Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 198 Twenty Sets VS Ten Buildings

The two men suddenly looked at each other with hostility, Jing Yan almost knew what happened next.

In order not to cause turmoil, Jing Yan immediately went to the crew and adjusted his position to the other side.

The two men are still here looking forward to it, waiting for Jing Yan to return...

But I don't know that Jing Yan has long wanted to come back!

Seeing that Jing Yan was too late, the two men immediately became angry.

"The flight attendant! The flight attendant!"

"What's wrong?"

"Where is the beauty just now?"

"Go to work in another area."

"What? Call me back right away!" Zhao Chuan said angrily.

As soon as Laozi finished pretending to be forced, you called the person away?

"Yes! Call back! Otherwise I will complain to you!" Wu Nan followed.

If other times, the flight attendant might be really scared, but what is the situation now?

Jing Yan is the girlfriend of the deputy director of Yangcheng Airlines!

Is it your complaint, or is it someone else? This is simply obvious!

The flight attendant's expression did not change in the slightest.

"If you want to complain, please!"

After speaking, he left immediately.

The two... suddenly lost their temper.

However, the two of them did not intend to give up and kept staring at the situation of the plane. They were going to talk to Jingyan immediately after getting off the plane!

Jing Yan obviously thought of this, and asked Tang Ke to pick him up in advance.

As soon as the plane landed, Jing Yan was picked up by Tang Ke through a special passage.

The two men waited at the airport for three hours, but they did not see Jing Yan!

People are stupid.


The next day, Tang Ke and Jing Yan were communicating feelings.

Suddenly received a call from the demolition office.

Let Tang Ke go through some formalities, after all, demolition is also a hassle.

Jing Yan looked surprised: "Do you still have a house to be demolished?"

Tang Ke smiled: "It's a bit complicated, it's hard to say a few words, do you want to take a look together?"


With Jing Yan, the two arrived at the demolition office.

As soon as they entered the hall, the two heard a loud noise inside.

"I have said it many times, five sets are absolutely impossible!"

At this time, Jing Yan discovered that this person is not Zhao Chuan!

I actually met here!

"What a coincidence!" Jing Yan sighed.

Tang Ke also found something wrong: "Is this the one who harassed you yesterday?"

Because Jing Yan had said this before, Tang Ke also knew it.

Jing Yan nodded: "Yes."

Tang Ke smiled, and he said anything to make this man completely dead in his pursuit of Jing Yan.

At this moment, a surprise voice appeared.

"Goddess, what a coincidence!"

Only then did Jing Yan discover that not only Zhao Chuan, but also Wu Nan came behind him.

"Fate, I'm here to do errands, and I can meet you too!"

Wu Nan immediately said with surprise on his face.

She was about to get close to Jing Yan, but was immediately stopped by Tang Ke.

"What are you going to do to my girlfriend?"


A word directly made Wu Nan's atmosphere immediately, damn it! Someone is the first to get there!

But looking at Tang Ke a little bit, Wu Nan immediately became confident.

This man looks ordinary! Not his opponent at all.

"What do you do?" Wu Nan asked curiously.

"Open Didi."


Wu Nan couldn't hold back, and laughed directly.

Suddenly got up a lot of superiority: "Open Didi! Is there a place to live in Yangcheng?"

"Laozi is in Yangcheng. There are three sets of commercial houses, three sets of facade houses, and four sets of storerooms! You are very arrogant when you open Didi!"

That's what Wu Nan said, but the people around had already discovered it.

This arrogant man is obviously Wu Nan.

But in a place like Yangcheng, there are ten houses, which is really amazing.

Jing Yan felt a little guilty at this time, and she caused Tang Ke a lot of trouble.

This is not the case, but because of his own affairs, Tang Ke began to be entangled.

Unexpectedly at this time...

Zhao Chuan suddenly said: "Ten houses are amazing?"

At this time, Zhao Chuan had twenty real estate certificates in his hand!

Finally, I negotiated with the demolition person before, and the other party gave him 20 houses!

Demolition compensation!

The current Zhao Chuan is simply going to heaven with pride.

I can't wait to photograph the real estate certificates of these twenty houses directly on Wu Nan's face!

"Did you see it? How many houses do you have? Are there such great things as me?"

Wu Nan's face suddenly turned pale, finished and suppressed.

"Damn! This man actually has twenty houses in his hands?"

"Demolition of the second-generation cow ratio!"

"Why didn't I insist on asking for more houses at the time! Damn!"

Zhao Chuan looked at Jing Yan and Tang Ke very proudly.

"Are you her boyfriend?"

"You pick a house at will, and then get out! This woman belongs to me!"

When the people around heard this, they took a breath!

"This is a tens of millions of houses!"


The scene in front of me was recorded by an internet celebrity anchor.

At this time, the popularity of the live broadcast room is still rising, because the appearance of the second generation of super demolished 20 houses is even more popular.

After all, this is a house in Yangcheng!

At this moment, a staff member hurried to the side of Zhao Chuan.

"Excuse me, there are some problems with this real estate certificate, can we deal with it? Let us first..."

Zhao Chuan furrowed his brows: "You people, you really can't do things! This can cause problems."

But I gave them the book.

In fact, he didn't care at all, he just put on a superb look here.

This staff member was about to leave, and immediately saw Tang Ke!

"Mr. Tang Ke! You are here! Why didn't you tell me?"

"It just so happens. There are also problems with the ten buildings that were dealt with yesterday...If you are not troublesome, can you give it to us together?"

Zhao Chuan...

Wu Nan...


Look confused!

Ten buildings?

Are you kidding me?

Zhao Chuan was stunned for a moment, then immediately burst into laughter.

"Are you stupid? You still have ten buildings? He opened Didi, let alone ten, even a house may not be there!"

Tang Ke did not speak.

The staff member became serious.

"Am I not clear about the business I handle? Of course it is ten buildings!"

Hearing this, the expression on Zhao Chuan's face instantly solidified...

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

At this time, in the barrage of the live broadcast, everyone began to be surprised.

"Damn, there are such big guys?"

"Too awesome, right? This..."

Tang Ke had a calm expression on his face.

"There are too many room books. Go to the community and find a car to pull it over. I'll give you the key."


A word is even more speechless!

They have so many houses that they need to be pulled by a car!

Are you still showing off these twenty sets here?

Now Zhao Chuan is almost crying, he is pretending to be in front of someone?

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