At first sight.

This word is generally used to describe a man who sees a beautiful girl, so he has a bad idea.

But with the passage of time, and the development of the times.

The subject of this word and the subject of description are no longer so limited.

The girls in the past saw men blushing implicitly, how could they do anything to men?

But now the girls, who are open one by one, almost directly take the handsome guy to open up.

The white-collar worker in front of Tang Ke was obviously of this type.

Seeing Tang Ke's handsome face, he immediately had an idea.

You have to get Tang Ke's contact information for anything, and you have to date him!

The white-collar coughed slightly, and then said sharply: "It's so slow, don't you think you should make up for me?"

"My time is precious!"

"I don't think."

Tang Ke said coldly, handing things to the white-collar worker and leaving.

"Hey! Wait, why are you walking in such a hurry? It just happens that my break time is up. Come with me for coffee!"

Tang Ke looked dumbfounded, your break time is up, Laozi is still delivering the courier!

Why do you want to waste your time with her?

Tang Ke immediately shook his head: "Farewell!"

Seeing that Tang Ke was about to leave, the white-collar workers knew, Tang Ke must be the type of person who eats hard but not soft!

"If you leave, I will complain to you immediately!"

The white-collar worker immediately put on a threatening expression and said angrily.

He also raised his eyebrows, seemingly very proud.

Tang Ke smiled leisurely, Laozi was afraid of a bird!

Anyway, it was the buddy who complained just now... and he was not the one who delivered the courier.


If you really complain, you still have to give this buddy a second of silence.

It's really hard to deliver express.

Not only to deliver things, but also to meet the various needs of customers, now threatening myself, betrayal of hue, this kind of thing has come out.

At this moment...

There was a clear cough behind the two.

Hearing this voice, the female staff suddenly paled with fright!

Own boss, Boss Zhou, is standing behind Tang Ke at this time! Staring at yourself seriously!

Now that I have seen it, I feel a little helpless. The female white-collar worker said nonchalantly: "Hello boss..."

Boss Zhou still frowned, and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

"To embarrass a courier brother?"

"Mr., you go first, I'll help you deal with this matter..."

Boss Zhou was initially very angry, but when Tang Ke looked at him, he immediately put on a smile.

Then he kindly pleased Tang Ke.

Female white-collar workers are stupid, what is going on?

How could your own boss be so polite to a courier brother?

This is a scene she has never seen before!

As the boss of the Yangcheng Financial Building Company, Boss Zhou is still very capable.

In front of other people, I am naturally neither humble nor overbearing.

As a result... it has become like this now!

Tang Ke knew that this female white-collar worker must be finished, and there is no need to stay here.

Just get on the elevator and go first.

After Tang Ke left, Boss Zhou immediately looked back at the female white-collar worker.

His face was so dark that he couldn't see it.

Angrily said: "Go to the personnel department and the finance department to go through the procedures! You have been fired!"

Female white-collar workers were dumbfounded!

Boss, actually fired her directly! There is not a trace of hesitation or room for negotiation!

This is too sudden!

Female white-collar workers are naturally unwilling to give up this job!

You must know that this is the company of the Yangcheng Financial Building. Working here is tantamount to being the envy of everyone!

What is bright and beautiful! What is a successful person?

One position can decide all of this!

As a result... I don't know what happened, I am going to be fired!

"Boss! Why are you firing me!"

Female white-collar workers said aggrievedly.

Boss Zhou coldly snorted, "Isn't that scene just enough? You actually bullied a courier?"

The white-collar worker looked blank.

"But... he's just a courier!"

In the eyes of female white-collar workers, is it not normal to bully him by oneself?

After all, there is so much difference between himself and his status.

Boss Zhou spoke earnestly.

"This is not a question of identity and status, nor is it a question of position! It's just a question of life!"

"I can hear you clearly, you make people afraid of the 20th floor! This is too much!"

"Even if you have an advantage, you can't do this!"

Female staff...

A look dumbfounded.


Tang Ke then began to deliver express delivery.

Of course, Tang Ke is not all that kind of order-style express delivery.

Some simply take the courier to the base, and then deliver it to a certain area.

Tang Ke discovered that he seemed to be assigned a special position.

It's the kind of courier who fills up the seat.

The average courier has his own fixed area of ​​responsibility.

But Tang Ke, there is no fixed area, where things go.

After sending it for a day, Tang Ke felt a trace of fatigue.

After all, the intensity of this work is too much different from the intensity of the previous open Didi.

When I opened Didi, there were only a few orders a day, but now, there are hardly too many idle times a day.

In the evening, Tang Ke received calls from other people and gathered with his previous boss.

This is already a fixed formula.

Tang Ke would have a meal with them when he was free.

After all, Tang Ke doesn't always accompany beautiful women every day.

In the evening, Tang Ke called Ning Lie, Zhang Tianlong and the others, and went to the Lin Ji restaurant for dinner.

Even Long Yunqiang and the others were called.

After all, I was eating with a bunch of men, not chatting and shopping with beautiful women.

So I called a lot of people.


Lin Kee Restaurant.

A bunch of bosses have arrived early, some with female secretaries and some with assistants.

The crowds of people are all old faces too.

We started talking very well.

"How's it going? How's the business going?"

"Very good, too?"

"Thanks to you, it's good, we have time, and we can continue to work together hahaha..."

"Go, go to the private room first!"

Several people entered the private room.

At this time, Ning Lie and Wang Zhendong were inside.

Then Zhang Tianlong, whose text was beating, also walked in with the female secretary.

After seeing each other, several people were a little at a loss.

This Tianlong is really a newcomer in their circle.

When Zhang Tianlong saw that Tang Ke was not there, he thought he had gone in the wrong place.

Quickly looked back.

Hey, that's not right! This private room number is correct!

"The two are also friends of Mr. Tang Ke?"

Zhang Tianlong asked curiously, Ning Lie and Wang Zhendong nodded immediately.

"Yes, yes, surely this big guy is too? Please come in, please come in!"

"By the way, this is my business card..."

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