Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 243 Self-detonation that he is a modified car

He took the old man to the hospital and greeted the people in the hospital.

Tang Ke just left.

But it was still a little uncomfortable after leaving.

The old man is not bad too, but the child said that he would go abroad and leave the old man here.

It doesn't matter if you think that foreign countries are good, but should you take care of your father?


Tang Ke quickly received a call, and a lively voice came from over there.

"what are you doing!"

This voice is undoubtedly Liu Luyao.

Tang Ke leisurely said about Didi, and then asked a little curiously.

"What are you doing?"

"I, I'm working as a volunteer, patrolling!"

"Patrol? I'm going to see you!"

Tang Ke suddenly became interested.

After getting the position, Tang Ke drove to the car immediately.

A few minutes later, I saw Liu Luyao on the street.

At this time, he was wearing the clothes of an auxiliary policeman with armbands.

The current responsibility should be patrols and remind residents to pay attention to personal safety.

To put it's more...


However, Liu Luyao's movements were quite standard.

The appearance is also quite capable.

At this time, Liu Luyao hadn't noticed...

In fact, someone has been eyeing her at this time!

There is a habitual offender who has been looking for prey here for a long time, but has not found a suitable one.

Looking around, I finally noticed Liu Luyao!

The phone in her pocket has been exposed, and at a glance it is the latest phone!

This is a good thing!

This person immediately called his accomplice and acted after thirty seconds!

Tang Ke was about to drive to Liu Luyao at this time, to tease her.


Immediately I saw a figure running next to Liu Luyao!

Liu Luyao obviously noticed too, and was asking, "Is there anything wrong?"

As a result, this person...

I grabbed Liu Luyao's phone directly, and pushed Liu Luyao away!

Liu Luyao was overthrown immediately.

Tang Ke quickly got out of the car and pulled Liu Luyao up.

"Are you okay?"

There is a little bloodshot on the arm, it should be broken skin, but it is not a big problem.

Liu Luyao shook his head and said, "I'm fine...just now..."

"You wait, I'll help you get him back right away!"

Tang Ke said angrily.

Liu Luyao immediately grabbed Tang Ke: "Forget's too dangerous."

The two are like super lovers who admire each other very much.

Another person who was patrolling with Liu Luyao was given a mouthful of dog food at this time.

He was very unwilling to say: "You... don't be so affectionate. Those who don't know think that you are going to leave and die!"

Tang Ke smiled wryly.

Then he said calmly: "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Then quickly prepared to catch up.

At this time, the robbed man had already boarded his accomplice's motorcycle.

Swish and gallop out all at once.

Tang Ke immediately went to the crowd and started the engine!

On the motorcycle, the man said happily: "This phone, more than ten thousand!"


"Enough for the two of us for more than a month! Hahaha..."

Just when the two were happy, they suddenly saw a crowd of cars coming at a speed.

"This kid is chasing us?"

"It should be, the beginning is just now behind, and it's still accelerating!"

"It's okay, watch me throw him off!"

A confident face driving a motorcycle.

A motorcycle that has broken through the crowd and wants to catch up with his modified super Niubi motorcycle?

Increase the throttle! The motorcycle immediately made a deafening noise.

The engine whizzed and whizzed, and the scenery next to it began to retreat rapidly.

"Chasing! Let him chase!"

The motorcycle riders are still clamoring.


The people behind were dumbfounded...

"Big brother! He... he's right there!"

Depend on!

I'm already one hundred and eighty miles away, why is this broken car so fast?

"It's okay! Watch me continue to accelerate!"

The eldest brother gets angry and speeds up immediately!

This speed is no longer understandable by ordinary people.

It's almost like seeing the surrounding things are afterimages!

People on the roadside saw such a high-speed motorcycle, all of them became scared.

"Damn! At this speed, don't you fly out 200 meters when you hit something?"


Tang Ke's car is like a ghost, it can't be thrown away at all!

"Damn! Me or him? I definitely don't believe it, this is the crowd!"

"Wanzhong Motors can't have this speed!"

Of course, this is not Wanzhong Automobile, this is just a Lorick in the shell of Wanzhong Automobile.

What is the existence of Lolic Company?

That's the most powerful company in the global sports car company!

Naturally, the manufactured cars are simply not what people like them can easily imagine!

Just when the robbers started to panic...

They saw an even more surprising scene, there is actually a checkpoint in front of it!

Depend on!

What is the time not to check must be checked at this time!

If they are driving a car, they can naturally rush over directly, which is not a big problem.

But this is a motorcycle, as long as a small stone, they can fly to the sky!

In desperation, I can only slow down and brake!

But even so, the two of them didn't stop and slammed straight into the level!

As a result, Tang Ke...

Squeak! It simply stopped in front of everyone!

These police officers obviously knew that the robber was not a good person, so they arrested the two men when they came up.

The two prisoners were quite unwilling, and said loudly, "Uncle, I want to report!"

"This man modified the car maliciously!"

Tang Ke...

His face was speechless.

The police officer checked Tang Ke's car, but after watching it for a long time, isn't it a crowd?

"Stop talking nonsense, isn't this just the crowd?"

"It must have been modified! Otherwise it is impossible to catch up with us! Our motorcycle is a wildfire!"

"What? Did you modify the motorcycle?"

The police officer knew something amazing at once!

Suddenly I was overjoyed.

"Crimson plus one more!"

Two prisoners... speechless!


Yangcheng Hospital, at this time Tang Ke had already brought Liu Luyao over.

The hit just now really scratched the skin.

The area is not small.

If it's tetanus or something, it's in trouble.

So Tang Ke immediately took her here to heal her injuries.

The patrol officer who was with Liu Luyao also followed.

"Don't you still have some backache? Let's take a picture and see."

Tang Ke said.

Liu Luyao nodded, since it was Tang Ke's decision, he would naturally not refute it.

And after the two entered the hospital...

A luxury car parked outside the hospital.

A sunny boy got out of the car, Li Jun!

This person had met Liu Luyao before, and was attracted by Liu Luyao all of a sudden, and pursued him frantically.

Just now I saw the scene of Liu Luyao being robbed.

This time Liu Luyao entered the hospital, and he rushed over deliberately.

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