Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 206: This Is The Real Donation

As Yu Wenbin listened to the comments of the people around him, his face was not so good at this time.

There is no difference between him and the pretend to be overturned!

What made him even more distressed was that the money was given, but the result was still not pleased!

Just at this time……

Another convoy has arrived!

However, this team of teams is quite ordinary, turned out to be a lot of cars!

A middle-aged man brought a few of his men to Tang Ke.

This person is Zhao An, the director of Tang Ke Charity Organization.

"Boss, here we are."

Tang Ke nodded, and then said to the dean: "Dean, this is Zhao An, the director of my foundation."

"Let's talk about donations."

Zhao An greeted the dean enthusiastically.

After saying hello, Zhao An said without procrastination.

"According to our boss Tang Ke, we plan to invest 100 million yuan in the reconstruction of the orphanage!"


Look confused!

Yu Wenbin...

Even more confusing!

The reporters around have already started to wash their ears!

I'm afraid I heard it wrong!

Tang Ke is the boss? And also donate 100 million?

What a joke!


Yu Wenbin has taught everyone about science before, and there are five national charities!

Every one is super existence!

It is even more difficult to get assistance from such a place.

With such an awesome existence, Tang Ke actually owns one directly!

He is not a shareholder, he is the boss!

This is very scary! Because the establishment of such an organization requires more than money.

Various procedures are required, as well as the above consent.

Generally, this kind of organization will not be approved for ordinary people to establish!

For Yu Wenbin, Tang Ke suddenly became an unfathomable existence!

Everyone looked at Tang Ke, their eyes full of awe and envy!

Tang Ke is the real boss!

Tan Long and Song Yao, who had provoked Tang Ke before, were panicked...

It's over, Tang Ke turned out to be so awesome.

As long as he wants, he can make them both pay the price at any time!

Meng Feifei was already dumbfounded at this time.

The look in Tang Ke's eyes also began to blur, this Tang Ke is too mysterious!

so amazing!

The reporter's cameras also pointed towards Tang Ke at this time.

"President, these days, leave the placement of orphans to me, and I will subsidize the orphanage every month."

"The people under my hand will try their best to help. If you have any requests, please mention it!"


Dean Zhou was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"I am so happy to have a student like you!"


That night, Tang Ke's affairs immediately caused an uproar.

Become a man of the TV station!

And Yu Wenbin was the one who forced him the most.

Three million went in, and the result was... a curse!

In the evening, the dean and Tang Ke recounted the old.

The old dean asked a little entangledly: "Are you still thinking of a way about your biological parents?"

Tang Ke shook his head.

I haven't seen them since I was young, and have no feelings for them.

At this time, Tang Ke no longer wanted to ponder those things.

"Tang Ke, this is actually the case. When you were sent to the orphanage, they actually left a message."

"It's just that you have always been young. I don't think it's the time to tell you this."

"Now I think the time has come..."

With that, the dean took out a bronze medal and handed it to Tang Ke.

Tang Ke glanced at it, it was already worn out of appearance, and he couldn't tell what it was.

Reluctantly accepted.


The problem of the orphanage was resolved smoothly, and Tang Ke took Meng Feifei to prepare to return to Yangcheng.

The two dropped in, and Tang Ke also knew.

Now Meng Feifei is a kindergarten teacher.

Meng Feifei, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at Tang Ke with some gratitude: "Thank you."

Tang Ke smiled lightly, although Meng Feifei looked normal.

But Tang Ke, who is sensitive, has discovered that Meng Feifei seems to have something on his mind.

"What's wrong? You should have something else to say..."

Meng Feifei nodded: "Actually, I heard the content of your chat with the dean."

"We orphans care most about our biological parents..."

"Are you really not looking for it?"

Tang Ke shook his head: "It's not necessary."

The two were just about to continue talking.

It was discovered that the two cars in front almost collided together!

Both are luxury cars. On the high speed, there was some small friction when the two changed lanes.

I felt that the other party would let me, and almost ran into it!

The two who couldn't be more angry, both stopped to find each other to reason.

"Are you looking for death?"

"I think you are looking for death! Don't ask me who I am! Driving a BMW, you think you are really awesome, don't you?"

Tang Ke was speechless for a while.

Noisy if you want, don't get in the way!

"Dude, can you get out first?"

Tang Ke spoke.

One of the men, Wang Xi said angrily: "Let f*ck! I tell you, I have to clean up this kid if I say today!"

Tang Ke sighed helplessly.

"Just take it for the sake of my face, how about it?"

Just when Wang Xi snorted coldly, ready to return to Tang Ke.

Received the business card from Tang Ke.

This business card has a great background, and Tang Ke's position is clearly written on it.

From Yangcheng Airlines to Linkang Medical Group, to various hotel companies...

It is very comprehensive.

Wang Xi was shocked!

The man in front of him is actually a big Buddha!

Wang Xi smiled immediately: "It turned out to be Mr. Tang Ke, long up for a long time!"

"It is definitely our fate to meet today!"

"I'll make way for you right away! We will contact you often in the future!"

With that, he gave way.

This way, it was far worse than before.

No one would have thought that this man is such a talkative person!

Meng Feifei was also surprised at this time.

She had heard of Wang Xi, and she had a very bad temper.

It allows him to recognize the counsel when he only sees a business card, and he has never heard of it!

Meng Feifei's admiration for Tang Ke is one more point!


When it was almost night, Tang Ke sent Meng Feifei home.

Meng Feifei is currently working in Dingcheng and her home is here.

Wang Xi just now was a big man in Dingcheng, so Meng Feifei had only heard of it.

Unwilling to say goodbye to Tang Ke, Meng Feifei kept talking.

"Tang Ke, by the way, I'm going to have dinner with my colleagues later, will you come together?"

"Tonight... I will live in Dingcheng."

Obviously, this is for Tang Ke to stay overnight!

Tang Ke really didn't have anything important to go to Yangcheng, so he agreed.

The two soon arrived in a high-end restaurant in Dingcheng.

Meng Feifei's colleague waited aside early, and his eyes straightened when he saw Meng Feifei bringing a handsome guy over!

One by one is full of enthusiasm!

Handsome guys like Tang Ke, they rarely have the chance to see them!

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