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Chapter 274: Liu Sha Knows To Acknowledge Her Mistakes

Facing Liu Luyao's complaint.

Tang Ke said calmly, "Isn't this diamond ring an official gift?"

"Today's these are just small gifts to please you casually."

"It's not the same, how can this be squandering money?"

"This is all to make you happy."

Liu Sha...

Look confused!

The other two sisters were dumbfounded at this time.

A gift of more than ten million can be considered a gift. Are these millions of gifts all small gifts?

Or just bought it at hand?

You casually went out with what they have always dreamed of in this life!

This is too speechless!

Liu Sha was completely dumbfounded.

But she was dumbfounded not by this matter, but by this Haydn diamond ring, which was actually true!

Not a stall!

Really tens of millions of genuine original products!

Raising your hand to look at this diamond ring, it is like a slap in the face crazy!

I just pretended to be more happier than pretended to be, how embarrassing I am now!

If you change to other people, maybe you can say coldly about yourself at this time, you don't have the ability to refute it!

If other people pretend to be here, Liu Sha might not think so.

But Tang Ke is different!

They just spent two million to buy such an expensive thing as if they were buying flowers for a girlfriend!


I can't control the reaction of people like them at all.

Liu Luyao just felt extremely sweet at this time.

"Thank you."

With that said, Liu Luyao shyly accepted Tang Ke's gift.

He also threw himself into Tang Ke's arms.

Tang Ke also hugged Liu Luyao.

The sisters were very envious and hated at this time!

Handsome guys and beautiful women, it's enviable to hug each other so happily at this time!

And this Tang Ke is so handsome!

Tang Ke smiled.

Said to Liu Sha: "You are Liu Luyao's sister, right?"

"Hello, looking at the way you were just now, what seems to be the problem?"

"You can let me help, after all, you are Liu Luyao's friend."

Liu Sha just talked about the meal order and the hotel.

Tang Ke asked calmly, "How many people are going?"

"About a dozen people..."

In fact, Liu Sha’s husband just asked Liu Sha to book a similar restaurant.

But Liu Sha has a good face, so he said the name of the most luxurious place in Yangcheng.

Tang Ke smiled indifferently.

"Manager Yang, this is Tang Ke, and there is a Ms. Liu Sha who wants to order food at Lin Ji Restaurant."

"A dozen people, at six o'clock in the evening, you can arrange it."

"Ok, no problem."

The general manager quickly agreed.

Tang Ke hung up the phone.

Seeing this scene, Liu Sha was completely dumbfounded.

One call can be solved!

This is one of the most luxurious hotels in Yangcheng!

Really, who is this Tang Ke?

You should know that Lin Ji Restaurant is a place where you can only make an appointment a few months in advance to make an appointment!

Tang Ke said to Liu Sha indifferently: "You are welcome to eat at Lin Ji Restaurant. I will give you a 10% discount."


Liu Sha was even more surprised.

Since the discount is available, it means that Tang Ke must be the boss of this place!

Otherwise, how could one simply decide not to discount?

At this time, Liu Sha was already shocked and didn't know what to say.

Tang Ke smiled: "Small business, small shop business."

It turned out that Tang Ke's sideline was this!

At this time Liu Sha really wanted to find a place to run out.

I couldn't see Liu Luyao's boyfriend.


People’s boyfriends are so much better than what I imagined!

This is the real boss!

Was severely slapped in the face by this big guy!

Although Liu Sha was filled with grief and anger.

But there is still a sensible heart, such a powerful person, definitely wants to make friends!

Since this face is not torn, I still have this opportunity.

Thinking of this level, Liu Sha gritted her teeth.

He immediately put on a pleasing expression and looked at Liu Luyao.

"Lu Yao, look at you, your husband is so powerful, why don't you tell me!"

Liu Luyao smiled shyly.

"It wasn't a big deal at first, anyway, Lin Ji Restaurant is indeed a small shop for him."

"And... I don't actually know his industry..."


Top restaurants like Lin Ji Restaurant are just small shops for Tang Ke?

How terrible is Tang Ke's industry?

Liu Sha was shocked again.

Tang Ke said calmly, "Don't worry too much about the Sheffield Hotel."

"I'll make a call."

With that, I called the president over there again.

"This is Tang Ke, and there is a lady named Liu Sha who wants to book a luxurious suite at the Sheffield Hotel."

"You go and arrange it."

After finishing this, Tang Ke hung up the phone.

Pulling Liu Luyao and saying happily: "Miss Liu Sha, your affairs are arranged."

"Then I will take my cutie and leave."

After speaking, he took Liu Luyao and left.

Only Liu Sha with a bewildered look was left.

One phone call, the Seven Stars Hotel was destroyed!

This Tang Ke, maybe the owner of the Sheffield Hotel?

If so, it would be terrible, but if not.

It's not easy to understand.

Liu Sha hesitated for a long time and decided to go to the Sheffield Hotel to confirm!

A phone call was made.

"Hello, this is Liu Sha, I want to book a luxurious suite."

The customer service voice on the other side spoke very respectfully.

"Hello, Miss Liu Sha, the manager has already explained your business to us."

"Please mention if you have any requirements. We have reserved thirteen rooms for you. You can choose whatever you want!"

Liu Sha...

Has been completely dumbfounded.

The manager personally explained! This is definitely not a simple thing!

The other sisters also looked at each other at this time.

They can't understand what happened.

Because people at their level can't imagine the feeling of owning a seven-star hotel!


At this time, Liu Sha suddenly realized a problem!

That's causing trouble by yourself!

If you let your husband know, you can pretend to be such an awesome girlfriend.

This result... can hardly imagine!

Will be broken up for sure!

No matter what, I must apologize to Liu Luyao.

She rushed out of the hotel immediately.

I just saw Tang Ke taking Liu Luyao into the car, this car, the top-fitting Koenigsegg!

Liu Sha is dumbfounded again!

It is worthy of such a big boss, going out is a luxury car of tens of millions of levels!

regardless of costs!

Liu Sha rushed in front of Tang Ke, and immediately grabbed Liu Luyao's hand!


A plop!

Kneel down to Liu Luyao!

Liu Luyao looked dumbfounded at this time!

I don't know exactly what Liu Sha wants to do.

Liu Sha said with a sad face: "Lu Yao, I was wrong just now..."

"I shouldn't look down on people!"

"I shouldn't even look down on you!"

"I already knew I was wrong, can you forgive me? Can you continue to be friends with me?"

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