"Wow! Feifei, you actually have a boyfriend?"

"Didn't you go to Marble City? Why did you suddenly bring back a boyfriend?"

"so hot!"

Tang Ke was surrounded by Meng Feifei's colleagues in an instant.

This feeling is quite good.

But the boyfriends of other girls are a little unhappy...

The relationship between Meng Feifei and Tang Ke was misunderstood, and Meng Feifei was still very happy.

But Meng Feifei also knows that Tang Ke can't always take advantage of Tang Ke here.

"This is my friend Tang Ke, Tang Ke, and this is my colleague, Liu Chen."

Under Meng Feifei's introduction, Tang Ke and everyone probably met.

A few words of greeting.

Although Liu Chen is not very beautiful, he is still very kind.

Some people can tell their character from the face and temperament.

Next to Liu Chen, there is a boyfriend, Zhao Fengmeng.

Tang Ke felt a familiar feeling on Zhao Fengmeng, like a little plum.

This person is very honest at first glance.

The people Meng Feifei knew were pretty good people.

This is also a characteristic of small cities, unlike big cities like Yangcheng, which are full of feasting and feasting everywhere.

People in Yangcheng probably all struggle for a better life and climb up.

When they get results, they like to pretend and show off.

But most people in small cities still want to live quietly, and there are not too many people who can pretend to be.

"Congratulations to Feifei for the order!"

Liu Chen raised his glass and said enthusiastically: "Feifei is so beautiful, but so innocent."

"I have always been afraid that you will be deceived, looking for an unqualified boyfriend!"

"But seeing Tang Ke today, I think he really fits you well!"

Meng Feifei looked displeased: "Don't say it as if you are my mother, okay!"


The two were so interesting that everyone around them laughed together.

Mainly Meng Feifei's statement is really unacceptable.

After all, Meng Feifei is just a person who looks like little Loli, so naturally it is easy to be worried!

While eating, Tang Ke accidentally received news from Wang Xi.

It seemed that he had not been able to eat with Tang Ke, and was very unwilling, and asked about Tang Ke's location.

Tang Ke reported the name of the hotel, and Wang Xi was surprised.

"Isn't this my hotel?"

Then he sent a message to Tang Ke: "Mr. Tang Ke, we are indeed destined!"

After sending the message, I hurriedly prepared to go to Tang Ke's side!

In fact, it is not without reason that Wang Xi is so enthusiastic.

But after the contact with Tang Ke was over, he followed the business card to find someone he knew in Yangcheng.

Checked Tang Ke's identity.

I started the relationship and found a circle of people, and found that they were all true!

This is very scary!

Wang Xi, who originally had some reservations, has no plans to make any reservations at this time!

As long as he can have a good relationship with Tang Ke, he will definitely take off in the future!

In Dingcheng, Wang Xi is the number one and the richest man.

But a small city like Dingcheng is still inferior to Yangcheng after all.

Hurry up to find Tang Ke and fudge!


Tang Ke was sending a message, but didn't notice it. When Tang Ke looked up.

I have found that the person at his table seems to be in conflict with the person next to the table!

Liu Chen was talking loudly.

"What are you doing? Throw the used tissues to our side?"

Who knows, the other side's attitude is quite bad.

The leading young man looked arrogant: "I just threw it away, how about you?"

These young people are rich and young in Dingcheng, or less evil.

In a small place like Dingcheng, there are not too many great gods after all.

So they are just people with a small amount of money in the family, and they can already become the overlord of this party.

Nothing makes trouble every day, and there are too many things to find fault with.

Looking for faults like this now is actually to find something, and then find a way to deal with Memphis.

After all, Meng Feifei is a big beauty!

Zhao Fengmeng was angry at this time, and directly slapped the young man's face with a slap!

"Damn! Even a poor guy would dare to hit me?"

Kuo Shao spoke in a loud voice with the palm print on his face.

However, contrary to his attitude, he himself was persuaded!

Yes, persuaded!

He is actually not good at fighting, and at this time he has already taken out his cell phone and called others.

"You guys wait for Laozi, Laozi's people will be here soon!"

Evil Shao said angrily.

This kind of person is like this, foxes are fake, they are not so good, and they all rely on others to be so arrogant.

Sure enough, more than a dozen people coaxed by ruffians ran over.

He said arrogantly.

"Dare to offend our Young Master Liu, I think you are bored and crooked!"

"Today we have to kneel and kowtow to Master Liu, otherwise no one will want to leave!"

Tang Ke was surprised when he saw this scene before him.

Doesn't it mean that you need to dispatch your own security team to solve it at this time?

People from the Universe Shield Company could indeed let Tang Ke call over.

But showing this in front of so many friends in Memphis... seems to be too bloated.

Just at this time……

Tang Ke received the contact from Universe Shield in advance!

"Mr. Tang Ke, we have secretly helped you call the police. The police officer will be there in three minutes!"

It is estimated that I also know that such small things do not need to come forward.

That's why people from the Universe Shield Company came here deliberately.

The police officer arrived soon, but unfortunately a step slower, Zhao Fengmeng has already been punched twice.

The corners of the mouth are bleeding.

But after the police arrived, these evil youngsters and these gangsters were all confused.

Under the mediation of the police officers, this matter was forgotten, and Xiao Shao apologized to Zhao Feng and compensated 1,000 yuan for medical expenses.

Although it seems to be solved, it can be clearly seen.

This Young Master Liu was still a little unwilling at this time, his eyes were full of malice when he looked at Zhao Fengmeng.


After Liu Dashao left, Meng Feifei and the others became in a bad mood, after all, they were bullied here.

Although someone is in charge...but I am not in the mood to continue eating.

Just when everyone had packed their things and was about to leave.

Wang Xi is here! Behind Wang Xi, followed by the hotel manager!

"Mr. Tang Ke, are you leaving?"

Wang Xi immediately asked enthusiastically.

Tang Ke nodded.

Wang Xi hurriedly said: "Mr. Tang Ke, it's a rare visit, I still want to invite you to dinner!"

"By the way, Manager Wang, this table just now is free!"

Listening to Wang Xi's words, everyone was shocked!

Does Tang Ke even know such a powerful person?

And it's waived for free? This meal cost several thousand yuan at least!

Tang Ke smiled helplessly: "I don't care if I eat, I don't have that mood. I appreciate your kindness."

Seeing that Tang Ke's face was not very good, Wang Xi quickly asked the manager what was going on.

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