villas are as valuable.

Seeing Wu Nan's actions, Zhao Chuan also suddenly got inspiration!

He took out his mobile phone and said angrily: "Demolition office? Are you annoying?"

"I have already said that there are at least 20 houses in Yangcheng, otherwise there will be no play! Even if you are a nail house, I will not agree to it!"

Then hung up angrily!

Speaking loudly: "This stewardess, tell me, these people are so unreasonable!"

"My house is going to be demolished, but they only give five houses. How can I agree?"

Jing Yan looked...dismissively.

The person next to him was very excited.

"Rely, this one is to lie down to collect rent and make money, and the other is to lie down and wait for the demolition to make money!"

"Envy, if I have one-tenth of their stuff, I will eat and die!"

"Why are they pretending to be the same as deliberately? Laozi is sour!"

Wu Nan and Zhao Chuan, seeing each other's performance, suddenly understood each other's meaning.

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