Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 245 The Lawyer Found Tang Ke

In the parking lot of the hospital.

At this time, Li Jun was angry in his luxury car.

What a shame this time!

And it's a big loss!

"Damn! Who is this Tang Ke?"

Holding his stomach, Li Jun kicked the accelerator.

The more I think about it, the more mad!

Some people are like this, and they may not feel very good at the time.

But after that, my heart became more and more unhappy.

In front of so many people just now, Li Jun didn't dare to do anything.

But now... Li Jun's heart already wants to talk about it!

Just at this time.

Li Jun in the car suddenly saw Tang Ke and Li Luyao coming out of the hospital.


Actually got on a car!

Wanzhong Automobile?

Li Jun was dumbfounded at the time, what's the matter?

An idea flashed through his mind immediately.

The business card is fake!

Depend on! This kid! Really f*ck funny!

"How courageous! Pretending to be a shareholder of Linkang Medical Group! You wait for Laozi!"

Li Jun quickly took out his cell phone and called someone he knew.

"Ergouzi! Take a few people to the place I said! You change the positioning and send it to you!"

Li Jun saw that Tang Ke had already driven away, and quickly started the car, talking anxiously.

These two dogs are a little brother under Li Jun's hands.

After hearing Li Jun's thoughtless words, he didn't feel surprised.

Instead, I knew what was going on.

Someone must have provoke Li Jun again.

After hanging up the phone, Er Gouzi immediately found a few people.

"Someone doesn't have eyes to provoke Li Jun! Go! Go with me to find someone!"


Tang Ke and Liu Luyao also noticed Li Jun's luxury car at this time and kept following behind.

But Tang Ke didn't know that Li Jun was here, so he didn't care at all.


As a result, the time that followed was too long. In Yangcheng, the road was tortuous.

Even if you go to the same place, there are more than a dozen routes to go.

It is very rare that such a coincidence of traffic lights all go with each other.

Tang Ke couldn't help but glanced at Li Jun's luxury car twice.

But after looking at it twice, Tang Ke suddenly felt familiar.

Isn't this the Li Yi's car that I met before?

It's the owner of the two-dimensional website.

Because meeting him was only a matter of these few days, so Tang Ke still remembered.

Tang Ke called immediately.

"Boss Li, are you looking for me? Just call."

Li Yi looked dumbfounded.

"Mr. Tang Ke? Didn't I look for you?"

"But your car..."

"My son Li Jun is driving my car."

The truth is revealed.

Li Jun who pretends to be compared is actually Li Yi's son.

Li Yi also discovered the problem at this time: "Mr. Tang Ke, did my son do something?"

"I'll call him right away!"

With that said, Li Yi hung up and went to call Li Jun.

But at this time...

Li Jun was talking to Ergouzi and the others, talking about where he was, and told these people to go here first.

Liu Luyao had been listening by the side, and he probably knew what was going on.

I felt a little unhappy.

"This person is still following us, it must be an unruly plot!"

Tang Ke smiled: "It's okay, I solve the problem, it's very simple."

Tang Ke looked down on such a small role at all.

Ten minutes later...

Tang Ke hadn't stopped, but Ergouzi's car had stopped Tang Ke.

Several people predicted Tang Ke's route, so they waited in advance.

Behind is Li Jun's car.

A group of younger brothers all followed Tang Ke when they saw Tang Ke parking.

More than a dozen people, holding sticks in their hands, pointed directly at Tang Ke in the cab.

"Hurry up and get Laozi down!"

"Hurry up! Otherwise Laozi will smash the car!"

The voice was full of arrogance and disdain.

Li Jun also said angrily over there, "It's so miserable that you kid fooled me!"

"How dare to say that I am a shareholder of Linkang Group! I really believe it!"

"If I hadn't seen you driving this car, I wouldn't be able to react!"

Liu Luyao frowned when seeing Li Jun whose temperament had changed drastically now.

"This bastard, come to be a volunteer. I thought he was a very caring person, but I didn't expect it to be just a scumbag!"

Tang Ke said leisurely: "It's okay, waiting for a good show."

While talking, Tang Ke took a few photos and sent them to Li Yi.

When Li Yi saw these photos, everyone was stupid!

Depend on!

This kid is really cheating here!

Moreover, the phone couldn't get through just now, which made Li Yi anxious!

Li Yi quickly replied: "Mr. Tang Ke, I will be there soon!"

"You hold on first!"

By this time, Li Jun had become grumpy.

"Laozi let you get out of the car! Didn't you hear me!"

"Don't get out of the car? Do it!"

With that said, everyone took the stick and started smashing like crazy...


Wanzhong Motors didn't even move!

At most, there are a few more scratches! There is nothing left!

Instead, several sticks have been discounted!

"Damn! What's the matter with this car?"

"Is this made of steel plate?"

Just kidding, this car was modified by Universe Shield.

Not to mention this kind of broken stick, bullets can't get in!

These people are still too young.

The crowd's operation soon attracted many people to come and watch.

But they all hid far away, for fear of hurting themselves.

And now...

Li Yi suddenly appeared at a corner! And also brought a bunch of police officers!

Tang Ke took a look, good fellow.

This person is righteousness and extermination?

Has the police been called in advance? This time things are destined to be difficult.

It's so ruthless!

Li Jun saw Tang Ke's surprised expression and looked in the direction.



"Dad... you are..."

Li Yi stepped up and slapped him directly! It slapped Li Jun's face!

"Police! It's him! Making trouble! Please take him away!"

Li Jun...


Damn, dad find someone to catch himself!

Still in a state of confusion, the police officers have surrounded all these troublemakers!

take away!

As soon as the handcuffs were put on, they were all taken away!

Now, none of these people can't get out in three or five days!


A week later.

Tang Ke suddenly received an unfamiliar phone call, who claimed to be a lawyer.

Tang Ke was still a little dazed.

"Someone sued me?"

"No, it's because an old man entrusted me to give you things."

"It's not clear on the phone, let's talk in person."

The lawyer reported the location of a company, and the two agreed to meet.

After Tang Ke went, the lawyer took out the information.

"Hello, Mr. Tang Ke, I want to read out Mr. Zhang Guolong's will for you."

"He left you two houses in Yangcheng, worth about 30 million yuan."

Having said that, the real estate certificate, the household registration book, and all kinds of information were all taken out.

Tang Ke was even more dazed.

"I don't know this person?"

"Mr. Tang Ke, do you remember an old man you met a week ago?"

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