This is the house that Tang Ke bought by himself!

five million!

Such an expensive house, if you can't find the place and location, you can't find it?

Don't treat money as money too, right?

Or what is this? The new style of outfitting?

Seeing the scene getting more and more awkward, Tang Ke gritted his teeth.

Anyway, the entire community is its own.

Just find one anywhere!

"By the way, it should be the east house on the thirteenth floor of the three buildings! It should be this set!"

"I'm going to find the key!"

With that, Tang Ke was about to dig his pockets.

There are those sports car keys and bank cards in this pocket, where are the keys!

Tang Ke just remembered that the keys are in the property company!

"Security, come here!"

Tang Ke hurriedly greeted the security.

The security guard rushed to Tang Ke's side and said respectfully: "May I ask what's the matter?"

"Help me get the key to the east house on the thirteenth floor of the three buildings."

The security nodded immediately.

Then ran off quickly on an electric car.

Within a few minutes, I came back.

With a bunch of keys.

The security guard arrived in front of Tang Ke and said very intimately: "Mr. Tang Ke, there are relatively few rooms rented out in Building 3."

"None of the thirteenth to seventeenth floors were rented out."

"I brought all the keys. You can choose which room you want to rent."

Tang Ke suddenly felt ashamed.

Laozi wants to be low-key, not to pretend to be a comparison!

When you say this, don't you expose everything?

Sure enough, Li Yan and Li Chen next to them were completely dumbfounded!

Somewhat sluggishly, he looked at the key in the guard's hand.

Stuttering: "Tang"

Li Yan followed in surprise and said, "This...a building? Is it all yours?"

Tang Ke said embarrassedly: "No, no, just a few sets..."

Li Chen was holding his head with a headache!

Uncomfortable, want to cry!

A few sets, that's it!

What is it! There are already tens of millions of numbers?

Look at Tang Ke, then look at yourself, it's like a heaven and an underground!

Over the years, I have simply lived on a dog!

Li Chen, who has always been very confident, has already begun to doubt his life at this time.

Next, Tang Ke took the two to see the house.


Encountered many tenants!

All of them had paid the rent and knew Tang Ke.

At least know that this is their landlord!

"Man, landlord! Long time no see!"

"Good noon, handsome landlord!"

"Rent a house again? Handsome guy?"

Watching these people greet Tang Ke enthusiastically.

Li Chen and Li Yan already felt as if they were living in a dream.

How many suites are there?

With so many tenants, how could it be the tenants of several suites?


An enthusiastic tenant suddenly arrived next to Tang Ke.

"Landlord, I heard that you brought people to rent a house, why didn't you find a property company to help you?"

"With so many sets, how can you do it all by yourself?"

So many sets...

Tang Ke coughed slightly.

"I wanted to keep a low profile and get along with you as an ordinary person, but there is no way, I have a showdown."

"Actually, the entire community belongs to me..."

Li Chen...

Li Yan...

Wan face stunned!


After renting the house, Tang Ke continued to deliver the courier.

This time it is also a same-city express, which will be delivered within two hours.

As soon as I received the order, a chat window popped up, which belonged to the recipient.

The other person's avatar should be a self-portrait, it's pretty pretty.

The female customer happily wrote: "Brother express, help me bring a box of cigarettes."

"Money waits until I give it to you, love you!"

Tang Ke took a look...

Well, it's really enthusiastic.

But Tang Ke is still very upright!

Immediately replied: "Sorry, I have a girlfriend!"


The other young lady directly furious.

"I said the cigarette brand I wanted loves you! Who loves you? Don't be affectionate, okay?"

Tang Ke... embarrassing!

The name of this cigarette is too weird, right?

Riding a tricycle, Tang Ke took his things and went to his destination.

As soon as I arrived at this office building, I was stopped by a security guard.

"Sorry, the express can't get in!"

Tang Ke immediately sent a message to the female client.

"Security won't let in, you can get things by yourself."

"Then what clothes are you wearing? I'm looking for you."

"Don't look at the clothes, look at the most handsome person, it's me."

See Tang Ke's reply.

The beauty chuckled and laughed.

There really are such people! Ha ha ha ha……

Really confident!

But when the beauty really got downstairs, she was stunned!

A man not far away, suave and romantic!

Very handsome!

He is really the most handsome guy on the street!

"I didn't expect you to be so handsome!"

The beauty walked to Tang Ke and said in surprise.

Tang Ke shook his head confidently: "That's natural. In terms of being handsome, I haven't lost anyone yet."

Miss sister blushed suddenly.

The beauty got something, but she didn't want to be separated from Tang Ke.

A brainstorm! Quickly said: "Brother, look at this cigarette, what's the brand?"

Tang Ke sneered.

Routine me?

You are too young!

"The brand is Hongxi Tobacco!"

Beauty, with a dazed look.

Watching Tang Ke walk away freely.


After a short rest, Tang Ke started the tricycle again and delivered the express.

This time, I also sent a document to the office building.

This time, the security did not stop Tang Ke, regarding the regulations on not letting couriers, delivery staff, and outsiders come in.

Every building is different.

When Tang Ke took the elevator, he saw a beautiful woman with blond curly hair.

The two took the elevator together.

As soon as he reached the fourth floor, a man walked in.

The man glanced at the blonde beauty, his eyes quickly became complicated.

Tang Ke saw it, yes, there is a story!

But why do you look so familiar with this plot?

At this moment, the man spoke slowly.

"Have you... been doing well recently?"


The blonde girl answered calmly, without any expression.

The man said helplessly: "If it weren't for your mother, we might have been together."

"I'm having a good time with your mother now, don't worry..."

Tang Ke was not surprised when he heard it!


Brother has already experienced many battles now, this matter will not surprise Tang Ke too much!

The blonde girl was taciturn at first, but didn't know why.

After hearing the man talking like this, he suddenly came with a sense of fighting.

He said proudly: "By the way, your dad asked me to say something to you, so don't worry about him."

"Also, you consider whether to call my mother or not. If you don't, don't come to the wedding."

Tang Ke...


Completely dumbfounded!

Depend on!

Laozi still has too little practice! Can't play with you city people!

What mom and dad, girlfriend and boyfriend...

This is too messy, right?

You really can't afford it! Can't afford it!

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