Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 269 I didn't expect this house to belong to Tang Ke

Li Chen felt inexplicably happy when he mentioned that Tang Ke was delivering a courier.

People, only to see that others are inferior to oneself, can make oneself feel more comfortable.

Li Chen hugged Li Yan, and said happily: "Fortunately, you followed me back then. If you followed Tang Ke, that day...tsk tsk."

The words are not finished, but the depreciation of Tang Ke is self-evident.

Hearing what Li Chen said, Li Yan also felt quite reasonable at this time.

Shuai is really useless.

Just at this time……

A tricycle is coming!

A handsome guy, wearing slippers and a torn bag, sits leisurely on it!

Tang Ke!

The reason why Tang Ke came so late was that he prepared these things specially.

Since you are a landlord, you have to have the landlord’s iconic things.

What kind of chartered wife, what he will do!

Only then can there be a sense of ritual, so happy!

What is professional? This is professional!

"Hey? Tang Ke?"

"Li Yan, Li Chen?"

Several people looked at each other, all a little surprised.

"You are here..."

Tang Ke just asked if they were coming to rent a house, Li Chen suddenly interrupted Tang Ke.

"Tang Ke, are you... too miserable, right? Just after delivering the courier, are you here to pick up the trash at this time?"

Li Yan hurriedly pulled Li Chen, even if the other party was picking up trash, he couldn't say that!

Too bad for others!

However, Li Chen on the matter, seeing Tang Ke like this, had already laughed from ear to ear.

Tang Ke looked dumbfounded.

Picking up trash?

After looking at the broken bag in his hand, he understood why Li Chen said that.

However, Tang Ke has confirmed that Li Chen and Li Yan are here to rent a house.

But this thing is a bit strange! Obviously, their milk tea shop has such a high monthly income.

Why do you still have to come to rent a house?

It stands to reason that buying a house with a mortgage loan is easy!

Tang Ke was still wondering, Li Chen couldn't help showing his superiority in front of Tang Ke.

"I said Tang Ke, how do you say it is also a top student of Yangcheng University!"

"Delivering courier can understand, you do all the work of picking up trash! This is too shameless, right?"

"If you are really short of money, and there are more ways to make money, is it necessary?"

"Is it because you can't find a good job? For the sake of your classmates, how about I find you a job?"

"Five thousand a month, although not much, but for you, it should be a lot."

"And the important thing is that I don't lose face in this job!"

"It's better than you deliver the courier and pick up the trash again, right?"

Li Chen's Balabala is almost like turning on the switch of his own pretense.

After all, it is still difficult for a person of his level to pretend to be in front of others.

It's not like those bosses with tens of millions, hundreds of millions, can easily pretend to be in front of others.

He Li Chen would not necessarily meet someone who could make him pretend to be compared in a hundred lifetimes.

Now that I met Tang Ke, I finally had the opportunity, so naturally I had to take it well.

Li Yan felt that her husband had done too much.

He quickly stopped Li Chen and said, "Tang Ke, don't worry about it. In fact, what you do is the same."

"How can there be any sense of nobility and inferiority? As long as it is one's own struggle to make money."

Tang Ke looked at Li Yan in surprise: "You two are married?"


With that said, Li Yan was a little happy.

At this moment, the security guard suddenly saw Tang Ke!

Isn't this the big landlord of your own community!

Run over to say hello!

He said respectfully: "Mr. Tang Ke, hello, you can tell us when you are here!"

Tang Ke said leisurely: "It is not necessary to tell what to tell."

"I will show them the house. They want to rent a house. You don't have to worry about us."

The security guard left.

Seeing this scene, Li Yan and Li Chen were dumbfounded!


Is this taking us to see the room?

That is to say, Tang Ke is the landlord of this house?


Li Yan just reacted, and hurriedly asked: "Tang Ke, you...the one who called just it you?"

Only then did Li Yan react, how could this voice sound so familiar.

It turned out to be Tang Ke's voice!

Tang Ke also reacted at this time, and said calmly: "I didn't even hear this voice."

Li Chen couldn't believe it, and shouted.

"Something's wrong! Tang Ke, you have a house here? The house here, but a set costs five or six million!"

"This is not a house that a courier can afford!"

Tang Ke smiled contemptuously: "There are many things, it's a long story..."

He hasn't said that the entire community is his own!

At this time, Li Chen already had the urge to find a place to hide!

I just pretended to be in front of Tang Ke just now, but now I see that people can hang themselves in a house!

This slap is too fast!

It's like a slap in the face at the speed of light!

Finally, the sense of superiority that I had had, at this time, has also disappeared.

If you mess around, you are the worst one!

The clown turned out to be myself!

Besides, now Tang Ke, maybe he is thinking about himself in his heart!

Li Yan was okay, after all, she didn't look down on Tang Ke much just now.

"Tang Ke, shall we go see the house together?"

As Li Yan said, Tang Ke also took the two and entered the community under the watchful eye of the security guard.

"The environment in this community is really good!"

"so big!"

Li Yan took a look and suddenly fell in love with this community.

Li Chen could only talk in an embarrassing way, saying, "How much did you buy for this house?"

Tang Ke...


This house system sent it! Where is the money?

But I can't say that I don't know.

I could only say vaguely: "Five million, right?"

When Li Chen heard this number, he immediately covered his head.



His mind began to calculate.

Five million, the down payment is at least one million, and for 20 years, more than 20,000 will be repaid every month!

After all, this is a mortgage and the interest is very high.

Tang Ke is really a very rich person!

But at this time... Tang Ke walked around the community and suddenly discovered a serious problem.

Because the entire community is their own, so Li Chen and Li Yan and the others are renting the house, I don't know!


Is it possible to find a house casually?

It's even more impossible.

Tang Ke could only ask embarrassedly: "By the way, which house are you looking at?"

Li Chen and Li Yan were speechless at the time!

Look dazed!

What does it mean?

Isn’t it a set? Are there many more sets?

Seeing the surprised expressions of the two, Tang Ke could only conceal his embarrassment with a light cough.

"Sorry, I don't come often, so I forgot where the house is..."

The two are even more confused!

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