Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 244: Nothing unusual in the film

However, Li Jun did not enter the hospital immediately, but first went to the flower shop next to him to buy a bunch of flowers.

romantic! The most important thing to chase girls is romance!

After buying the flowers, he took them into the hospital.

As soon as they entered the hospital, a group of nurses looked at Li Jun enviously.

"Wow! Handsome guy!"

"This is not only a handsome guy, but also a rich man, look at his watch!"

"I brought flowers... so romantic!"

Even some patients sigh with emotion.

His eyes fell on Li Jun and he couldn't move away.

Li Jun enjoyed this feeling quite a bit, and slowed down his pace specially to let these people take a good look at themselves.

Arrived at the front desk, immediately put on a handsome posture.

"Beauty, did a girl get hurt just now?"

When the nurse saw Li Jun... couldn't help but blush.

Handsome guy!

" the fifth ward..."

Unconsciously, he told the story.

"Thank you girl!"

With that, Li Jun walked to the ward.

But outside the ward, he saw Tang Ke who was talking and laughing with Liu Luyao at this time.

Depend on!

Who is this kid?

Caught off guard!

Moreover, Tang Ke seemed to be very close to Liu Luyao.

In order to pursue Liu Luyao, Laozi pretended to be a volunteer and lurked nearby for so long.

Liu Luyao got the news as soon as he was injured and came to visit him.

The result was preempted by others?

What the hell is this!

Originally, I was going to approach Liu Luyao as an ordinary person, but I didn't expect it to be a betrayal!

There is alienation!

In that case... Laozi doesn't pretend! Laozi is going to showdown!

Laozi is the rich second generation! And he is rich and handsome!

At this moment, Li Jun began to exude a kind of pride and confidence around him.

Cough slightly, tidy up the skirt!

The stride meteor entered the ward!

"Lu Yao! I heard that you were injured, I am so worried about you!"

"How? Are you okay?"

Pretending to be very intimate, walked into the ward.


Liu Luyao frowned when he saw Li Jun's face.

Hugged Tang Ke quickly.

"Li Jun, this is my boyfriend, I told you a long time ago, I have a boyfriend, you should give up!"

"I'm fine, I don't need you to visit!"

Li Jun looked at Tang Ke up and down, disdainfully.

It doesn't look like a great person!

"Lu Yao, look at this broken hospital. The environment and conditions everywhere are not good. Why should you allow yourself to see a doctor here?"

"This place is too LOW. Let's change the place!"

The doctors, nurses and patients around were dumbfounded.

Is this Yangcheng Hospital very low-end?

And even if it is low-end, what do you mean by that?

Tang Ke almost laughed.

You pretend to be compared to what you pretend to be. Why do you open this map cannon when you have nothing to do?

This is really not dead, is it?

Tang Ke hadn't seen this kind of person who didn't have a brain at all when pretending to be compared for a long time.

However, Li Jun didn't notice the slightest at all, on the contrary, he became even more arrogant.

"Lu Yao, I can take you to Linkang Medical Center."

"You know, Linkang Medical Group's conditions are really good!"

"This is the largest medical center in the country! And if you are a member, you can enjoy quite high-end services!"

Li Jun immediately began to brag about Linkang Medical Group.

This kind of bragging is actually another kind of pretense.

Bragging about this group on the one hand, but at the same time having a relationship with this group, isn't it just bragging about yourself in disguise?

And now...

Tang Ke is speechless. Laozi has shares in Linkang Group, but I will not say.

I just want to watch you perform.

Liu Luyao didn't speak, her father was the director of Linkang Hospital, but I didn't say anything.

I will watch you perform.

But... Li Jun's remarks did shake many people.

"This Linkang Medical Group is really so powerful?"

"I've heard of it, and it seems to be really good."

At this moment, the doctor next to him started talking a little unwillingly.

"Linkang Hospital has good service, but the price is also high!"

"Headaches and brain fever can be spent tens of thousands, but medical insurance is not reimbursed!"

Hearing this, everyone took a breath.

Most people buy a cold medicine for more than a dozen yuan for treatment, and a few hundred yuan for an infusion for injections.

How does Linkang Medical do it? You have to catch a cold?

"Is this going to make people black?"

Everyone has begun to look down on Lin Kang.

Li Jun smiled triumphantly.

"So, this kind of place is not a place for you poor people at all!"

"Everyone in the hospital is full of distinguished people, and the doctors are also the world's top doctors!"

"A great person can enjoy this kind of service!"

Liu Luyao looked indifferent.

"I don't need it, and my illness is not so big that I need to go to such a place to see a doctor."

"Also, my father is the doctor there."


After one sentence, Li Jun... dumbfounded.

Liu Luyao's father, is the doctor over there?

Then... pretending to be lonely?


Afterwards, Liu Luyao hugged Tang Ke and said affectionately.

"My boyfriend is also a shareholder there."

! ! !

Hearing this news, Li Jun even felt like five thunders!

"You... are you a shareholder? Really?"

Tang Ke smiled.

He directly took out his business card and handed it out.

"I am, how is it? Do you want to go through the back door?"

"I don't even know that the medical group under my hands is so awesome!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

Li Jun took the business card and was shocked even more after seeing the things on it.

A mouthful of old blood almost came out.

Are you pretending to compare? This is pretending to be a match for others!

It's totally making someone else's wedding dress.

It's even more embarrassing.

When the doctors and nurses around saw this scene, they all laughed.

What the hell is this!

"This man is so funny!"

"Hahahaha... So this person doesn't know the shareholders of Linkang Group!"

"I thought he was a shareholder!"

"Just... don't pretend if you don't have the ability..."

Completely overturned the car.

Hearing these words, Li Jun suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

But after getting angry...

Dingy ran away.

After all, after thinking for a long time, there is no way to find the place back!


At this time, the doctor had already brought out the results of Liu Luyao's filming.

"There is nothing unusual, you can be discharged from the hospital."

The doctor said naturally.

Tang Ke immediately took Liu Luyao out to have a meal together, shocked.

The patient behind can't help but feel a little emotional.

"This young man is good, look at him, he is not high-profile!"

"The young man who ran away just now is too young."

"Who said no? Such people are too impetuous!"

A group of people fell in love with Tang Ke and looked down on Li Jun completely.

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