In a word, Joseph was speechless again!

Tang Ke even directly hugged Lisa, holding Meiren in his arms!

This scene is simply overbearing!

The onlookers around immediately clapped their hands and applauded!

"This is love!"

"It's a fairy love!"

"It would be great if my ex-girlfriend and I could say this to other people so firmly, and we would not be separated!"

"I'm jealous!"

Some little girls had already blushed and looked at Tang Ke.

Not only is he handsome, but he can even make such a declaration of love.


Staring at Tang Ke dryly, he couldn't say a word.

His noble status has actually become a matter of indifferent to Tang Ke.

I don't care about my prince's identity at all!

But Joseph... still hold back!

You have to hold back what you say!

You can't lose your nobility as a prince in front of so many people!

It took Joseph a lot of energy to calm himself down.

Put on a smile.

"I am here this time to promote friendly exchanges between the two countries!"

"Since this is Princess Lisa's boyfriend, how about coming together?"

"I sincerely invite you!"

Tang Ke could see at a glance, this Joseph was not at ease.

"Can't you not go?"

"No! Miss Lisa, as the princess of the Kingdom of Xiali, must participate!"

Seeing Lisa embarrassed.

Tang Ke immediately accepted: "Okay, then I will go."

Don't make Lisa embarrassed, even if it's a Hongmen Banquet, Tang Ke definitely has a way to solve the problem!

"Okay! That's it!"

Seeing Tang Ke put on the set, Joseph looked happy.

Quickly leave this place of right and wrong.

Otherwise, continue to watch Tang Ke and Lisa here, you and me, I really can't stand it.

"I'm sorry... I'm going to trouble you again."

Lisa spoke unwillingly.

Tang Ke touched her head.

"Relax, for me, it's not a problem at all!"

"And doing these things for your girlfriend, right?"

Lisa blushed at Tang Ke's words.

I feel really happy.


There is still some time before the exhibition. These days, it is impossible for Joseph to just wait.

Naturally, I have to find something to do for myself.

Just because of this exhibition, many princes and high-class people from many countries have arrived in Yangcheng.

Joseph invited some of them who had a good relationship with him, and went out to play together.

It happened to be near the China World Trade Center.

China World Trade Center, after all, is the economic center of Yangcheng, with high-rise buildings everywhere.

Looking at these magnificent buildings, Joseph gave a cold snort.

Then shouted proudly.

"I am the Prince of the Kingdom of Siali! Joseph!"

These people in China World Trade Center are naturally different from other places.

They often communicate and do business with some foreigners.

When I heard this roar, I was immediately in awe.

"Prince! Awesome!"

"Is this here for business?"

"This should be the legendary nobleman? Can I take a picture of him?"

When Joseph saw this scene, his face was immediately triumphant.

He said to his friend, "Did you see it? This is Yinxia Country!"

"Here I am, I am God! These are just a bunch of stupid people."

Joseph thought that there would be nothing to do with the language of his motherland.

But he underestimated these people from Yinxia International Trade.

They are all highly educated people, this kind of language is not a problem at all!

"What do you mean? We treat you with enthusiasm, and you actually treat us as fools?"

The people of Yinxiaguo are indeed warm and hospitable, but this is the attitude towards the guests.

There is no wicked kind.

Obviously these foreigners did not understand the culture of Yinxia Country at all.

"It's really not a thing!"

"I'm wrong about this person!"

"So the prince only has this quality?"

Because of this ridicule, the attitude of those around him toward Joseph directly changed dramatically.

But Joseph didn't care at all. After talking so much, he also felt thirsty.

Go to the next supermarket to buy a bottle of water.

When buying water, he felt embarrassed.

Now, it’s all mobile payments, and few people use cash anymore!

So the store directly put out two signs.

Of course, it is the payment code of WeChat and Alipay.

Joseph was dumbfounded.

"You mean, even this kind of small supermarkets have already started using mobile payments?"

You know, mobile payment is still a high-tech method abroad!

Not many people use it at all.

And only some upper-class people can use this method.

Seeing Joseph was like a hillbilly, pretending to be in this place of China World Trade Center.

The people around suddenly smiled.

"So behind, you still laugh at us?"

"This prince is really good at pretending, he has nothing to do with it at all!"

The current Joseph is directly regarded as a fool.

Joseph also felt that his face couldn't hang at all.

Quickly divert your attention, but...

I saw a familiar figure immediately!

Lisa and Tang Ke are shopping again!

Hurry up and take a look!


Lisa and Tang Ke at this time have actually been shopping here for a long time.

"Is this a good store?"

Lisa said with some envy.

Tang Ke immediately took Lisa in.

This store is an internationally famous Cartier jewelry store.

This brand has a very high reputation all over the world.

He also created gold and silver jewelry for many royal families.

There are countless kinds of gems and jewelry products.

As soon as she entered the store, Lisa was amazed at what she saw.

It was really shocking!

There is also a Western-style servant next to him, here to introduce Tang Ke and the others to the whole shop.

Lisa was fond of a diamond necklace.

"Look at this, does it look good?"

The clerk hurriedly said: "This lady, you really have a foresight!"

"This is the third model in our clash series of necklaces!"

"The diamonds inside are five carats!"

Tang Ke looked very good.

I just asked the clerk for the price.

Joseph suddenly appeared!

In fact, Joseph had been waiting next to him for a long time, waiting for his chance to come forward!

Now finally caught him!

"Princess Lisa, how can you bring a Didi driver over to buy a diamond necklace!"

"Although this necklace is very beautiful and matches you very well, he definitely can't afford it!"

"It's better to let me wear this necklace for you!"

Joseph said arrogantly, quite confident.

The clerk actually didn't want to bird this Joseph at all, but Joseph spoke proudly.

"As a prince of the Xiali Kingdom, I still have this strength!"

When the people around heard these words, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

It seems to be able to see a good show!

"It's actually a prince, amazing!"

"This foreigner is actually with a Didi driver?"

"Why do you look more and more like a love triangle?"


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