The audiences are already in place.

Now it's time to pretend to be compared!

Joseph took out his bank card with a smug look and talked to Tang Ke.

"Let you see, what is the gap!"

"Shop clerk, I want this diamond necklace. Swipe the card!"

The butler next to him also deliberately took the bank card from Joseph and gave it to the clerk.

Tang Ke was speechless.

The distance between the clerk and Joseph, as long as you reach out your hand, you can send the bank card there.

As a result, the two people had to come together in the middle.

This is obviously just to pretend to be compared!

The clerk went to check out, and the butler went with him.

Joseph smiled and said, "Do you know the origin of the bank card that I have just now?"

"This is the bank card of the most famous VA bank in the world!"

Just as Joseph was about to continue to pretend...

The butler suddenly came back with the clerk.

The butler's face was embarrassing to death.

I dare not say anything.

Although he dare not say, but this clerk dare to say!

I have seen Prince Joseph very upset since just now.

Now that I encountered this thing again, I didn't even have the intention to help Joseph round the field.

"This sir, your bank card balance is insufficient!"

The clerk spoke bluntly.

Joseph's eyes widened suddenly: "How is this possible?"

"I have more than nine million in this card!"

"This sir, the price of our diamond necklace is 11.8 million!"

When Joseph heard the price, he jumped even more.

"Black shop! You are definitely a black shop!"

"I have seen jewellery of the same model and similar, less than six million in Europe!"

"Some even have only five million! You are deliberately cheating on my money!"

Joseph was like a jumping monkey at this time, if he didn't know the price of this thing.

He would not worry about handing over a bank card worth more than 9 million yuan.

As a result, he was so embarrassed, so he naturally found another reason to get it back.

The old butler looked at Joseph with a look in his eyes as if he cared for the mentally retarded.

"Prince Joseph, the same type of product is indeed at this price, but Europe is different from here."

"Here, they are all delivered. With tariffs and various cost prices, the prices are naturally raised."

In fact, these luxury goods come to Yinxiaguo to make money.

Of course, the country cannot be pitted in vain, so many things have been designed to resist it.

It is these buyers who pay the bill.

Joseph was dumbfounded.

I have counted a thousand fortunes, and I forgot about it!

Tang Ke smiled when he saw Joseph like this.

Then immediately put on a very exaggerated expression of surprise.

"Hey? He's a prince, but doesn't he even have this money?"

"This is the prince? You prince, compared to those princes in the Middle East, is too far behind, right?"

Lisa also laughed beside her.

Explain to Tang Ke.

"That's it. The royal family in Europe used to be very rich, and the wealth is beyond people's imagination."

"But in modern times, although some of the royal system has been retained, it is more that the state organization has gained power."

"The royal family has no power, there is only little money, no ability to make money..."

Wait until the prince on the other side of the Middle East, that's different.

People simply go out to sell oil every day, this must be rich!

But how can this European royal family sell anything?

Can't all the castles be sold out, right?

"Joseph's family, although they are also rich, are currently investing in business."

"It's a struggle, so the spare money that can be used is quite small."

"I really want to talk about money, I must be richer than you!"

With that said, Lisa held Tang Ke's hand with a look of happiness.

Joseph was even more angry when he saw this scene!

Roared: "Impossible, you are the one who runs Didi, how can you have more money than me?"

A prince, if not as good as a driver.

Then this is a huge joke.

Joseph still wanted to buy this necklace.

Discussed with a few friends around me: "Can you lend me a few million?"


These few people are not fools, even if Joseph borrowed, he didn't know when he would be able to repay the money.

Quickly shook his head.

"No money, we."

"Yeah! I don't know if you have money or not?"

Joseph was furious.

But others still refused to lend money. The friendship between these royal friends suddenly...

Turned into hatred.

The old butler is also quite helpless, this Joseph is too lack of emotional intelligence.

Tang Ke was too lazy to watch the show, so he simply talked to the clerk.

"I bought it, swipe my card."

Then gave the bank card to the clerk.

This process is much faster than Joseph.

The clerk gave Tang Ke the necklace with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Joseph was completely dumbfounded.

The people around are even more pleasantly surprised.

"A mysterious handsome guy in Yinxia Kingdom, the European prince of Pendulum! Hahaha!"

"This prince is too miserable? Is this the prince?"

"That's right, here in Yangcheng, there are many talented people, just not bad for the rich!"

"Does this prince dare to pretend to be here with this little money? It's just looking for death!"

"It's embarrassing."

Joseph also knew at this time... he was completely ashamed to see people.

Tang Ke and Lisa didn't care much about Joseph.

Take things and prepare to leave.

who knows……

This Joseph came out with him!

Followed behind Lisa brazenly!

You know, Joseph is only in favor of Lisa because he has no status.

If you want to be more powerful in the future, you can only favor Lisa.

give up?

That is impossible.

However, this performance really made Tang Ke somewhat disdainful.

As a prince's glory and dignity, he completely gave up.

"You do have money, but you still can't compare to me!"

Joseph said confidently.

Tang Ke was still a little dazed.

Didn’t you just get slapped in the face? How come the scars are healed so quickly and forget to hurt?

Joseph tidied his clothes.

Then he said arrogantly: "Money? It's just something outside the body."

"What's important? It's identity and status!"

"Laozi is the prince of Europe! Countless servants, attendants, and others support me!"

"Is it a thousand times stronger than you?"

Tang Ke thought for a while.

To do these things is of course quite simple.

But the problem is, if you can do these things without spending money, then it's amazing.

Tang Ke said truthfully: "If these people can do things for you without money, then you are really amazing."

During the conversation, Joseph had already called his luxury motorcade!

Seeing the convoy, Joseph was suddenly a little surprised.

This team, and when I first came to Yinxia Country, were not of this size!

Much bigger than this!

"what happened?"

Joseph quickly asked his assistant.

The assistant said helplessly: "The car rental company said it has temporary business... it replaced us with the business and compensated us with 200,000 yuan."

Are all rented?

The people around were dumbfounded.

I thought it was Joseph's!

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