By them all

This look...

Suddenly dumbfounded.

Then came immense anger.

"Damn! You do it for two hours a day? Are you crazy? What are you doing every day?"

The other courier brothers were even more shocked when they heard this!

Damn it!

What's happening here?

Those of them who deliver express delivery take at least ten hours a day!

Some people even give 13 or 4 hours!


Tang Ke gives two hours a day?

Tang Ke said calmly: "I am different from you, I have a lot of things."

"Two hours a day is already my limit."

Big gourd...

Look speechless!

Others don’t know what to say!

"Tang Ke, you only do two hours a day? I don't think you are suitable for this job!"

"From now on, you have been fired and will not be used tomorrow!"

The big gourd stood high up, speaking indifferently.

It was so cool when I said this, it was like manipulating Tang Ke's life here!

He has wanted to say this for a long time!

Tang Ke curled his lips, just you?

That's it?

Still want to fire me?

Before Tang Ke could say anything, Da Hulu immediately began to talk endlessly.

"Hey, these express delivery companies are really not as good as one!"

"The two-hour delivery a day is out!"

"When can you learn from me? Look at me? I used to work quite hard!"

"If you can have one-tenth of mine, it will be enough to feed on your own!"

"If you worked as hard as I did, you would have already reached the pinnacle of your life!"

"Do you know what my commission is this month?"

"Speaking out scares you, but I raised 20,000 yuan!"

A bunch of courier brothers listened...

Almost knelt down for him! A commission of 20,000 yuan a month is really amazing!

"Big Gourd Brother Niubi! Twenty thousand commission a month!"

"With salary, at least twenty-seven thousand!"

"It's a big gourd brother! It's Niubi!"

"The first person to express!"

After listening to Tang Ke, he felt that it was indeed amazing.

After all, Tang Ke understood that if he can make so much money in a month, he still needs some ability.

Originally, the company didn't give much money to send an express mail.

Being able to earn 20,000 yuan a month is really amazing.

Being so touted by this group of people makes Da Hulu even happier.

Hurry up and reprimand Tang Ke.

"see it?"

"Although I am not like you, I have gone to college and still have knowledge."

"But I work hard! Hard work!"

"Among the delivery people, I say that I am the second. No one dares to recognize the first!"

"I'm still renting a house in Tangjia Community. The rent in this place is very expensive!"

The people around listened.

"Damn! Big gourd brother is awesome!"

Generally these people who come to work are renting houses, and the places where they rent houses are also very remote places.

After all, the more deviated the place, the cheaper the rent!

This is especially true in places like Yangcheng.

On the outskirts of the city, renting a house may cost six hundred and one thousand a month.

But if you get to the city, the inner ring, it will directly skyrocket to five thousand or even six thousand!

The courier brothers around, exclaimed!

"Tangjia Community, I know, the environment is particularly good!"

"The rent is not cheap!"

"Group leader, he has already reached the pinnacle of his life!"

"You can live in this kind of community only by delivering couriers. Is the group leader the first person?"

"You deserve to be a big brother!"

Tang Ke... his face was dumbfounded!

Are you really a tenant of Tangjia Community? Can the tenants of Tangjia Community still know themselves?

I have been collecting rent in Tangjia Community for such a long time, and I have also established a WeChat group.

It stands to reason that if you don't know your tenants, they almost don't exist!


In fact, Tang Ke didn't know that the big gourd was in the Tangjia community, and he didn't know Tang Ke, it was normal.


Da Hulu is rented together with other people!

The rent for a room is seven thousand a month, how can he afford it alone?

The money is indeed enough, but I can't bear it!

So I shared the rent with other people, and the second landlord was busy paying the rent.

Da Hulu didn't know about Tang Ke at all.

At this time, Da Hulu didn't know that Tang Ke was the landlord here.

Also extremely proud.

Although I deliver the express by myself, I can live in this high-end community!



It's really amazing, look at the reaction of others with your arms akimbo!

Tang Ke held back his own smile and couldn't help talking.

"Are you able to live in the Tang family community? Very powerful."

"Huh...what's the Tang family community? Today is my son's birthday, and I will take him to Zixuan Pavilion for dinner!"


The other couriers exclaimed again.

"Zixuan Pavilion? I've heard of it, but it's high-end!"

"Why don't you need three or four thousand for this meal?"

"Brother Big Calabash is really rich!"

"Can't compare, can't compare!"

The big gourd laughed loudly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he simply said: "My son was arguing about going on vacation before!"

"I have arranged for him! I will go to Haicheng for a holiday in a while!"

"Aslant Hotel! Two days and three nights! Seven-star hotel, do you know?"

"I guess you haven't heard of it, right?"

"I tell you, the consumption over there is precious! The price will scare you to death!"

"It costs more than 10,000 a day and a night!"


All the courier guys are starting to envy!

envy, jealousy, hate!

He wants to go to such an expensive place!

"Expanded, this is really expanded!"

"What swell? I have a salary of more than 20,000 yuan a month. What happened to my traveling?"


It seems like this.

Others suddenly felt that the angle of view is really different!

People are rich now and don't treat this thing as money at all!

"Hey, when will I be as rich as a big gourd..."

"Kneel to the boss!"

A bunch of courier brothers were extremely envious and jealous at this time.

Kneeling and licking the big gourd.

Da Hulu was extremely proud.

Disdain! Now I am the most awesome person on this occasion!

"You haven't heard of the places I just mentioned, right?"

"Yes, it's not something people like you can know..."

Tang Ke...


How can I let him know that these things are his own property?

Tang Ke wanted to pretend to be in front of this person.

But this person is too weak, and Tang Ke doesn't know how to pretend.

At this moment, by coincidence...

Da Hulu's cell phone rang.

It's the phone number of the second landlord.

"Da Hulu, I heard that you made a lot of money last month?

On the other side of the phone, the second landlord said straightforwardly.

Da Hulu immediately felt something was wrong.

Quickly said: "Where is there, don't listen to other people's nonsense!"

"Your wife told me so, why are you talking nonsense?"

The second landlord said coldly.

"Your rent has risen now. Wasn't it three thousand? Now it's five thousand."

As soon as he heard this, the big fox immediately became angry, and he was very upset!

"Price increase? Why?"

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