Originally, Tang Ke certainly didn't believe in such things.

The man handed over a business card.

It really reads the director of a TV show.

"Star" program group?

Seeing Tang Ke's somewhat surprised expression, the director looked triumphant.

"Sir, you must have heard of our show, right?"

"Our "Star" show is the hottest reality show!"

"Now we are developing a new program! It's a big courier experience!"

Tang Ke was even more dazed.

What is the courier experience?

Don’t you guys play celebrities? Why did you suddenly change your appetite?

Seeing Tang Ke still didn't seem to understand, the director continued to explain.

"That's it. Our program is to find a few popular stars, and then find a few laborers."

"Let them PK each other and experience their career outside. This event is to experience the takeaway brother!"

"This time, we have lost money! Huang Jiao, Xie Feng, and female star Yang Zan are all coming to record!"

"Experience the life of the courier brother!"

Tang Ke understands now, isn't it the Metamorphosis?

The stars mentioned by the director just now are all stars of food shows.

"Then why are you looking for me? Isn't there too many express delivery over there?"

Tang Ke asked curiously.

"Of course it's because you are handsome!"

Choreographer, don’t you know that you’re handsome, right?

"How about? With my recommendation this time, you can definitely have a chance to become popular!"

"Maybe you don't have to send couriers in the future!"

"And this time I will really let you send a few express delivery to record it, which is very interesting!"

Tang Ke had no interest in these things at all.

After all, Tang Ke didn't want to be famous at all, he really wanted to be famous, he was already famous.


Tang Ke suddenly thought of system rewards.

Generally speaking, the activities rewarded by the system are all similar activities.

For example, interact with beauties and in-depth interaction with express customers!

This time, does it count?

feel like!

After pondering for a while, Tang Ke made up his mind to give it a try!

Anyway, if something goes wrong, just let the people from Universe Shield come to deal with it!

Tang Ke is not afraid!

"Okay! I promise to give it to you!"


Inside the TV station office.

The director has now returned to the "Star" program group.

I'm having a meeting with the director here.

The director said solemnly: "Tomorrow we will start recording this episode."

"Our program is still watched by so many people because our program is very grounded!"

"Express delivery, takeaway, and the lives of the people at the bottom, let these stars have a good experience!"

"What you want is the gap between the celebrities and the people at the bottom, you should be aware of it?"

The director once again emphasized the purpose of his program.

The stars they invite every time are not simple stars.

Every star is a big boss!

Rich man!

Why let them experience? It's because they can't experience or imagine this kind of life at all!

"The effect of our program is that these rich people do things clumsy and let the audience watch!"

"But, these people are different from those at the bottom of society, and they have a high status."

"So these ordinary people don't dare to win these stars like this. The stars won in the end, happy."

"The audience is happily watching, and our show is on fire!"

As for participating in the show, how do people from the bottom of society like clowns feel?

They don't care!

As long as the program group has investment and ratings, other things are not important at all.

"A star does not distinguish the grains, his limbs are absent, but he is praised for being able to do work. This kind of scene is very funny at first sight!"

The director said happily.

He likes seeing this kind of scene.

Another person asked the director somewhat curiously.

"Director, who are the stars participating in the show this time?"

"Huang Jiao, Yang Kie, Xie Feng also have a foodie Dick, two men and two women, just right."

As soon as the director finished speaking, everyone was shocked!

"This lineup is amazing!"

"They are all very famous stars!"

"With these stars, the ratings of this show might be doubled!"

"So this show is very important. Everyone has to be careful about me, you know?"

The director spoke proudly.

This is the director's desperate fight, as long as the show is done this time, his director will be soaring!

Looking at his watch, the director said.

"Counting time, the stars should be coming soon, you go and prepare, I'll pick them up!"

The director quickly walked out of the TV station and waited a few minutes before just seeing these stars coming over.

Four super luxury cars!

Get in line!

Four stars domineering debut!

Yang Kie and Xie Feng are so handsome!

Huang Jiao and Dick are beautiful and charming!

They participated in the show this time, also to maintain their enthusiasm.

Stars, many of them have become popular.

But after becoming popular, if you don't continue to expose yourself, it will slowly fade out of people's field of vision.

So they came to participate in this show this time, just to maintain their enthusiasm.

They also attached great importance to this show.

As soon as Huang Jiao arrived, she immediately asked curiously: "Director, what is the theme of this filming?"

"Brother express delivery experience life!"


When Dick heard it, he was a little reluctant.

After all, she is a girl, frowning and saying: "How can we let us deliver the express?"

"How tired! How could I have done this kind of work?"

The director hurriedly said: "Miss Dick, it's actually not that difficult... after all, it's a show, you know..."

It means to tell her that the show crew will definitely take care of her.

Xie Feng was very energetic, and said proudly: "It's just a delivery, it's too easy!"

The others nodded.

It's not like the courier brother, who wakes up at five o'clock in the morning to deliver the courier.

They just have to pretend to deliver two or three.

Huang Jiao glanced at the director.

"Has the script been written this time? Doesn't it embarrass us?"

These stars care about their reputation.

Some people are harlequins, even if they are ashamed, they feel happy.

But they are different, they must show their perfect self in front of the audience.

The director smiled and said just like licking a dog.

"Of course you can't embarrass you! Give me some courage, I dare to make things difficult for you!"

"Still the old rules! In the script, you are all kind, passionate, clever and pleasant!"

"It's the real couriers who make the fool out of it!"

When several stars heard this, they finally felt relieved.

Smile at each other.

In fact, things like variety shows show their good side.

Then there will be no audience scolding themselves.

And it can attract countless fans!

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