Li Wenwu immediately waved his hand.

"Call me!"

In an instant, a large group of security guards came up to face Huang Shao with a fat beating!

Other Huang Shao's friends are naturally unwilling to watch Huang Shao get beaten.

So he rushed up immediately.

The private room was in a mess in an instant.

Tang Ke also smoothly took away Yu Jing.

Outside the private room, it was a lot cleaner.

Tang Ke handed the things to Yu Jing.

Yu Jing said embarrassedly: "I'm so sorry that I got you involved."

Tang Ke smiled.

"This kind of thing is not a trouble for me at all."

Leave immediately after speaking.

Seeing Tang Ke walking so decisively, Yu Jing was also a little complicated.

"Don't you think I'm not a serious woman? So you want to leave as soon as possible?"

Tang Ke stopped then.

"How come? I think you are normal?"

Yu Jing said unwillingly: "Actually I don't want to come to this kind of place..."

"But my daughter has a terminal illness... needs money to treat the disease... I really can't help it..."

With that, tears fell on Yu Jing's face.

Quite wronged and helpless.

Tang Ke was a little curious: "Where is your husband?"

"After knowing that my daughter was terminally ill, my husband ran away..."

Tang Ke was silent.

After hesitating, Tang Ke said, "I won't look down on you."

"I hope you can cheer and don't be overthrown by these things."


After leaving, Tang Ke suddenly heard the voice of the system.

[Di, it is detected that the host has completed a special order and obtained an armed helicopter...]

Tang Ke was stunned.

Damn it!

military helicopter?

This thing is awesome!


Tang Ke continued to deliver express.

The order this time is a bit special, and I actually let myself deliver the things on the rooftop.

Tang Ke quickly reached the rooftop of this building.

Immediately saw a somewhat decadent young man sitting next to the rooftop.

Tang Ke was surprised.

"Aren't you going to jump off the building?"

The young man sighed: "Jumping off the building is not enough, I just change my mood."

He has encountered a lot of things recently. He has lost his job and his girlfriend has gone.

No money to pay the rent.

Get the troublesome things together, just relax here.

After Tang Ke understood these things, he was relieved.

"There will always be upsetting things in life, let go."

Tang Ke comforted.

The young man's complexion improved a lot.

"So, do you have troubles too?"

"Yeah, I also have something to worry about. Recently, I have been around several beauties."

"Either take this to play today, or take that to play tomorrow."

"I am a little tired to satisfy so many of them by myself..."

"It feels like I'm a little weak recently."

"Fortunately, I have had a good rest recently, otherwise I'm really annoying..."

"Moreover, there is so much money, I can't finish spending it, and it feels boring to spend money now..."


Listening to Tang Ke's complaints, the young man wanted to kill!

Could this be bothering you?

You are obviously showing off!

"Depend on!"

Grabbing something from Tang Ke's hand, the young man left immediately.

Before leaving, he spit out Tang Ke.


Tang Ke...

Am I not comforting you? Why is this attitude...


On this day, Tang Ke continued to deliver express.

Suddenly saw a takeaway boy in front of him, riding a bicycle, still wiping tears.

"Isn't this Xiao Wang?"

Tang Ke stopped Xiao Wang immediately.

Xiao Wang is a former colleague of Tang Ke, and he is quite nice.

Simple and simple, almost like Xiao Lizi.

At that time, Brother Tang was very kind.

However, since Tang Ke did not deliver food, there has been little contact.

Seeing Tang Ke, Xiao Wang immediately shouted: "Brother Tang."

"Can you help me? I can't live anymore..."

Tang Ke asked quickly.

Then I learned that he encountered a customer complaint.

The order given is not the same as the order requested by the customer.

This happens occasionally in takeaways, and Tang Ke also knows.

The store did not have a certain material, but refused to return the order, so I made other things for the customer.

Customers are also unwilling, it's obviously a problem between them.

But let the takeaway brother embarrassed here.

Xiao Wang said with a tragic face: "I have been complained four times... Once again, my salary this month may not be available."

"Brother Tang, help me figure out a solution!"

Xiao Wang, who was crying in tears, was really pitiful.

Tang Ke fell into thinking.

According to his own information, Xiao Wang's house is in poor conditions, and there are many places where money is needed.

Xiao Wang works very hard by himself.

Just at this time……

Xiao Wang's cell phone rang again.

"It's still this customer!"

Xiao Wang's tears were about to fall.

Tang Ke took the cell phone and answered the phone.

The customer over the phone is particularly grumpy.

"What I want is bibimbap! Not rice bowl! Let Laozi quickly change it!"

Tang Ke smiled, "This customer, please try a new product, okay?"

"No! I tell you, Laozi is already impatient, I will complain to you right away!"

With that, the phone hung up.

Tang Ke immediately called the other people.

This takeaway platform has long been Tang Ke's company.

Just find two people to solve the problem.


On the other side, the complaint call was quickly reached to the customer service.

But the customer service was greeted exactly one minute ago!

"Is it a complaint? Wait a minute..."

This wait... is ten minutes!

Seeing no response, this old man hung up and continued to fight!

Customer service complaints are usually random calls to customer service.

This time I immediately changed to a customer service.

"Is it a complaint? Can you make it clear?"

"I'm sorry I can't hear you..."

"You continue talking?"


This complaining brother was instantly dumbfounded.

Could it be that there is a problem with your phone?

Hang up and continue to fight!

Another customer service!


it's the same!

Regardless of the customer service, after seeing the object of his complaint.

There was no news immediately!

It's the same after complaining five or six times!

Complaining my brother was completely dumbfounded.

what is happening?


At this time, Tang Ke had already returned the phone to Xiao Wang.

"Don't worry, there will be no deductions from wages."

"If you have trouble, you can come to me."

Xiao Wang looked dumbfounded.

"Is this all right?"

But think about it, Tang Ke can't lie to himself, right?

After all, this is Brother Tang!


Tang Ke rode a car to deliver food.

Suddenly he was stopped by someone.

This person walked up and down the street, scornful, as if looking for a target.

Tang Ke was stopped, still a little dazed.

I saw this person say flatteringly: "Brother, do you want to get rich!?

Tang Ke frowned.

"Illegal crime?"

"How is it possible! I am a good thing that can make you famous overnight!"

Tang Ke glanced at this man contemptuously.

What new routine is this?

The man quickly took out a business card.

"Don't get me wrong, I actually do this, the director of the TV program!"

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