"Give me things, and I will help you deliver them."

Tang Ke said leisurely.

Courier brother, look dumbfounded!

The new security guard is also dumbfounded!

Then he reacted immediately and said with a sneer: "You can't get in by yourself, still want to help others?"

Tang Ke is quite confident.

"We are all peers, just a little effort."

This courier brother handed the things to Tang Ke with a touch of emotion.

Unexpectedly, there are still such good people!

Then the courier brother gave the things and left in a hurry.

Tang Ke went straight to the elevator!

Then he kicked the warning sign that did not let the courier and delivery staff in!

It's like Bruce Lee kicked off the brand of the sick man of East Asia!

"Damn! So domineering!"

"This is a great courier delivery!"

"Kick this broken, he's going to get involved!"

The new security guard was half to death: "You are so bold, I tell you, you are damaging public property!"

"You're done, this can't be done by losing money!"

While talking, the security guard took out his walkie-talkie aggressively, and quickly called out his friends.

"In the lobby on the first floor, there is a courier making trouble here, you all come over!"

Later, the security guard blocked the elevator and prevented anyone from using it.

Many people were blocked here, and in desperation, they could only watch the development of this matter.

At this time, there was a bustling discussion.

But most people still sympathize with the courier brother.

After all, the little courier who left just now was moved and anxious, almost crying.

It looks really pitiful.

"The security guard, why don't you have any human touch at all!"

"Yes, everyone comes out to work, don't embarrass each other!"

"This is over twenty, you can't bully people like that!"

A group of people kept interceding with Tang Ke.

But the security guard didn't mean to be merciful at all!

"The rule is the rule, even if it goes up, I won't let him down!"

"Who do you think you are? The young and promising boss of our Yangcheng Building?"

But people are opening Didi! It's not delivering express at all!

In the second half, the security guard did not say it, but he had already confirmed it.

According to my own understanding, the express delivery person in front of me is definitely not a powerful person.


A loud roar interrupted his thoughts.

"Xiao Hu! What are you doing!"

The security captain, already brought several security guards over.

Obviously he was very anxious, running sweating profusely.

In other words, is this a cold sweat from being scared?

Xiao Hu quickly saluted.

"Captain! This courier must go up! I'm stopping him!"

"This kind of low-profile person cannot enter our high-end mansion casually!"

After all, the security guard still feels that the building he is in is too powerful!

This kind of building, not all cats and dogs can enter.

Otherwise, if there is any loss, the company loses something, it will be a loss of tens of millions!

The security captain actually knew what this newcomer was thinking.

Because their ideas are basically similar.


This is Tang Ke!

He knows Tang Ke!

After all, there have been a lot of turmoil before.

When he saw Tang Ke, he almost wanted to kneel down!

There are so many people around me helplessly, and I am embarrassed.

I can’t help but sigh, Mr. Tang Ke just knows how to play!

After delivering the takeaway, open Didi, and after opening Didi, deliver the express!

Unable to think of too many things, the security captain quickly put on a flattering smile.

Then he looked at Tang Ke.

"I'm so sorry..."

"You can go..."

Security around...

Look confused!

Captain, you got this brand! As a result, you told me, is it all right now?

what does this mean?

Hit yourself in the face?

Xiao Hu is a newcomer after all, and hasn't understood what the captain meant.

Suddenly anxious.

"Captain, why can such a person go!"

"you shut up!"

The security captain suddenly became angry.

"You are really a dog-seeking thing!"

"What's wrong with the courier? People are also human! What qualifications do you have to look down on others?"

"You just think you are awesome, don't you? You still look down on others?"


At this moment, someone appeared.

The same is running out of breath.

At a glance, I knew it was a rush of smoke.

After seeing Tang Ke wearing this low-key luxury connotation express clothing...

Li Wenwu's heart was extremely flustered.

How can you always encounter such things!

It's really time to train these people well and let them know that there are many things in this world that are not that simple!

"Everyone is equal!"

"You security guards, why don't you even understand this truth?"

Everyone... looks dumbfounded!

The general manager of the property company stood up to help Tang Ke at this time!


Li Wenwu hurriedly bowed to Tang Ke.

"I'm very sorry for causing you trouble!"

"Go up! You can call us if you have any difficulties!"

After Tang Ke went up.

Li Wenwu just said loudly.

"Xiao Hu, you were fired!"

Xiao Hu...

Extremely depressed!

Everything he did was based on the company's rules and regulations!

How did he get fired?


On the elevator, Tang Ke was very natural, but the people around had already begun to look at Tang Ke with curious eyes.

Constantly discussing works.

"This takeaway...seems a bit unusual!"

"Yes, have you seen Li Wenwu's attitude towards him just now? It's hard to imagine!"

"Neither sad nor overbearing... It's really amazing."

Among these people, there is also the boss of the company.

I always feel that Tang Ke looks familiar.

Among these people's discussions... he suddenly remembered.

This Tang Ke...isn't he the same person I met before at the gathering of the property bosses!

The owner of this building, Tang Ke!

The boss was speechless!

Mr. Tang Ke, mysterious and low-key!

Unexpectedly, now they are all starting to deliver express!

This operation is simple!

The person who saw Tang Ke's identity was the boss Zhou in Jiang Province.

Those who started a small business and made a fortune, then did what they are now.

The most annoying is people whose eyes are low.

After all, he used to be a small role.

The twenty-third floor is here.

Tang Ke called and asked the female staff member just now to pick up the courier.

The female staff came out at this time.

The voice arrived before anyone saw it.

"Didn't you just called me? Why did it take so long to come up?"

"I'm going to take a lunch break! Aren't you wasting my time?"

The female clerk complained generally, but after she came out and saw Tang Ke...

Suddenly dumbfounded!

handsome! Handsome!

Outrageously handsome!

Just one glance, female white-collar workers almost fell!

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