In fact, Liu Luyao didn't take this matter to heart at all, so there wasn't a trace of grievance at all.

Just said indifferently: "They are all friends, how can I get angry with this little thing?"

Seeing that Liu Luyao is so generous, Liu Sha...

Suddenly shocked!

"thanks, thanks!"

In fact, this is the problem between villains and gentlemen.

The gentleman wouldn't mind these things at all, but the villain felt that such things would be brooding.

That's why Liu Luyao would not pretend to be in front of Liu Sha.

But Liu Sha really wanted to pretend to be in front of Liu Luyao.

Tang Ke looked at his watch.

Remind: "It's late, it's time to go."

Only then did Liu Sha realize that she was wasting the time of other bosses!

Hurry up and apologize.

"I'm sorry, I wasted your time!"

"You guys go slowly!"

At this time Liu Sha, it was as if all the tutors that had been lost in the previous decades had been made up.

Don't be more polite.

Respectfully send Tang Ke and Liu Luyao out.

on the car.

Tang Ke raised his mouth slightly, and asked curiously.

"This is your girlfriend?"

Liu Luyao also knew what Tang Ke was talking about.

So he said indifferently: "Liu Sha was actually pretty good before going abroad."

"But everything changed after going abroad..."

Tang Ke can understand, after all, the foreign environment is different from the domestic one.

Many people only realize how good money is after they have gone abroad.

At this moment, Liu Luyao saw a crane grabbing machine on the side of the road!

Get excited immediately.

"Go and catch the doll!"

She changed back to her former vitality girl.

After playing with Liu Luyao for less than half an hour, Tang Ke received a call inexplicably.

"Tang Ke! Why don't you come to the impromptu meeting?"

The voice on the other end of the phone sounded a little angry.

Tang Ke was very familiar with this voice.

This is his team leader.

The couriers are generally allocated according to the courier point.

But because Tang Ke delivered the same city express, it was different from those people.

There is a team leader who is specifically responsible for them, and the manager is above them.

On the top are the people at the company headquarters.

After all, it is always something the company owns, so there are always many rules and regulations to manage.

Although the couriers are very free most of the time.

The daily work is only done according to the order.

In many cases, the team leader is actually useless and has no real power.

However, some people just think it is a simple group leader.

Is that also an official?

So it's like taking a chicken feather as an arrow. Some people like to make trouble at this time.

This group leader of Tang Ke is such a person.

Now this temporary meeting is undoubtedly giving myself a sense of existence.

Because this group is very long like the eldest child of the gourd, they gave it the nickname of the big gourd.

This big gourd is also a wonderful work.

Hearing this person's call, Tang Ke simply felt that he shouldn't have a headache.

Tang Ke had come into contact with this big gourd several times before.

What do you often say, oh, look at me, work hard!

Can earn more than 10,000 a month!

Sooner or later I will reach the pinnacle of life and become an indispensable part of the company!

I am different from you! How hard do I work?

We should just work hard for the company!

Because this person always talks about the company at every turn, and he does work hard.

That's why the company gave him the position of team leader.

But after he got this position, he didn't do anything serious.

What kind of ad hoc meetings are often held. These ad hoc meetings are basically who made a mistake.

Whoever was in trouble, he used to mock and reprimand others.

As long as there is a complaint, he will inform everyone of the matter with great fanfare.

Constantly making a fuss!

In this way, you can show your own status and act like a leader.

This is cool for him, but the courier guy who got caught is in trouble.

So under his hands, several couriers have already left.

Fortunately, Tang Ke didn't care about these at all, otherwise Tang Ke would also leave sooner or later.

Of course, Tang Ke's action of not putting the big gourd in his eyes at all made the big gourd very upset.


Tang Ke is so handsome! Such a handsome person is in his team.

Then how can I hook up a girl!

On the other side of the phone, the big gourd was still shouting with great power.

"Hurry up and come back to me! Otherwise, I will fire you later!"

Tang Ke sneered.

I didn't want to be like you, but now you hit the muzzle by yourself, don't blame me!

Want to fire me? You have to have this book!


Tang Ke hung up the phone directly, and then blocked it!

A set of actions are flowing smoothly!

Tang Ke continued to take Liu Luyao to play.

When Da Hulu continued to call Tang Ke.

Has been hacked!

Can't connect at all!

Seeing this scene, Da Hulu's face turned black!

Depend on!

Does anyone dare to fight against Laozi these days? If you are someone else, forget it!

You are a delivery courier, and you happen to be your own subordinate, so you dare to resist yourself?

Definitely let this Tang Ke can't eat it!

Da Hulu's gloomy face was naturally seen by the other courier brothers.

After all, they were all meeting here, and Tang Ke alone did not come.

The courier brothers on the side were all startled.

Talking in a low voice beside.

"This Tang Ke is really courageous!"

"This provokes a big gourd, maybe it's over!"

"This Tang Ke, I really don't know who gave him the confidence, is it Liang Jingru?"

"Wait, he must be over tomorrow!"


Early the next morning.

Tang Ke has come to the courier point to report here.

Although it is an order, it is still necessary to check in.

At this time, the big gourd has brought together hundreds of courier brothers.

Line up here to attend class.

He is on top, it can be said to be infinite scenery.

Speaking proudly.

"Those of us who deliver express, we must have rules! No rules can't make a circle!"

"Team building, listen to me! I am your boss, you must be obedient!"

"Do you understand?"

Everyone... looks speechless, but it's not easy to refute.

He is a petty official after all.

Da Hulu glared at Tang Ke immediately.

"Tang Ke, come out!"

Tang Ke smiled, this person is really interesting.

Go out! Who is afraid of whom, right?

Let this kid know what the real cow ratio is today!

"Yesterday, you blocked me, didn't you?"

The big gourd came up and asked in a frantic manner.

Before Tang Ke could answer, he immediately continued talking.

"Your behavior is a provocation to me!"

"It's also a challenge to company leaders, do you know?"

"This time the problem is very serious! Let me tell you!"

Tang Ke almost laughed, leader?

Are you a little boss delivering couriers, still leading?

It was almost like a cannonball, and the big gourd continued to talk.

"What about your performance? Let me see, why on earth do you dare to do this!"

"Do you usually work harder than me?"

With that, he took out the form that usually records everyone's performance and looked at it.

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