Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 273 Don't Always Waste Money

"There is no way, I can only find hourly workers or babysitters to do things."


The sisters were so envious of seeing Liu Sha like this!

No need to do anything!

"You said that, the expensive diamond ring is really not suitable for wearing on your hand."

"I suddenly felt the pain of the rich."

"No la……"

Liu Sha's hippy smile was very proud.

Continue talking.

"You don't know, my husband graduated from U.S. University! He is still in his own family business now."

"He is now working as a supervisor every day, saying that sooner or later he will inherit the family property."

"The company is not very big, and the market value is only a few hundred million..."

A few sisters took a look, envy!

I want to cry with envy!

How happy are these days?

Liu Luyao's face was very calm.

"Congratulations, Liu Sha, so you can have a very happy time in the United States, and we will be happy too."

Liu Luyao's reaction was too plain, which caused Liu Sha to not pretend to have the kind of pleasure.

At this moment, she felt embarrassed.

It’s okay for you to flatter loudly!

It’s not enough!

Liu Sha started offensive again!

"By the way, Lu, your boyfriend delivered the courier, right?"

"Do you only do this kind of work?"

"There is no future for this, right? In a place like Yangcheng, you have to have a side job for anything, right?"


Hearing this, Liu Luyao was a little dazed.

There seems to be such a thing, but Tang Ke has too many side jobs.

"He... seems to have opened a shop."

Liu Luyao tilted his head, thinking hard.

When I was with Tang Ke, I didn't care what kind of industry Tang Ke had.

So even if Liu Luyao wanted to think about it, it was a little troublesome.

"Oh! Not bad!"

Liu Sha looked at Liu Luyao with a very capable expression.

"You boyfriend, although you are delivering express delivery, you are quite motivated!"

"What shop? Milk tea shop?"

Said, Liu Sha still laughed.

The other sisters also laughed.

What kind of store they opened and delivered the courier, I thought this person was a bit funny.

Even if you make money, it feels silly to look at it.

"Are you ready to be the boss?"

Liu Sha continued sarcastically.

It seems to be sought after, but actually looks down on Liu Luyao.

But Liu Luyao is not deeply involved in the world, and he thinks of Tang Ke.

I feel extremely sweet in my heart.

So he just blushed and lowered his head.

It would be interesting to think that if you and Tang Ke really opened a small shop and be the proprietress by yourself.

"That's right... My husband said, there is a dinner in the evening, and everyone will go together."

"I'm going to a particularly tall restaurant this time!"

Liu Sha seemed to have thought of this suddenly.

Talking quickly, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone.

"Look at me, patronizing and chatting, I forgot about this matter!"

"Six o'clock dinner, but also order! I am afraid it will be troublesome!"

The other girlfriends looked at them and immediately helped her out.

"Call now, is it time?"

"It must be too late."

"Why don't you find someone you know?"

"Who knows anyone? I just returned home..."

Liu Sha looked a little overwhelmed, but she was as stable as an old dog in her heart!

She just wanted to pretend this time.

So deliberately looking for something here.

Looking at Liu Luyao, a sister spoke again.

"It's better to let Lu Yao specify it! There should be some people you know in Yangcheng, right?"

Liu Luyao just wanted to agree.

Liu Sha immediately objected: "No, whoever my husband knows is not a super boss?"

"How can Lu Yao think of a solution?"

"I gonna go see!"

Liu Sha pretended to do, and then said.

"I heard that the Linji restaurant in Yangcheng and the Sheffield Hotel are very good."

"Still think of a way to spend in these two places!"

Upon hearing this proposal, the surrounding sisters immediately exclaimed in a low voice.

"These two places are the most upscale places in Yangcheng!"

"And neither of these places can be booked by ordinary people!"

Liu Luyao just remembered that Tang Ke seemed to be the boss of these two places?

But Liu Luyao didn't want to do anything for Liu Sha.

Quietly watching what she wanted to do.


On the other side, Tang Ke had just arrived at the hotel where Liu Luyao was, and happened to see the Dia flagship store.

This is a special counter set up in the hotel.

Presumably Liu Luyao and the others talked about the Dia flagship store just now because they saw this counter.

And this counter is in the lobby.

Liu Luyao and the others could see this counter in their field of vision.

How about a surprise to meet Liu Luyao?

Thinking, Tang Ke walked in.

I randomly found a few jewelry, paid the bill and wrapped it up.

The beauty clerk at Dia's flagship store was surprised.

"Handsome guy, these cost more than two million!"

Although the sound is not loud, it is heard by everyone around it.

A group of people immediately looked over curiously.

Of course, Liu Luyao and Liu Sha also noticed.

See Tang Ke.

Liu Sha was stunned immediately.

"This handsome handsome!"

And he bought more than two million pieces of jewelry without changing his face!

Swiping card!

This swipe posture is so handsome!

Tang Ke took these jewelry and looked around.

I just saw Liu Luyao who was looking at him.

Of course, it was not just Liu Luyao who looked at Tang Ke.

Almost everyone in the hall was watching Tang Ke.

Tang Ke went straight to Liu Luyao.

The sisters, Liu Sha, immediately speeded up their heartbeat!

so hot!

I am!

The heart can't stand it!

He has come over!

Did it come to me?

Liu Sha started to make up for it in her heart.

This handsome guy must be a partner when his husband met!

I secretly saw what I looked like, so now I see myself, come over and say hello!

I didn't notice that there is such a handsome guy!

After all, except for myself, it is impossible for the sisters around to know such a powerful person!

Liu Sha is very confident.

He stood up directly from his seat.

Say hello to Tang Ke confidently!

"Hello, are you A Quan's friend?"

Tang Ke...

A look dumbfounded.

"I... don't know me?"


Silence, embarrassment.

At this moment, Liu Luyao stood up happily.

Looking at Tang Ke excitedly.

"You are here so late!"

Tang Ke looked at Liu Luyao adoringly, handed her the things, and then touched her head and said.

"No way, the express detoured suddenly."

"Didn't I apologize to you? See if you like it or not."

Liu Luyao looked at these jewelry, a little unhappy.

"Don't always buy me these things!"

"It's a waste of money. The last time I saw this ring was more than ten million!"

"This is too expensive!"

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