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Chapter 231 Love Has Nothing To Do With Identity


Prince Joseph's eyes widened at once.

He has been pestering Lisa, so he knows something about Lisa.

This Lisa rarely walks very close to the opposite sex!

Now I found a handsome guy, which is obviously a problem!

If Lisa is already famous, this is a matter of trouble!

"It's so bold! The princesses of the Xiali Kingdom dare to covet! This kind of person, I will never let it go!"

Prince Joseph, who realized what had happened, immediately roared.

Shouting, even the wine glass in his hand fell into the car!

The car that Joseph rode was a luxury sedan similar to that of an extended Lincoln.

There is a lot of space and plenty of space inside. Here, let alone drinking.

It’s just that Meimei’s sleep has no problems!

"This Lisa, how can you get so close to a Chinese person?"

"Isn't she the arrogance of being a white person!"

"Like her mother, shame us on the Kingdom of Xiali!"

Joseph grew more and more angry.

Seeing Joseph like this, no one dared to speak anymore.

After Joseph lost his temper, he started to ask.

"What does this person do!"

"It's... It's Didi..."

"What is Didi?"

"It's a kind of driver, very similar to our taxi."


Prince Joseph was dumbfounded at once.

"A taxi driver can turn Lisa's tricks around?"

The butler looked embarrassed.

"This is indeed the case... We have been investigating for a long time, and there will be no problems with this intelligence!"

"Fucking! If you let others know, where is the face of our Xiali Kingdom?!"

Prince Joseph who heard the news completely exploded.

"Unforgivable! Take me to see!"


At this time, Tang Ke was driving his own crowd, taking Lisa to go shopping.

Let Lisa relax, even if the prince comes?

Tang Ke is fearless at all!

After a while, a pair of eyes had been fixed on the two of them.

Prince Joseph's eyes turned green when he stared at Lisa.

Depend on!

It's really exactly the same as what my housekeeper investigated!

The princess whom I have a crush on is now the girlfriend of a Chinese man!

An angry Joseph wants to lift the table!

This is betrayal!

Even at this moment, Joseph didn't want to marry Lisa anymore!

But... After all, Lisa is the princess of the Kingdom of Xiali.

If you want to be the king of this country, you must marry her!

This is not just a question of likes or dislikes, there are also various things of power and reputation behind it!

"It must be cheated, how can a driver be with Lisa?"

Joseph said angrily.

Going out soon afterwards.

The butler quickly stopped Joseph: "Prince, you can't do this!"

"If you go up rashly, you can only be tricked by others!"

Joseph then calmed down.

He is the prince of the Kingdom of Xiali!

Just go out and fight with Tang Ke in the street, whether it's a scolding or a scuffle.

This is all inappropriate.

If it is seen by the media or even reported, this matter will be in trouble!

"Then... what should we do?"

"Prince, there will be an exhibition of royal treasures in two days!"

"This exhibition is held in our country, Yinxia Country, and many others."

"We can use this exhibition!"

Joseph's eyes lit up after listening.

"Yes, I just dropped in to participate in this exhibition!"

"The Kingdom of Xiali and your family have always cherished this exhibition very much."

"I also sent a royal crown here!"

"This is your heirloom and a rare treasure!"

"Using this, you can definitely win Princess Lisa's heart!"

Even if he can't get his heart, he can let Tang Ke know who is really worthy of Lisa!

Lisa is a princess after all, and she needs these things sooner or later.

As long as she can provide it, Lisa will not worry about changing her mind.

"Okay! Listen to you!"

"However, I still have to go and talk to this Chinese person clearly!"

With that, Joseph walked in front of Tang Ke and Lisa.

"Princess Lisa!"

Joseph put on a polite appearance and saluted Lisa.

This posture is a professional salute posture of the European royal family!


On the bustling street, a large group of people watched Joseph's action and watched.

Very surprised and unexpected.

"This person... is wrong?"

"Is acting still a secondary disease?"

"It doesn't feel normal."

Joseph... speechless!

You gang of hillbillies, do you know the etiquette?

This is the court etiquette in Europe!

Lisa did not expect that as soon as she had finished talking about this with Tang Ke, she would meet Joseph.

Suddenly there was some surprise.

"How did you come?"

But there was some disgust in these words.

Joseph said helplessly: "Princess Lisa, you should see me happy!"

As he said, he was about to kiss the back of Lisa's hand.

This is also one of the courtesy.

And Tang Ke...

With eyesight and quick hands, he directly pulled another passerby's hand over!

When Joseph saluted, he was very religious and closed his eyes.

When I was about to feel the gentle breath on the back of Lisa's hand...

But I found out, how does this hand feel skinny?

When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was actually kissing the back of an old woman's hand!

Where did the old woman ever see such a scene?

Suddenly screamed: "Smelly hooligan!"

A slap was slapped directly on Joseph's face!

Joseph's face was green with anger!

Tang Ke said coldly: "This is Yinxia Country, and your foreign courtesy does not apply here."

"Don't you know what to do when you go to the village?"



But that's all, anyway, this time I am writing a challenge book for Tang Ke!

As long as it's the day of the exhibition, Tang Ke will kneel in front of him sooner or later!

Joseph put on a smiling face instead.

"Hello, I am Lisa's friend."

"Hello, I am Lisa's boyfriend."

Tang Ke specially emphasized the three words boyfriend.

Hearing these three words, Joseph's anger that had been suppressed, came up again!

Depend on! This man is too much beaten!

Hold back! I have to hold back!

Seeing so many people around, still hold back!

Joseph sneered.

"Boyfriend? Are you too arrogant? Do you know who is standing in front of you?"

"I will tell you compassionately!"

"I am the prince of the Kingdom of Xiali, the successor of the Kingdom of Xiali!"

"And Miss Lisa, the princess of our kingdom, you have no right to claim to be her boyfriend!"

Tang Ke listened, but said indifferently.

"My girlfriend is my girlfriend, no identity matters."

"Love is never about identity!"

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